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Making a Murderer Making a Murderer

08-11-2017 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
Forcing someone to submit to sodomy on the basis of threats and physical threats would seem to qualify in most civilized communities as rape.

If force and threats do not in your opinion constitute rape, how is it that Steven is supposedly guilty?

Maybe, as you say, it was wrong but hardly rape.
The testimony you linked to was a girl who claimed kratz asked her to be submissive and give him a blowjob and she did as he said. She said she was scared and didn't want to but she didn't tell him no or ask him to stop. In fact she seemed to do everything he asked, even begging him to give him a blowjob.

What makes it wrong is it could be implied based on what she said that if she didn't do what he asked he was going to turn her in or whatever. The gray area lies in the fact that he didn't say he would turn her in if she didn't do what he said. He said he would turn her in if she didn't listen to what he had to say.

All this according to her.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 01:29 AM
Not sure where you're getting the sodomy claim from. She said it was a blowjob and the case you linked from june of 2014 appears to be talking about the same woman. They use more vague language in the 2014 case like "forced sex" but it doesn't appear that is what happened from her testimony.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 01:33 AM
Yep, pretty sure its the same person. Of course names are redacted but what are the odds two people reported a similar incident to their probation officer in sept of 2010?

When you say multiple women accused kratz of rape is that what you were talking about?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
The testimony you linked to was a girl who claimed kratz asked her to be submissive and give him a blowjob and she did as he said. She said she was scared and didn't want to but she didn't tell him no or ask him to stop. In fact she seemed to do everything he asked, even begging him to give him a blowjob.

What makes it wrong is it could be implied based on what she said that if she didn't do what he asked he was going to turn her in or whatever. The gray area lies in the fact that he didn't say he would turn her in if she didn't do what he said. He said he would turn her in if she didn't listen to what he had to say.

All this according to her.
What the hell is wrong with you?

You left out the part where Kratz the prosecutor threatened that he could make trouble for her, jam her up in court, if she didn't do as he said.

You left out the part where he physically restrained her while he sexually abused her.

You left out the part where she lived in fear that Kratz would rape her again.

Why are you lying about what the victim reported?

I understand if you think Steven might be guilty of murder.

I do not understand why you deliberately lie to cover up for Kratz.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by fraleyight

Are you seriously pretending these things are equivalent? I could see your point if we were talking about something like a drug charge, but we're not. We are talking about whether or not a man accused of a brutal murder has a history of violent sociopathic behavior.
All the stuff that is not evidence of murder is irrelevant.

adjective: irrelevant

not connected with or relevant to something.

synonyms: beside the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, extraneous, inapposite, inapplicable.

The only rape Steven was convicted of was actually in fact literally committed by another person, Gregory Allen. Steven was innocent.

For someone so concerned that we see unproven accusations be taken as evidence of 'violent sociopathic behavior' you are doing a hell of a job defending Ken Kratz who brutally raped a woman knowing that his position as DA would protect him.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
What the hell is wrong with you?

You left out the part where Kratz the prosecutor threatened that he could make trouble for her, jam her up in court, if she didn't do as he said.

You left out the part where he physically restrained her while he sexually abused her.

You left out the part where she lived in fear that Kratz would rape her again.

Why are you lying about what the victim reported?

I understand if you think Steven might be guilty of murder.

I do not understand why you deliberately lie to cover up for Kratz.
I didn't leave any of that out, none of that was said according to her. Kratz said if she didn't listen to him "he would jam her up" He didn't tell her to have sex with him or shed be in trouble.

I didn't see anything about physically restraining her.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:54 AM
I am done with you. You are a liar who defends rape.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
All the stuff that is not evidence of murder is irrelevant.

adjective: irrelevant

not connected with or relevant to something.

synonyms: beside the point, immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, off the subject, unconnected, unrelated, peripheral, extraneous, inapposite, inapplicable.

The only rape Steven was convicted of was actually in fact literally committed by another person, Gregory Allen. Steven was innocent.

For someone so concerned that we see unproven accusations be taken as evidence of 'violent sociopathic behavior' you are doing a hell of a job defending Ken Kratz who brutally raped a woman knowing that his position as DA would protect him.
Was it relevant to the 1985 case that gregory allen had a history of raping women?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by proudfootz
I am done with you. You are a liar who defends rape.
No, you are the liar. You are comparing someone who pinned down an underage girl who was telling him to stop and made her take her close off, then raped her while she was pinned down to what kratz did. Both are bad but one is clearly worse than the other.

Thats right though, magic makes it go away because the girl who claimed avery raped her was coerced right?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
So you are a dumb asperger. Bad luck
Honestly, I think Fraleyight is lying about that, too.

It's not that he has some mental condition to use as an excuse when he paints himself into a corner.

Fraleyight just doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for his actions.

Like Kratz blaming his drug use and sex crimes on 'addiction' as if he was on Oprah. Boo hoo!
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 10:32 AM
Read it again, nowhere in the link you provided from that womans testimony does it say kratz restrained her and had sex with her.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 10:34 AM
I am not lying about having aspergers nor am I lying about whats in that report. You are either stretching language, or misunderstood something in her testimony.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:05 AM
Kratz's victim is crying and shaking as she recalls the rape.

She recounts how the first thing Kratz does is threaten her with legal trouble if she does not obey him. Kratz tells her about his bondage fetish, how he likes to restrain women and tell them what to do. How he hits them if they don't do as they are told. She recalls how scared she was of him, that she didn't dare defy him. In fear she does as she is told by this intimidating and unwelcome intruder.

Kratz held her hands behind her back and held her head while he raped her. Crying and shaking, she remembers how strong he was compared to her. She must have struggled against him to discover he was strong.

The first thing the victim does when released from his grip is 'puke her brains out'.

Fraleyight seems to think this is how most women remember voluntary, mutually consensual acts of love.

Following the rape, Kratz harasses her with phone calls, and even comes to her apartment. Afraid Kratz will rape her again, she hides in the closet of her own home in terror hoping her stalker will think she isn't home.

This is not normal. Kratz is a violent sociopath.

It's all there for anyone who is capable of reading and comprehending English.

pages 15-18
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:12 AM
Nice, so you're going to summarize what you read and not actually post whats in the report?

It doesnt say he restrained her while raping her, it says they discussed bondage before she gave him a blowjob and that he held her hands behind her back while she gave him a blow job. It doesn't say he threatened her with legal trouble if she didn't have sex with him, it says he told her she would get in trouble if they didn't talk.

She admits this was all consensual, she admits she didn't tell him to stop or that she didn't want to. She admits to willingly letting him feel her up, touch her breast and that she willingly complied with being submissive. She didn't try and resist. Even if you want to call it rape it is important to point out this is not the same thing you are portraying happened. You are making it seem like he used force to sodomize her. That never happened.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:15 AM
Fraleyight seems to think this is how most women remember voluntary, mutually consensual acts of love.
Who said this was an act of love? It was clearly a sexual act she regretted. Ive had sex with women I regret having sex with. She may have had sex with him because she was scared shed get in trouble, but she didn't try and stop it and he didn't use force so its not really rape.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:18 AM
Kratz rapes a woman, and Fraleyight defends him.

That is the sort of hero worship I can't understand.

But then I'm a human being with a sense of compassion.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 11:51 AM
Here's another summation of this rape from another source:

Fearful about reporting

In the four-page summary of the DOJ interview, the alleged victim at times appeared to blame herself for the incident. But the scenario she described appeared far from consensual.

The woman, whose name was deleted from the investigative report, told agents Kratz prosecuted her three times in Calumet County between 2006 and 2008. Then, "out of the blue," she said Kratz asked to visit her at home between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2009.

After arriving, Kratz reportedly told the woman several times he knew everything about her and could make trouble for her. She said Kratz then discussed bondage and ordered her to perform a sex act. The woman claims he also groped her and was quoted telling the agents "she was a fool to have let him."

She described the incident as "really scary" because Kratz had "such seniority" over her and bragged about hitting women who did not "submit" to him.

"It should be noted that throughout the interview, (the woman) was visibly upset," special agents Kyra Schallhorn and Joann Joy wrote. "She was crying and shaking while talking about this matter. (The woman) kept stating that she had done something wrong, and she questioned whether she would be going to prison for it."

According to the DOJ report, Kratz called the woman 40 to 50 times after the incident and came to her apartment a couple of times "but she pretended she was not home."

"`He's a pig,'" the agents quoted the alleged victim as saying. "`What he did was wrong.'"

In its own report summarizing the incident, the OLR concluded Kratz "had forcible sex with an emotionally vulnerable woman after previously prosecuting the woman."
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:01 PM
Ya, lets focus on the summaries instead of what the report actually says. No sodomy, no forceful rape, no telling her if she didn't do it shed be in trouble.

all things you have claimed she said happened.

You are searching the internet trying to find someone who agrees with you rather than just finding where it says these things happened.

But then I'm a human being with a sense of compassion.
No the **** you're not. You dedicate a majority of your freetime defending the murderer of TH. How is that compassion? How is it compassion to say the neice who claimed avery raped her was just lying, how is it compassion to say the wife of averys friend was just lying about avery raping her, where is your compassion for those victims?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:09 PM
Fraleyight could reproduce the pages if he wanted. Why doesn't he want to?

Because he knows what I wrote is correct, and what he summarized is incomplete.

He blames the trauma of rape on 'morning after regret'. A woman who is throwing up, shaking, and crying. A woman who has to hide from Kratz for fear he will rape her again.

Maybe Fraleyight should use the same excuse for allegations about Steven?

A sick excuse for Kratz's sick sexual attacks.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:23 PM
I do not think Kratz's actions are normal.

Maybe there's something wrong with me: I never had to threaten a woman to get sex; I never had to blackmail a woman to get sex; I never felt like beating a woman for disobeying my demands for sex, or brag about how I hit women to a scared woman whom I was threatening; I never had to restrain a woman to force her to act like I wanted; no woman was ever so sickened by my actions she threw up immediately afterward; no woman ever had to hide in the closet in terror hoping I wouldn't find her and rape her; no woman ever described my actions as 'a lot like rape'; I never harassed a woman with dozens of unwanted phone calls; no woman I ever had sex with remembered the experience with shaking and crying in a state of trauma.

Fraleyight reads all this from Kratz's victim and shrugs his shoulders. Meh!
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by fraleyight
Ya, lets focus on the summaries instead of what the report actually says.
I put a link to the document - everything I wrote came straight from the interview with Kratz's victim.

You left out key elements even after I pointed them out for your attention. Instead you lie and claim the stuff that is there isn't.

No the **** you're not. You dedicate a majority of your freetime defending the murderer of TH. How is that compassion?
I don't even know who killed Teresa - how can I be defending that person?

The evidence indicates Steven and Brendan are innocent of any crimes against Teresa.

How is it compassion to say the neice who claimed avery raped her was just lying, how is it compassion to say the wife of averys friend was just lying about avery raping her, where is your compassion for those victims?
If I ever claimed they were lying, and you could help me out by quoting where I wrote that.

But since you seem to think Kratz's victim just has 'regrets' (typical fickle woman!), why don't you claim Steven's alleged victims are just experiencing 'regrets' too? Or would that be too consistent for you?
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:46 PM
Im not shrugging my shoulders and saying meh, I condone his actions. They are wrong. He clearly took advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. It is just not as you say it is. again.

no sodomy, no restraining her so he can have sex with her, no threatening her if she didn't have sex with him, no multiple accusations from multiple women. You have greatly exaggerated what has happened. Or rather, what she says happened.

Fraleyight could reproduce the pages if he wanted. Why doesn't he want to?
This is called "shifting the burden of proof" you are making a claim and asking me to prove you wrong. How can I even do that without producing the whole testimony which is already linked itt? If these specific claims were made in her testimony youd have produced them by now. You produced quotes that summarized her testimony but not from the testimony directly that corroborates what you're saying.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:51 PM
No dude, here is what you quoted from the interview.

She described the incident as "really scary" because Kratz had "such seniority" over her and bragged about hitting women who did not "submit" to him.

"It should be noted that throughout the interview, (the woman) was visibly upset," special agents Kyra Schallhorn and Joann Joy wrote. "She was crying and shaking while talking about this matter. (The woman) kept stating that she had done something wrong, and she questioned whether she would be going to prison for it."

According to the DOJ report, Kratz called the woman 40 to 50 times after the incident and came to her apartment a couple of times "but she pretended she was not home."

"`He's a pig,'" the agents quoted the alleged victim as saying. "`What he did was wrong.'"

In its own report summarizing the incident, the OLR concluded Kratz "had forcible sex with an emotionally vulnerable woman after previously prosecuting the woman."
Here are the claims you made

1) kratz told her if she didn't have sex with him she would be in trouble (jamed up)

What he actually said was "if she didn't talk to him shed be jamed up"

2) Kratz sodomized her against her will

No where is sodomy or physical penetration mentioned anywhere in the interview

3) You claim he restrained her so he can have sex with her

No where is this mentioned, she says he held her hands behind her back during the blowjob. That is not what you said happend

4) you claim multiple women say kratz raped them.

There is only one woman who claims she did anything sexually with kratz.

Those are the first four things that come to mind that imo you misrepresented. You have yet to provide evidence that any of these things are in the report.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:55 PM
My comment about avery raping his neice

Also, avery's rape case wasn't "unfounded". you already know why they didn't prosecute. It was because of his ongoing murder case. This has already been linked to you and you responded to it. Kratz has said in other interviews that if by some miracle avery was found not guilty of murder he was going to be prosecuted for the rape of his young niece.

Your response
We already know from the coerced 'confession' from Brendan Dassey how police in this neighborhood can manufacture testimony.
This is saying shes lying. That she is telling something that didn't happen.
Making a Murderer Quote
08-11-2017 , 12:58 PM
But since you seem to think Kratz's victim just has 'regrets' (typical fickle woman!), why don't you claim Steven's alleged victims are just experiencing 'regrets' too? Or would that be too consistent for you?
Because stevens victims are describing something very different. They are actually claiming he held them down and wouldn't let them up. He physically forced them to have sex. They are claiming they told him no and to stop and he wouldn't.

The friends wife claimed he threatened to kill her if she told anyone, the niece claimed he would hurt her and her family if she told.

This is very different than what kratz victim is claiming.
Making a Murderer Quote
