Originally Posted by PoorSkillz
I'm just saying that it takes away a lot of the motive that people apply to Colborn and Lenk.
1. I think the o.p. lawyer made some good general points, but it seems a number of other lawyers disagree with some of the finer points.
To the extent that he opines the civil case was unlikely to provide a motive for framing SA, I tend to agree.
2. With that said, I do think there was significant animus towards SA and the civil suit intensified it - as in it made it "personal" between SA and the county. So, I tend to see it as there being a target on SA'S back and that any number of things could have happened - without necessarily being planned. More like they were on high alert to get him if they had a chance. The ongoing civil case just seemed to add some urgency to the situation.
3. I doubt any party from the county even considered participating in a murder to get SA. I do think that once the events started unfolding, the county influenced the investigation to focus on SA and they likely had him under surveillance and also likely entered his property prior to the official Rav4 discovery.
I think they honestly believed SA had to be responsible to the exclusion of any other possibility.
At that point, I think their goal was simply to make sure the Rav4 was not tampered with or disposed of. They wanted to be careful so that they could get a proper arrest.
However, as time went by, I think LE was surprised at the lack of evidence to support their theory. At that point, it gets interesting: I am sure some were sure SA was the killer and may have cut corners in making the case; others may have had doubts but felt boxed in by the prosecutors grand proclamations and went along with it anyway.
I believe evidence was planted; I believe the kid was cooerced.
I don't think SA killed her.
I think the Bobby and Step dad scenario makes sense (but not that there was active collusion between them and the county - passive, morelike).
Also, I would have liked to have known who was stalking the victim with harassing phone calls. That fact could still be discovered through phone records.