Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Well what point does that make exactly? Doesn't the audience need to understand what Don sees in Ms. Homely Deadeyeserson?
I think they have made it quite clear by pounding home to us how much cheap, flashy tail he has been getting and then showing us how empty his and Rogers lives are.
This waitress of his is 180 degrees away from his norm and represents the change he wants to make in his life. I don't think they need to explain this through specific dialogue.
I am not sure what to make of how messed up her life is. Perhaps making the point that even seemingly average Joe's have messed up lives? i like what was posted earlier about her handling her regrets differently than Don. Not really sure though.
I get that people don't want new characters this late in the game, but I don't think you can tell this story without introducing someone new.
Of course what the hell do I really know