Originally Posted by cwicemvp12
I'm not sure that Peggy is going to get **** on, I took her scene as a realization of how she needs to act in order to get the respect that she wants and deserves. We've seen her change her attitude and style just to make it into the all boys club - smoking weed, cutting her hair and showing up at a strip club, and so on - I think she will be just fine.
I agree about the rest though.
I mean, maybe? She won't be harrassed like Joan but odds are she'll be thought of as weird, and she has career aspirations that may fall by the wayside if she doesn't do well at McCann. It's clear that women work there, but not 'women's libbers'
Originally Posted by MontyBurns
Is Don the least interesting character on the show? The sad ugly waitress thread makes no sense at all. Seems like an odd time for his arc to fizzle out.
How does it 'make no sense at all'? She's someone who's running. Don Draper has always been running, and he's basically dated stable women his whole life. Maybe not stable emotionally, but stable in their identity, women unlike himself in this respect. He finally found someone like himself, who knows what it's like to feel how he feels. Everything else in his life is turning to garbage - he's not needed at work, he's not needed in his children's lives, but he feels like this woman needs him. And indeed, now that she's gone, he's more useful as a guy who picks up hitchhikers than anything else he could be doing at present. Peggy once described him as 'having everything... and so much of it', but he's being reduced to nothing.