Originally Posted by private joker
I love Justified, but that was easily the worst episode they've had yet. (Yes, I even liked the stand-alones in the first season).
It was the most dialogue-heavy, repetitive collection of crap scenes they could put together, with virtually no actual plot progressed. Why do we need to see every machination Quarles is putting into motion when we already know his overall goal? Just get to it already.
I liked Raylan coming after Boyd all pissed that Quarles thinks he's dirty, but other than that I didn't need to see yet another FBI guy flaunt his territory over the Marshals (hi, Ned Ryerson/Stu) and for Raylan to dismiss it. Snore.
They really spun their wheels with this one, but clearly it's just a setup for the next couple of weeks which are going to pay off all this dusty squeezebox of exposition.
EDIT: Also, remember when Max Perlich used to be awesome (like in Homicide and Rush)? Now he's forgotten how to act.
You're being overly harsh. It setup a clashing of the factions in the next episode or two. We need to know what they showed about Quarrels because, on top of giving justification in both plot and character development with the slave-boy sessions, it lets us know that now a psychopath is in do or die mode. It did more for plot advancement then several of the first season episodes, and even the previous kidney escapade episode. It's increasing the stakes for the eventual fallout.
If was a fun change of pace, also, in how they played off Raylan's usual quick mindedness by him both not being known to his adversaries, but also him being completely confused at each turn of events. Usually he's a step ahead, this episode had him being a step upsidedown, which was played with a bit of comedy.
Also, the last scene was huge in that is now brings Winonna into play along with her ex-husband.
Last edited by Thug Bubbles; 03-01-2012 at 12:23 PM.