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Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending.

04-03-2015 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Meraxes
I think they've done a great job of not making every confrontation Raylen has with a "bad guy" be quick draw, old west style. That would have gotten boring and predictable over 6 seasons.
Loved how they did this with Quarles, they teased that gun of his all season then Raylan just laughed it off.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Meraxes
I think they've done a great job of not making every confrontation Raylen has with a "bad guy" be quick draw, old west style. That would have gotten boring and predictable over 6 seasons. However, I think they have to do it with Boon just because of the amount gun-fight porn tension they've been building up between them. Just one last time for old-time's sake, and who knows, maybe Boon is faster. You can't be the best at anything forever.
yes yes you can when you're raylen.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 06:50 PM
I don't think they've set anything up enough where it would be satisfying for Raylen to get got at this point. Perhaps a Boone showdown where Boone proves to be faster but still somehow loses might work.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 07:01 PM
I love how you guys are still clinging to the hope that raylen is going to die.

also there is no shot that boon is faster than raylen.
**** I don't even think he's the most formidable thug he's faced.

i feel like I'm watching a diff show.

all we've seen in the entire canon of raylen is young gun thugs being put in their place by raylenGOAT, this clown with his god awful haircut and lol wannabe cowboy outlaw attitude is not going to be the one to get the better of raylen.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 08:33 PM
IF Raylan gets got, it really can't be because someone got him, it should be because of his own reckless behavior. He's been a pretty big douche this season, and all of his wounds (in addition to killing his career and others') are largely self inflicted. IF he gets got, it should be something he never saw coming not something right in front of him (think Choo Choo's untimely end that wasn't supposed to happen that way).

The author of the character is now dead, so no future books would be coming out featuring the character (a good argument for him making it out alive is that the character wasn't dead in the books, as far as I know). Just because it's not likely that Raylan dies doesn't mean it can't be on the table. I feel like almost every character is in play on this show, and it feels good to feel that way even if it's not true.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 08:45 PM
elmore leonard maybe dead but his son (who is an EP on the show) is still alive and presumably owns the rights to the character and i find it almost impossible that he would sign off on the character dying.

its almost certain that the character will be featured again most likely in a film, but its irrelevant as i don't think yost would ever WANT to kill raylen.

its just doesn't fit at all with the previous seasons nor with his characters presentation on the show or the universe that has been created around him.

it would basically be a "welp show is ending lets just kill ppl off" and would be so absurdly out of place it will prolly be the WOAT ending of a series ever (yes including lost).

yes raylen is reckeless but he is like that out of a desire to catch the bad guy whatever the cost and insure that justice is served.

he's just not a "bad guy" and he loves being a marshal.

guess i've said this way too many times so not sure why i'm even saying it again.

i will be happy to get flamed for eternity if i end up being wrong, but i would never forgive yost as it would be absolutely terrible/lazy writing.

but after the brilliance he's shown us in the past seasons i have no doubt he will come up with an epic way for the show to end.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 09:26 PM
I personally thought it seemed pretty clear that Raylan quit at the end of the last episode. Based on all of his insubordination, he's done as a marshal. I'm not saying he's dying (I love that I believe it could be on the table, though), but his career is certainly over and as long as he gets Boyd I truly believe he doesn't care if he dies in the process. This show has completely earned our trust for any outcome, and I doubt it will end up stupidly.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-03-2015 , 10:08 PM
Boon coming after Raylan's daughter imo.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 04:21 AM
IIRC there was a convo between raylan and art where they discussed not "winning" a duel
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 04:52 AM
With his baby girl I think he does care if he dies in the process.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 05:30 AM
We've had essentially one episode of him with the baby, and he doesn't at all seem eager to get to that life. If he dies, the baby never knows him. I doubt being there for the baby is a driving force for him. He's willing to get Boyd at whatever cost, and if that means him dying, I think he'd be okay with that. I think the baby should obviously factor into some of his choices, but it sure doesn't seem to be any kind of priority for the last several episodes.

There's a reason him and Winona got a divorce, don't ever forget that. He hasn't changed, and is possibly even more reckless than ever.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 05:34 AM
i think you're way off base thinking he is willing to die to get boyd.
i don't think he's in any way shape or form ok with dying.

edit: i mean he obv understands dying is a part of the job, but in the terms that you're suggesting.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 05:53 AM
He acts like an invincible superhero for sure, but I know you understand he's willing to get Boyd at practically any cost. Why would he give up his career if he thinks he has no chance of dying? His career is over no matter what, what would be next for him? This chase *seems* to be everything for him. Again, I'm not at all saying he's going to die, but I 100 percent believe it is on the table. I just don't see where his character's life goes next once the Boyd storyline is resolved, based on how he's wrecked his career.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 06:13 AM
If all he wants to do is get Boyd at any cost, he should have just put one in his head and finished him off when he was lying on the ground wounded.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by nunnehi
He acts like an invincible superhero for sure, but I know you understand he's willing to get Boyd at practically any cost. Why would he give up his career if he thinks he has no chance of dying? His career is over no matter what, what would be next for him? This chase *seems* to be everything for him. Again, I'm not at all saying he's going to die, but I 100 percent believe it is on the table. I just don't see where his character's life goes next once the Boyd storyline is resolved, based on how he's wrecked his career.
with his skill set he could make WAY more $$$ in the private sector.
and fwiw he has shown great desire to be a part of his daughters life, and didn't wynona say she wanted to give their marriage another chance?

and yes he wants to get boyd but I don't think he wants to kill him.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 08:41 AM
They set up a major confrontation with the crazy Crowe brother, only to have him fall into the ditch. So I always assume there will be a twist.

Raylan losing the quick draw but only getting injured while Tim/Rachael/Loretta help him out would be pretty sweet.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 12:11 PM
I'll be rooting for Loretta to finish Boon. Whether this happens before or after he shoots Raylan up in the air. This could go so many ways really.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 02:42 PM
Im not saying Raylan does die, im saying he could. For me it feels like the writers has set it as a possibility. I would hate for him to go out with a draw tho.

I dont care that it's telegraphed but i wana see a Raylan v Boon full showdown at noon. Clock tower, tumble weed, rattlesnake, all of it.

Long live Tim.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 02:51 PM
Whatever happens, hope they do NOT kill Boyd D:
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
with his skill set he could make WAY more $$$ in the private sector.
and fwiw he has shown great desire to be a part of his daughters life, and didn't wynona say she wanted to give their marriage another chance?

and yes he wants to get boyd but I don't think he wants to kill him.
I agree he can make more money that way, but don't think he'd have much interest in it. He probably will make a good chunk of change after selling his dad's house, so he can stew a lot. The problem is that he's done enough wrong that he could possibly be threatened with jail time (Art's so mad at him he might make him be cellmates with Dickie) depending on what else he does in the last couple of episodes. It would be quite something if Art ends up killing him.

They had a couple of episodes where they talked about the baby, and yes they've already said they're going to give marriage another shot (he gave it like a 51/49 chance of succeeding). His recklessness just worries me is all.

I agree that he wants to get Boyd on RICO related charges, and that he would only kill Boyd if he has to (he's had an unreal amount of opportunities to kill Boyd if that's what he'd wanted to do). Another nice piece in the writing is that I think there's actually a chance that Boyd could ride off into the sunset, which is unfathomable in most universes like this. No matter what happens, I'll be very sad when this show is over.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 03:39 PM
art killing raylan might be the most absurd suggestion to date.
also, it almost seems as if ppl are expecting/hoping for some kindv big twist ending when that has never been the style of this show.

it's relatively simple format: good guy gets bad guy gets a drink.
imo the most probable "twist ending" is something like raylan letting ava escape with the $$$ after finding out vasquez is going to send her to jail for life.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 03:56 PM
I just threw that out for fun. I could see Art shooting Raylan to stop him from doing something, but not killing him. I just said it would be "something" to see.

This isn't one of the regular storylines, this is Boyd and Raylan. The writers have presented that story in such a way that a lot of outcomes are on the table. Boyd has been nearly killed three times this season, but survived all of them. That's not an accident...they're gonna give the audience the confrontation it wants, but no one in the audience can predict what's gonna happen yet.

Do you think Boyd has no chance of walking?

Also, Vasquez is done, he's not getting Ava sent back to prison. That would be a pure ego move after it's uncovered how much danger the CI was put in throughout that run. It really has looked like they want her killed, and she just hit a breaking point to survive. Raylan allowing her to run would be an lol ending I couldn't get behind.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 08:25 PM
i absolutely can see boyd getting away.
i just don't ever see raylan dying.

i think there is some chance that raylan gets so sick of the bull-**** politics in the DA's office (they've been hounding him since episode 1) that he somehow comes to terms with ava and boyd running off into the sunset as long as they never return to harlan.

i think something really big would have to happen with boon/markham to make him much more focused on that aspect of the plotline for it to happen.

i think its unlikely but def possible.

art shooting raylan is not possible.
tim dying would be epically stupid.
raylan dying is almost impossible.

obv the writers want "everything on the table" when in fact not that much is actually being considered.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 08:44 PM
I second wanting the full Raylan/Boon gunfight. I think Boon outdraws him d gets got by Art.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
04-04-2015 , 08:48 PM
I also insist on hearing "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" again.
Justified: the final season. weep mofos it's ending. Quote
