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Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST)

12-02-2020 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by FL Pkrdlr

How surprised were you when the Mohawk guy rallied back after starting so slowly? Do you think you maybe underestimated him? I know I sure did, I really thought your 5th win was academic halfway through the single Jeopardy round.

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T.J. might look a little goofy with his hair, but the dude has a PhD and speaks 7 languages, so I knew he was going to be a tough opponent. He absolutely crushed the Double Jeopardy round of our game, and he dominated most of today's game (just got a little unlucky with the last Daily Double and miswagered on FJ).
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 09:12 AM
Congrats on your run. Was fun to watch. Appreciate your responses in thread.

Back to the title of this thread.

Poor TJ

4,700 (I think. She ended up with 2,700)

2nd wagers 10,000, ends with 2,600

11,201 is the right where for 1st. Ends with 25,201 or 2,799. Should win either way, RIGHT?

Nope. Goes for 12k, ends with 2k for 3rd place.

Unfortunate wagers by all 3.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 10:12 AM
2nd place made the bigger mistake
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by RAHZero
Definitely don't regret any of the FJ bets
You obviously didn’t like the Comedy Movies category and therefore wagered small.

How did you feel when you realized the question wasn’t that difficult? Is that comparable to seeing your opponents hand at showdown and wondering if you should have known that they would have paid you off? Or were you able to just focus on the next game right ahead instead of engaging in any results oriented thinking?
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
2nd place made the bigger mistake
Agree 100%. 1st fails to bet to cover so seldom that the right play is to stay ahead of 3rd doubling up in case of a WWR, so 3199 is the bet, though if I totally hate the category I might just stand pat.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by pwnsall
2nd place made the bigger mistake
Yup. All 3 made bad wagers.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 01:42 PM
Nice run though games 3 and 4 got preempted in Philly due to college football on Friday and Eagles coverage on Monday. Should be a ToC lock.

Did you have no idea on Flying Dutchman or did you just answer too quickly? I’d really struggle with that part, I’d just blurt out the first thing that come to mind without using the time to think.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
You obviously didn’t like the Comedy Movies category and therefore wagered small.

How did you feel when you realized the question wasn’t that difficult? Is that comparable to seeing your opponents hand at showdown and wondering if you should have known that they would have paid you off? Or were you able to just focus on the next game right ahead instead of engaging in any results oriented thinking?
Yeah, Comedy Movies definitely wasn't in my wheelhouse, so I knew I wanted to bet small and I also wanted to get in a tribute to my dad at some point. Just so happened that I actually knew the little tidbit about the Holy Grail being found at Harrod's in the original script. There are tons of comedy movies from the 70's and 80's that I would have had no clue on.

Originally Posted by danspartan
Nice run though games 3 and 4 got preempted in Philly due to college football on Friday and Eagles coverage on Monday. Should be a ToC lock.

Did you have no idea on Flying Dutchman or did you just answer too quickly? I’d really struggle with that part, I’d just blurt out the first thing that come to mind without using the time to think.
I've heard of the Flying Dutchman, and given enough time probably could make the connection with the name of the captain and the North Sea. While playing, I latched on to the "spectral" part of the clue and couldn't think of anything else. In the end, it didn't matter since I flubbed FJ too.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-03-2020 , 08:52 PM
Some interesting answers on FJ today.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-05-2020 , 12:46 AM
Mack Brown’s daughter won tonight.

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Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-05-2020 , 09:24 AM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Mack Brown’s daughter won tonight.
Someone joked that she has to keep winning 22k a game until July to make what her dad got for not coaching Texas in what was supposed to be the final year of his contract.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-05-2020 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by housenuts
Congrats on your run. Was fun to watch. Appreciate your responses in thread.

Back to the title of this thread.

Poor TJ

4,700 (I think. She ended up with 2,700)

2nd wagers 10,000, ends with 2,600

11,201 is the right where for 1st. Ends with 25,201 or 2,799. Should win either way, RIGHT?

Nope. Goes for 12k, ends with 2k for 3rd place.

Unfortunate wagers by all 3.
We watched that episode, and I had a nice discussion about the FJ wagering errors with my kids.

Also, congrats Ryan. I saw one of your performances and was impressed. Well done.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-06-2020 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Mack Brown’s daughter won tonight.

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A Chapel Thrillian doing work!
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-09-2020 , 08:23 PM
I know it’s beating a dead horse with the competitors lately but horrible board management/wagering in DJ tonight.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-16-2020 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by shaft88
I know it’s beating a dead horse with the competitors lately but horrible board management/wagering in DJ tonight.
Yup. Lady lost a few eps ago on a terrible fj
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 12:17 AM
Well Brayden looks like he could make a nice run. I hope he makes it through the rest of Trebek’s episodes. He has 6 left right? And I think they’re saying they pause after this week and air the rest in January.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Well Brayden looks like he could make a nice run. I hope he makes it through the rest of Trebek’s episodes. He has 6 left right? And I think they’re saying they pause after this week and air the rest in January.
Yeah, after this week they're going to show 2 weeks of reruns and then air Alex's final week of games January 4-8. The Jeopardy Fan has a model on their site based on a few different factors and Brayden's average streak is now over 12 games. Would be surprised if he doesn't close out the Trebek era.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:22 AM
Ryan, question about the filming. When you get a DD, do they give you time to figure out your bet and then edit that time down, or is it pretty much real time, as televised?

Any interesting behind-the-scenes stories?
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by golddog
Ryan, question about the filming. When you get a DD, do they give you time to figure out your bet and then edit that time down, or is it pretty much real time, as televised?

Any interesting behind-the-scenes stories?
You technically have as much time as you need for all wagers (DDs and FJ). For the DDs, it's mostly in real time. There's a "scoreboard" that's visible to the contestants off to the side of the main gameboard, so you can figure out your wager from there. That said, I've heard stories of Alex chiding contestants for taking too much time (and they'd likely edit it down if you spent a lot of time before deciding on a wager).

For FJ, the wager is all done off camera, and you get scrap paper to work out your bet, though no calculators are allowed. As with DDs, you technically have as much time as you need, though Alex and the Jeopardy team would likely prod you along if taking too much time since they have a schedule to keep.

One of the interesting things about the show is that they have a team of judges that are constantly listening to every answer and researching potential challenges. In one of my games, I answered "Limited Liability Corporations" for LLCs, although they are typically referred to as "Limited Liability Companies". In that case, I was ruled correct by Alex during filming, but there was a longish break between the Jeopardy and Double Jeopardy rounds while the judges decided whether or not to accept my response (ultimately they did).

In TJ's second game, he answered "Joves" for what the J stood for in one of his Daily Doubles. The correct answer was "Jupiter", with "Jovian" also being a likely acceptable alternative. Since the Daily Double has such a major effect on the rest of the game, they paused the game for over 5 minutes while researching to see if there was any way they could accept his response. There are also corrections for Alex if he mispronounces or misreads a clue that all get dubbed over later and look seamless when actually watching the show on TV.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 09:40 PM
Well, today's game was absolutely infuriating
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:01 PM
i liked when the biological research scientist had 6k to brayden's 12k, landed on the daily double in biology on an 800 or 1200 question and wagered 3k. why are you even there?!
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:03 PM
biological research scientists are the worst
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-18-2020 , 11:10 PM
idk wtf a policy intern is but they're smarter than biological research scientists, i know that
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-19-2020 , 10:04 AM
Lol biologist. Lost the game by multiple idiocies.
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
12-19-2020 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by RAHZero
...There's a "scoreboard" that's visible to the contestants off to the side of the main gameboard...
Anything else that's off camera, but might be interesting to us?
Idiotic Jeopardy wagers (no spoilers before 6 EST) Quote
