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House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair

10-03-2022 , 12:47 PM
the show picked sides so hard this ep, and it sucked. i ****in hate rhaenrya lol, might be team green just out of spite. actually you know what, aegon seems hilarious, the kid who claimed vhagar is a legend, the bug girl has the dreamsight or whatever, dark cole is great, lets see what these evil bastards alicent / otto / larys can get up to. **** the creepy incest family*

* - viserys & rhaenys are cool

Originally Posted by kordoISback
I never understood all the fuss over the lords of driftwood being black. However I do think if they were white, the legitimacy of Rhaenrya’s children would be less in question.

They keep pointing to their brown hair, but don’t mention their 100% white. It’s kinda weird, why wouldnt they at least talk about it in the show to further prove their illegitimate. To me it’s odd they don’t, That should be the main case against.
i mean, that's what aegon said. everyone knows, it's obvious, just look at them. and alicent was saying that last ep, to which viserys answered with the horse analogy and told her to stfu about it.

it's an emperor's no clothes situation because viserys doesn't want to hear it. it's dangerous treason to say it, that's why no one is.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 01:20 PM
I still have the same issue with the show. everything is going TOO FAST.
we had:
a funeral
a new wedding minutes after the funeral
aemond claiming drogon
aemond losing an eye
laenor's "death"

I wish I could have seen more between every single one of these things.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer

Other that Larys my only other complaint is that incompetent guards had to be used twice in this episode. Seems like they should have figured out another way to fake Laenor's death.
I feel like the incompetent guard thing is on purpose. they made sure to say cole was on watch, so they are probably nodding to a cole-alicent romantic relationship.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by Victor
ah, that makes sense. Id say the directing of this episode was pretty bad. way too dark for much of it.
it seems like they did day for night (recorded during the day and turned it into night during post), which sucks.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by kordoISback
I never understood all the fuss over the lords of driftwood being black. However I do think if they were white, the legitimacy of Rhaenrya’s children would be less in question.
them being black has 0 to do with their claim. if anything, those locks make them more legitimate. in the books they are all blonde so it was just a show choice to make them black to make them more distinct. and thank god for that, can you imagine 5 pale blonde haired kids walking around? (daemons kids with laena are blonde in the books) it's confusing as it is.

House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 02:05 PM
ya, hope they find better visual ways to differentiate laena's kids & breakbones' kids asap, bc i got no clue in most of these scenes

the younger kid who didn't want to be lord of driftmark bc that'd mean everyone else was dead displayed a more mature perspective than most of the adults, hopefully he develops into a cool character
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 03:15 PM
The pacing of the show is the only downfall, but its still very entertaining.

In GoT there was build up and tension leading up to climax episode or sodes. These, there's tension, build up and climax all in every episode.

still very much enjoying it.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 03:53 PM
That one kid Aemond went from looking like his sister to being a complete badass after he beat those little kids up and got that gnarly battlescar on his eye. Apparently he's getting an eye patch, which is unfortunate because it would look so much more badass with just the stitches instead.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by KansasCT
I still have the same issue with the show. everything is going TOO FAST.
we had:
a funeral
a new wedding minutes after the funeral
aemond claiming drogon
aemond losing an eye
laenor's "death"

I wish I could have seen more between every single one of these things.
I thought it was nice that this episode slowed down so much lol. A lot happens, but it is all a result of the death of Daemon's wife. No drastic time jumps (as far as I know), but the fact that she died, left a dragon up for grabs, and Aegon took his shot, meant that a lot of the tensions which had been building up got released in a short amount of time.

This is the first episode that felt like it wasn't jumping from plot point to plot point, it showed the result of a major event (although didn't seem major at the time), and a lot of the build up finally paid off.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-03-2022 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
That one kid Aemond went from looking like his sister to being a complete badass after he beat those little kids up and got that gnarly battlescar on his eye. Apparently he's getting an eye patch, which is unfortunate because it would look so much more badass with just the stitches instead.
He's going to be super important.

They've set up as a competent hard mfer who rides untamed dragons.

Aegon jerks out of the Red Keep and wants to bone more than throne.

Almost like a Vyceris Daemon type of relationship will be shown I'm guessing, with Aegon just kind of being there while Ae on does the real dirty work.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
also, gonna be mad if otto returns as hand, doesn't really making any sense. sure part of the problem was his beef with rhaenyra, and she just left town, but the bigger issue was viserys not trusting him, knowing he wants aegon on the throne. think corlys or rhaenys would make better options, maybe even that beesbury guy who's been on the council from the beginning iirc (or did he die last time jump, like mellos?). even alicent talking him into naming larys makes more sense. or hell, maybe give daemon a run at it before you die, since that's what he's wanted from the beginning, apparently. he might have a better perspective on things now
hate that they don't even bother trying to explain some of this stuff that makes no sense

anyway next week the thing i'll be mad about that they won't explain is seasmoke thinking laenor is dead and getting claimed by his dragonless niece probably, instead of knowing he's alive and following to essos. kinda pointless too because there are other unclaimed dragons kicking around, but i'm sure the writers will think it's super cool if that dragon transfers to the girl who lost vhagar
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
hate that they don't even bother trying to explain some of this stuff that makes no sense

anyway next week the thing i'll be mad about that they won't explain is seasmoke thinking laenor is dead and getting claimed by his dragonless niece probably, instead of knowing he's alive and following to essos. kinda pointless too because there are other unclaimed dragons kicking around, but i'm sure the writers will think it's super cool if that dragon transfers to the girl who lost vhagar

Is that from the books or Smth? Are dragons supposed to be able to follow him when he sneaks off in the middle of the night like that?
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 02:32 AM
i'd say that it is known from the show even that dragon & rider have some kind of physic connection, part of the bond that it formed between them. like in ep3(?) when daemon took an arrow and caraxes yelped like in pain also and whipped around, or the 2nd ep when caraxes turned up right after otto & daemon pulled their swords out. and in got, drogon abandoned dany but always seemed to know where she was & kept returning, and she appeared to mentally summon him when attacked by the sons of the harpy in the coliseum.

dragons can only bond with 1 rider at a time, so with laenor still alive, seasmoke should refuse to be claimed by anyone else. and based on the drogon precedent, i feel like seasmoke should sense where laenor is, and maybe follow. or maybe he'll be hurt by being abandoned and just retire? idk, we'll see

anyway i'm just worried that they might try to kinda re-write dragon lore by having that girl claim seasmoke because they think it's cool or something. and if they do that, i feel like they def won't bother to explain it in any way, it'll just happen.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 02:41 AM
not too sure what the books say about what happens when dragon and rider get separated, but i think alt shift x was saying in the last stream that no one has ever like rejected/abandoned their dragon, leaving it up for grabs again. do dragons always know if their rider is still alive? can they always locate them? unclear, but seems like there's something going on there.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 07:24 AM
Viserys only rode balerion (biggest dragon ever) once I think. After he stopped balerion died soon after. Maybe if the Dragon's rider never rides it again it gets depressed and dies? Lul

About laenor's dragon following him being something from the books: in the books qarl really kills laenor, but we dont know why. There are many theories, the main one being daemon had qarl do it so he could marry rhaenyra. Another theory is that qarl was jealous of laenor's other boyfriend.
So the show is a complete departure in that plot. I really dont know what they will do with laenor now. If they show laenor in essos it wil seem completely pointless since he will add nothing to the main plot.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 09:44 AM
Or maybe that's what the books wanted you to think
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-04-2022 , 11:17 AM
This show blows and I'm only watching bc it's tied to got. It could never stand alone. All they talk about is who will inherit what. There is zero humor which is just weird. Only good character is dameon. Geez what a scam of an hour every week
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-05-2022 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
This show blows and I'm only watching bc it's tied to got. It could never stand alone. All they talk about is who will inherit what. There is zero humor which is just weird. Only good character is dameon. Geez what a scam of an hour every week
Yeah kind of agree. Alicent slashing Rhaenyra counts as the most action this show has seen in 7 episodes. It's all exposition told via conversation, like a BBC drawing room show. Very very dull.

Characters are totally lifeless. If any of them was to get killed next episode no one would care. Direction is bad. Characters have no real motivation. Why did Aemond do a sudden heel turn and become a murderous psycho after his dragon ride? Why is Cole still guarding the queen, after viciously killing a guest at Rhaenyra's wedding feast? Why does Daemon just lean against walls and smirk?

Only slightly interesting character imo is Otto, but he's barely in it.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-09-2022 , 08:16 PM
Reviews are off the charts for tonight’s episode
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-09-2022 , 08:17 PM
in a good way, i hope
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-09-2022 , 10:00 PM
best episode easily. for the first time NOTHING felt rushed.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-09-2022 , 11:37 PM
Good ep, really setting well for next few eps.

But if Strong was so strong, why are his kids so weak? They only got his hair?
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-09-2022 , 11:38 PM
The king walking to the iron throne was bad ass

His speech at dinner was highlight of his life. Good stuff
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-10-2022 , 12:08 AM
Great episode and everything is in place for this to be an elite show.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
10-10-2022 , 12:12 AM
posted that before the real end. gotta say starting a whole war because you misunderstood your kings deathbed wishes is a terrible trope. even though it would be another beaten to death trope, I kinda wish alicent had heard him say "...rhaenyra" in the end of that conversation which would prompt her to kill him right then and there.
House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair Quote
