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General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread General TV Discussion and Thread for Shows Without A Thread Thread

05-30-2024 , 05:00 AM
Really good season finale for Hacks.

The ending is where I hoped it would towards the end of last season. Their scene right before the end was easily Hannah's best performed scene of the series.

I don't know if it's been renewed for season 4 yet, but I'm worried we won't get one. Or at least it won't be for quite awhile.
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05-30-2024 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
now netflix seems to have only tentatively renewed it for "additional episodes", which might mean just 4-8 more eps to wrap up the series. their announcement was extremely vague, i don't think they even really know yet. which means they could just end up canceling it altogether. but it seems unlikely now that it will get 4 full seasons like they originally hoped.
Sounds like they're testing the waters to see if the audience is there. There is literally a huge amount left in the series.

Minor book spoiler below.

The 3rd book "Death's End" ends a few billion years in the future.
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05-30-2024 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
Sounds like they're testing the waters to see if the audience is there.
They already know the answer to that question and the announcement was their response to it.

Another option would be more episodes for less money per episode but D&D probably don't want that because that might interfere with their "artistic freedom".
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05-30-2024 , 04:04 PM
yeah i think the problem with 3bp is that they spent waaayyy too much money on it for whatever reason. i heard that d&d went over budget with it (shocking), not sure by how much though. resulted in one of the most expensive shows out there, which seems completely unnecessary for what it is. and then massive cost demands probably impossible viewership numbers. but then they dropped it all at once, which kind of seems like they gave up on it ahead of time. anyway, predictably it wasn't a massive hit and now here we are.

obviously plans can change, and i could be wrong, but from what i understood their announcement the other day said that however many episodes they put out for season 2 (if any) will be the end of it. i guess the emmy nominations come out in july, and if anything can turn the situation around it might be winning some awards. but then again maybe not, who knows.
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05-30-2024 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
yeah i think the problem with 3bp is that they spent waaayyy too much money on it for whatever reason. i heard that d&d went over budget with it (shocking), not sure by how much though. resulted in one of the most expensive shows out there, which seems completely unnecessary for what it is. and then massive cost demands probably impossible viewership numbers. but then they dropped it all at once, which kind of seems like they gave up on it ahead of time. anyway, predictably it wasn't a massive hit and now here we are.

obviously plans can change, and i could be wrong, but from what i understood their announcement the other day said that however many episodes they put out for season 2 (if any) will be the end of it. i guess the emmy nominations come out in july, and if anything can turn the situation around it might be winning some awards. but then again maybe not, who knows.
Oh, well. Maybe I'll go back to the Chinese version on Prime. 54 episodes.
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05-31-2024 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by 72off
yeah i think the problem with 3bp is that they spent waaayyy too much money on it for whatever reason. i heard that d&d went over budget with it (shocking), not sure by how much though. resulted in one of the most expensive shows out there, which seems completely unnecessary for what it is. and then massive cost demands probably impossible viewership numbers. but then they dropped it all at once, which kind of seems like they gave up on it ahead of time. anyway, predictably it wasn't a massive hit and now here we are.

obviously plans can change, and i could be wrong, but from what i understood their announcement the other day said that however many episodes they put out for season 2 (if any) will be the end of it. i guess the emmy nominations come out in july, and if anything can turn the situation around it might be winning some awards. but then again maybe not, who knows.
I watched one episode and liked it. But then I saw the viewership was down so I quit. That's a Netflix problem as I don't trust them to finish shows.
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05-31-2024 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Kurn, son of Mogh
Oh, well. Maybe I'll go back to the Chinese version on Prime. 54 episodes.
is the show better or the books?
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06-01-2024 , 02:16 AM
Anyone feel like Outer Range reminds them of Lost; a show trying to find answers to questions it doesnt know how to ask? It feels like each episode the writers are just winging it, as in they want to come up with something interesting but lack the creativity to conclude it. I feel like the ScreenRant Pitch Meeting guy could have a field day with their writing.

Producer: hey make me a cool show we can stretch out for 8 seasons if we had to.

Writer: Ok, but the only idea I've come up with so far is a mysterious black hole in a field

Producer: Lets run with it, maybe time travel?

Writer: yeah yeah yeah! Ok, so the heroes go back in time and encounter people they know from before they were born

Producer: wow this is going to get complicated with all of the paradox implications

Writer: actually it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience! You see each person who goes back in time will have absolutely no bearing on their future timelines, yet in the future there are hallmarks of their time travel to interconnect their past with their present! But none of it will have any real consequences.

Producer: Perfect! Make sure to randomly introduce 'mysterious' characters along the way who sound highly intellectual with profound wisdom of all things in the universe but dont really contribute or influence anything in the show whatsoever

Like I swear, the 2 writers feel like they probably assumed this time travel stuff cant be that hard, after all Back to the Future didnt require a PhD to write, and then half way through writing each episode they just get stuck looking at each other with a "now what?" expression on their face until someone just pulls something out of their ass to move the story along.
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06-01-2024 , 04:32 AM
Finished The Sympathizer. I do recommend it but be ready to read a lot. With most shows, I prefer to doodle on my geetar but this show is sort of all over the place so I needed to pay closer attention. I don’t mean that in a bad way. It time jumps constantly but it works. And Robert Downey Jr plays 4 different characters, all very well!
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06-01-2024 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by SerOuanling
is the show better or the books?
The books are excellent. In some ways, a strange and convoluted story, but it works. First 50-100 pages, I was like "How is this SciFi?" Then it kicks in. One part that hooked me was a look at a modern Chinese author's description of aspects of life in modern China as the underpinning to the story.

The Netflix show does a great job of distilling the main plot points of the first book, but it changes the location to the UK and changes the ethnicity/gender of some of the characters (this does not get in the way of the plot lines, though).

The Chinese series on Prime is structurally weird to me as a westerner, and it seems to move very slowly getting to the main plot points, but I'm only 10 episodes in and it is nowhere near the end of the first book.
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06-01-2024 , 08:07 AM
Originally Posted by javi
Anyone feel like Outer Range reminds them of Lost; a show trying to find answers to questions it doesnt know how to ask? It feels like each episode the writers are just winging it, as in they want to come up with something interesting but lack the creativity to conclude it. I feel like the ScreenRant Pitch Meeting guy could have a field day with their writing.

Producer: hey make me a cool show we can stretch out for 8 seasons if we had to.

Writer: Ok, but the only idea I've come up with so far is a mysterious black hole in a field

Producer: Lets run with it, maybe time travel?

Writer: yeah yeah yeah! Ok, so the heroes go back in time and encounter people they know from before they were born

Producer: wow this is going to get complicated with all of the paradox implications

Writer: actually it'll be super easy, barely an inconvenience! You see each person who goes back in time will have absolutely no bearing on their future timelines, yet in the future there are hallmarks of their time travel to interconnect their past with their present! But none of it will have any real consequences.

Producer: Perfect! Make sure to randomly introduce 'mysterious' characters along the way who sound highly intellectual with profound wisdom of all things in the universe but dont really contribute or influence anything in the show whatsoever

Like I swear, the 2 writers feel like they probably assumed this time travel stuff cant be that hard, after all Back to the Future didnt require a PhD to write, and then half way through writing each episode they just get stuck looking at each other with a "now what?" expression on their face until someone just pulls something out of their ass to move the story along.

I get some of this sentiment, but that's also just a joyless way to watch TV. Believe me I understand why some need it all to make sense, but I stopped worrying so much about that.

As it relates to Perry

My wife mentioned it too when he died. I'm just of the mind that when the timeline loses you, if your other is there to keep it all going, then the timeline is satisfied (and it's their rules so who cares frankly). But maybe then you can never leave (if you want to keep that character going). Regardless it feels like they're setting us up for a big rewind that'll smooth it all over anyway
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06-05-2024 , 10:46 AM
First 2 episodes of The Acolyte are good not great. I thought some of the acting was bad but it happened during the worst writing so not sure if the actor(s) are to blame.

There is a 5 minute sequence where we learn Mae is alive, that Sol hid that Mae existed at all, Sol insists there is no way Mae could be alive, then Sol runs into Isha who tells him Mae is alive and that Sol "believes her". Just a whiplash sequence all around. I'm guessing the twist is these Jedi Masters left Mae to die because she was evil and powerful as a child.
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