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Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT***

04-08-2014 , 10:43 AM
yeah, with this kind of show where there's so much to remember, the "previously on" is a necessary evil imo. but i like to skip them to preserve the surprise element.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 10:49 AM
Like book Shae didn't try to guilt trip Tyrion about not spending time with her, idiotically ask "Do you love Sanza", etc, right? I mean this stuff just seems like Westeros Whore 101, the rich powerful noble you've latched onto is going like have a wife and other whore options, being angry that he has a wife is insane. A whore like Shae is never going to be the legitimate consort of a Lannister, wtf is she thinking? Book Shae was a lot smarter, right?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by ValarMorghulis
Was just thinking that there's a decent chance that Jaime will help Brienne take off with Sansa (after the purple wedding). Sansa and Brienne will be another odd couple as they travel to the Vale. (I guess Pod might go with them as well.)
Lil finger taking Sansa is a pretty big part of the story imo.

Originally Posted by KDebo
they also showed him holding it and using it in 'previously on'

if someone didn't get that they should just stop watching
The " previously on " things are terrible if you are half way intelligent. It basically tells you what to expect in the upcoming episode.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 10:51 AM
Also you think the " mans gotta have a code " was a shout out to The Wire?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 10:56 AM
the hound was dropping pop culture hints all over the place.

- talking about a man's code like omar little
- talking about polliver's "cnut mouth" just like wild bill on deadwood
- taking after leeroy jenkins; running headfirst into a room full of enemies and enjoying some chicken afterwards
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:07 AM
lol and the Hound's code is like the exact opposite of Omar's. Killing innocents? Meh, whatever. Stealing? Hell no.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:23 AM
wake up kirby
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:52 AM
whats up?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 11:57 AM
do you have a permission to post in the other thread? get ready for some anger heading your way!
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 12:08 PM
how dare I make myself useful and put a video from the show without a single character
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 12:32 PM
Thought the Red Viper intro established the fact that he's an elite warrior really nicely:
1) Went into the city by himself.
2) Strolled up on two Lannisters, by himself, armed only with a knife.
3) Talked the second one into backing down
4) Threatened further harm to Lannisters.

Yeah, it's not the introduction in the book, listing out his bonafides. The writers here did a better job - they showed us rather than toldus.

Plus there were boobs.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 12:34 PM
Although your post is obviously fine, it seems like the rule is if you are a bookreader you are not allowed to post in there no matter what. Which is a good move to prevent all the grey area arguments on what's fine and what isn't.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
I don't think they contain spoilers but I do hate watching them. They take some of the fun/surprise out of episodes.

When I saw them for this ep I immediately though "Oh, I guess we are going to see Ser Dontos and Ice this episode."
and most TV viewers thought "oh yeah I vaguely remember that fat guy". Seriously it has been 2 years since we saw him in one episode. No way the average TV viewer remembers anything about Dontos.

Previously on sucks for astute show watchers but is completely necessary for the majority of the audience who has only watched the show once.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 12:55 PM
Oh boy. Article on Grantland (Sport's Guy's spinoff website) called Ask the Maester and claiming to be "spoiler free" just laid out everything except R + L = J. Prepare for all hell to break lose in the other thread once someone starts making references to it.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by MarsMuzak
Oh boy. Article on Grantland (Sport's Guy's spinoff website) called Ask the Maester and claiming to be "spoiler free" just laid out everything except R + L = J. Prepare for all hell to break lose in the other thread once someone starts making references to it.
Can one really spoil something that isn't even confirmed?

Some TV watchers have already guessed at R+L=J. It's not an unreasonable leap to have made if you've watched the show and the DVD extras.

Putting this:

(*We put an asterisk here because we’re about to go deep: In many ways, the marriage of Elia and Rhaegar is the seed from which the entire narrative structure sprouts. To recap: Elia Martell of Dorne married Rhaegar Targaryen, son of the Mad King and the crown prince of Westeros. She loved him and bore him two children, but … something happened, that something caused a separation, and that separation became a war. In the Season 4 premiere, Oberyn says, flat-out, that Rhaegar left Elia for another woman. Thinking back to Season 1, we know that Ned’s father and brother went south to King’s Landing to protest something involving Rhaegar and Ned’s sister Lyanna, who was betrothed to Robert Baratheon. The death of Ned’s father and brother at the hands of the Mad King sparked Robert’s rebellion, which ended with Robert as king and Elia and her babes murdered. Coincidently, Ned Stark, a.k.a., The Most Honorable Man in the Realm, returned from said war with a bastard child whose mother he refuses to speak of. It all comes back to Rhaegar and Elia.)
in a 'no spoiler' article is AIDS though.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 02:01 PM
All hail HBO’s Game of Thrones. The fourth-season premiere of the fantasy delivered the show’s biggest audience yet: 6.6 million viewers. That makes Sunday’s Thrones HBO’s most-watched program since The Sopranos’ series finale in 2007. Two replays of the Thrones episode drove the show’s full-night tally up to 8.2 million viewers.
By comparison, season 3 opened to 4.4 million viewers and eventually peaked at 5.5 million for the sixth episode (no, the Red Wedding was not a record high, and nor was the finale, which delivered 5.4 million).
Last season Thrones averaged 14.4 million viewers per episode, second only to The Sopranos as HBO’s most-watched series. This year, Thrones might very well overtake the classic mob drama to claim the premium cable network’s all-time crown, especially given its history of growing its audience as a season progresses.
Online viewership was also immense as HBO Go, the pay cabler’s streaming service, crashed during the premiere with many receiving a “fatal error” message, which HBO attributed to “overwhelming demand.”
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 03:21 PM
Renewed for two more seasons
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 03:30 PM
Hopefully it's popularity continues to grow and HBO agree to more than the rumoured 7 seasons. I guess even it just sustained these ratings through the next couple of seasons they might anyway.

3 seasons after this one doesn't seem like it'll be enough to get through the whole story especially when you think about all the epic **** that should go down in the last 2 books.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 04:15 PM
No way will they finish it in 3 seasons.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 04:31 PM
I skip "previously on" because I'm just incredibly impatient.

Last edited by Dr. Wily; 04-08-2014 at 04:50 PM. Reason: and I don't have hbo
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by THEBIGYELLOWJOINT
I think Maester Aemon is going to die this season at the wall rather than on the ship with Sam.
Might be; I'd fear that could open the way to cut down the Bravoos stuff altogether.

Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Like book Shae didn't try to guilt trip Tyrion about not spending time with her, idiotically ask "Do you love Sanza", etc, right? I mean this stuff just seems like Westeros Whore 101, the rich powerful noble you've latched onto is going like have a wife and other whore options, being angry that he has a wife is insane. A whore like Shae is never going to be the legitimate consort of a Lannister, wtf is she thinking? Book Shae was a lot smarter, right?

Originally Posted by Dominic
Renewed for two more seasons
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
twow sample chapter

She kills Ralf in the sample chapter. In both the show and the sample chapter she gets her target to say "carry me".
in case anyone didn't get the references. lommy was unable to walk, and he said to Polliver that they would have to carry him. Polliver responded by spearing him in the throat. Arya gets her targets to ask her to carry them as a way to close the circle of revenge
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
It doesn't really confirm R+L=J.

Robert's opinion was that Rhaegar abducted Lyanna and raped her, which is likely far from the truth, and Oberon believes that Rhaegar betrayed his sister and ran off with Lyanna, which may also not be true. The only people that know for certain at this point are all dead except for Howland Reed.
Yeh, how on earth does this show that R+L= J?

We already know and so do all the non-bookreaders that Rhaeger either ran away with or kidnapped her. All that The Red Viper says is that he ran away with another woman.

Where do people see a link with John at all in that conversation?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by peterc1992
Yeh, how on earth does this show that R+L= J?

We already know and so do all the non-bookreaders that Rhaeger either ran away with or kidnapped her. All that The Red Viper says is that he ran away with another woman.

Where do people see a link with John at all in that conversation?
It's not a huge stretch to go from "Rhaegar ran away with another woman" to "Rhaegar might have a bastard kid". Then you start looking for options for who it is and other than Jon there aren't a ton of in-show options.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
04-08-2014 , 06:02 PM
Shae is poison in the show. Whiny biatch.
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