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Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT***

06-07-2015 , 07:12 AM
Ramsay is married to a Stark, is of the North and wasn't part of the red wedding. He can make a good claim that Stannis needs him and is a better ally than enemy.

The problem with this is he hasn't really shown any willingness to be disloyal to Roose and he is throwing everything behind Stannis succeeding which he doesn't really have a good reason to do.

It would seem very out of character for this to be the plan and the plotting kinda sucks given what we know of him.

What he should do if this were his goal, and he is definitely capable of it as a character, is to kill Roose, have Reek take credit, kill him, then offer terms of neutrality to Stannis using his marriage to Sansa to legitimise his claim over the north, the uniting of the two biggest northern houses etc.

That feels more likely than the show sending him north to break bread with Stannis. I still think something is happening we see not seeing, but i don't think it's that.

Last edited by [Phill]; 06-07-2015 at 07:19 AM.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Ramsay is married to a Stark, is of the North and wasn't part of the red wedding. He can make a good claim that Stannis needs him and is a better ally than enemy.

The problem with this is he hasn't really shown any willingness to be disloyal to Roose and he is throwing everything behind Stannis succeeding which he doesn't really have a good reason to do.

It would seem very out of character for this to be the plan and the plotting kinda sucks given what we know of him.

What he should do if this were his goal, and he is definitely capable of it as a character, is to kill Roose, have Reek take credit, kill him, then offer terms of neutrality to Stannis using his marriage to Sansa to legitimise his claim over the north, the uniting of the two biggest northern houses etc.

That feels more likely than the show sending him north to break bread with Stannis. I still think something is happening we see not seeing, but i don't think it's that.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 01:11 PM
I'm firmly in the no pink letter boat. There is just way too many differences to marry that storyline. If they did have some sort of letter it would have to be entirely different, written by a different person, about a different thing everything.

I am still annoyed we didn't get the "don't make me rue the day I raped your mother" from Roose.
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06-07-2015 , 01:18 PM
they've spent a couple scenes reminding us that Ramsey may feel his place is precarious - from Roose's pending new baby to Sansa reminding him he's a bastard. I think there is justification there for him to turn on Roose. It would sort of be in character for an evil mofo.

but even if they go there, I don't think his plan works, as it would mean Sansa would remain indefinitely stuck with him and I doubt that's how her arc continues to play out
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06-07-2015 , 03:16 PM
There are a few ways her arc plays where she wins the game. Ramsay getting rid of Roose then dying via Brienne, Arya or even Reek reclaiming his name are all plausible directions in the next season.

I just don't see how the season doesn't end with her indefinitely stuck at winterfell with ramsay anyway. The show isn't having him ride into battle with a score of guys only to be captured and burned alive.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by loK2thabrain
If Ramsay succeeds on his black ops mission I'm going to be rustled beyond belief.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 04:34 PM
needs a beniofface
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
There are a few ways her arc plays where she wins the game. Ramsay getting rid of Roose then dying via Brienne, Arya or even Reek reclaiming his name are all plausible directions in the next season.

I just don't see how the season doesn't end with her indefinitely stuck at winterfell with ramsay anyway. The show isn't having him ride into battle with a score of guys only to be captured and burned alive.
I'm guessing Brienne seems Ramsey leave, follows them, and kills him.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
I'm guessing Brienne seems Ramsey leave, follows them, and kills him.
Saving Stannis by accident in the process. This would be totally in line with the theme of chivalry and quests being ruined.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 05:22 PM
And would suck hardcore too
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 06:06 PM
I can't imagine they created this whole Brienne / Winterfell storyline just to have it go nowhere. Maybe Brienne dies rescuing Sansa but I don't think so. Think there is a decent chance Brienne gets Sansa (who of course now realizes how awful it is at winterfell) out of there.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 06:51 PM
last two eps leaked i think

havent verified if theyre legit
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 07:05 PM
Saw the leaked EP 9. I am rustled beyond belief.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 07:30 PM
the episode I downloaded was a fake (had the most seeds too...)

it already got deleted from the site, and there are no other episodes 9 left.

Pm me? o_O
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 08:46 PM
can't find them anywhere
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 09:40 PM
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 09:57 PM
Ending pretty dope tho, even if full of holes. But seriously with that Shireen stuff...c'mon now. Brutal.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:01 PM
Jfc shireen dieing is tilting beyond belief
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:09 PM
Come on Jorah. Why would you touch Dany?
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:18 PM
Overall big disappointment, I'm not sure I have ever seen a show be as inconsistent within one season as this one. First 30 minutes = aids, or at least a near fatal case of SARS/MERS. Not sure how showing a child get torched is going to over on the Internets but that was pretty brutal. Can't root for Stannis anymore, that's unfortunate. I'm a spoiler reader so this is based on the show but that decision seemed to me to be out of character. Swarm of harpies could have been better, could have been worse, dragon was tolerable but not enough to save this otherwise waste of an episode.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:24 PM
Dorne stuff will be pointless if they don't include the fire and blood speech. I figured they would when Tyrion and Dany didn't mention the Martells among the houses of Westeros. Now I don't know how they'll get back to Doran in episode 10.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:36 PM
Final scene was good, but not great--it didn't capture how desperate that scene felt in the books, especially with all the lame moments and inconsistencies. (So, the harpies did have plenty of people with spears to throw... just not while Dany was standing still out in the open? And everyone decided to just take a few seconds to pause and admire the girl and her dragon having a moment?)

WTF to the whole Princess Shireen thing.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 10:59 PM
The Shireen thing was even worst than Jaime killing his cousin.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Come on Jorah. Why would you touch Dany?
when he touched her I was like NOOOO WTF DON'T DO THAT

and I don't even like her. it's probably nothing though.

- can't stand ellaria.
- thought shireen dying was kinda necessary for the producers. they kept this tradition of having shocking things on ep 9. on an uneventful season like this, I think they kinda had to do it to save jon's stabbing for the last ep. I actually think it's going to be the best last episode of the show.

- liked the last scene, even though I can't understand why they didn't, you know, killed danny with the spears. still liked it though, specially the hizdahr (?) part. was kinda shocked when he died. thought drogon was going to show up and eat jorah as soon as he killed the last man lol

- can someone enlighten me on the arya plot? is this part from the TWOW chapter that was released? does she pretend to be a prostitute in the next ep to kill him? I forgot how it goes.
Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT*** Quote
06-07-2015 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Aaronk56's Son
Dorne stuff will be pointless if they don't include the fire and blood speech. I figured they would when Tyrion and Dany didn't mention the Martells among the houses of Westeros. Now I don't know how they'll get back to Doran in episode 10.
I think this will still happen on ep 10. no way it will just stay like this.
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