Originally Posted by mullen
Tom you'll be hooked after the first few eps, the first season is incredibly good
that's such an overstatement
The first few eps suck actually iirc and then it picks up and gets good when they make it more about coach and less about stupid, slutty young people.
Seriously the main plot of the first few eps: star quarterback is injured and unable to play thereby ending his relationship with the head cheerleader and putting a previously unknown and uncool backup quarterback in the game skyrocketing him to popularity!
Seriously, I'm not joking, that's the plot. All that was missing was a woman giving birth in an elevator.
Also, for the first ep at least, I recall they seem to have been filming in an earthquake.
So if anything the above quote should read:
Originally Posted by mullen
Tom you'll be nauseated by the first few eps, but the first season is good, so stick with it if you're looking to waste some time and be mostly entertained.