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Dexter: season 5 Dexter: season 5

12-13-2010 , 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by Bluff Daddy
also LOL at some dude selling fruit on the corner recognizing Jordan Chase and then calling the cops b/c he "thought he heard noises coming from the trunk"
seriously, who's the most famous self help guy? Tony Robbins? Do you think 75% of people even know who he is? let alone a guy who doesn't speak english?
12-13-2010 , 11:35 AM
wait, Jordan Chase Jordan Chase?
12-13-2010 , 11:40 AM
meanwhile, i thought the mexican dude was saying "O-ran-ges, o-ran-ges" at first bc in my mind he couldnt possibly know who Jordan Chase was.
12-13-2010 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Jeremy517
I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with Laguerta being the commanding officer and neither one of them wanting the other to transfer to a different department. An-hel and Laguerta then lied about the relationship being over, which is what they were going to get in trouble for.
lol, this bugs the crap out of me too.

Originally Posted by sufur
Maybe I have to rewatch, but did noone else get the impression Deb knows it's Dexter? I kinda suspected she might know when she first talked to Dexter but then, at the very end, she said something like, "You must be glad it's all over". Seems like she knows, I dunno.

Even with that "cliffhanger" it was a pretty weak finale/season. I think I go 1=2>4>3>>>5.
If she didn't know, then wtf was she referring to in that statement? His grueling blood work?

When Chase had the gun and was talking to Dexter I was so hoping that he would just shoot Lumen. "this keeps happening to you. I know it must suck, like this....BANG!" That would have been fantastic, and I like Stiles, but it would have been a great way for her to go.
12-13-2010 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Conz
meanwhile, i thought the mexican dude was saying "O-ran-ges, o-ran-ges" at first bc in my mind he couldnt possibly know who Jordan Chase was.
I mean can look past the fact that he most likely wouldn't have known him I guess since they portrayed him the whole season as some kind of huge celebrity everyone knew. But no way in hell that guy is going to call the police and be like yeah I was selling fruit on the corner and thought I heard some noise coming from Jordan Chase's trunk, he's probably got a body in there might want to check it out!
12-13-2010 , 11:59 AM
After Deb says that line, Dexter watchers her awkwardly for a second, she walks away, and keeps watching her awkwardly. Then he starts muttering to himself how others have relationships so easily. That scene is messed up in so many ways srsly F the writers this season.
12-13-2010 , 12:12 PM
Read on another forum that she could probably mean Astor and Cody being pissed at him and his life falling back into pieces... But somehow that comment feels kinda bitchy because you don't tell someone whose wife has passed away when the "getting on with your life"-phase is over.

But I could totally see it being that as it fits perfectly in the awesome set up for the finale there was and then it sucking heavily.
12-13-2010 , 12:17 PM
not sure if we're using spoilers itt or not

1st time I've been disappointed with a Dexter finale. I thought it would have been cool if Deb discovered Lumen and Dexter killing Jordan. As she was walking down the stairs I was like omfg this show is going to rock my world again but it didn't happen
12-13-2010 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by exoendo
2 is just the most overrated season by a long shot. People just forget how "neatly" everything was wrapped up in that one. Paul easily being framed and then conveniently being killed in jail. Lila starting some stupid house fire and dexter cheesily jumping through a wall with astor and cody in arms, lila convientantly stumbling upon doakes and cartoonishly blowing him up, and then dexter flies to paris in the last 2 minutes of the season and just quickly knifes lila, the big bad, without so much as a conversation.

Season 3 is lol if you think it's better than season 5.
I think there's a big difference when you wrap everything up nicely in S2 as opposed to S5, especially when you set a whole new bar with finales like they did with Trinity in the previous season. As a whole, S2 was much better than S5 and definitely better than S3. Depending on how much weight you give the finale, it was better than S4 as well.

I'd say S1 > S2 >> S4 >>> S3 >>> S5
12-13-2010 , 12:24 PM
anyone know what happens in the books and want to give a bunch of spoilers, in tags obviously? im beyond the point of caring about this show and just want to be filled in.
12-13-2010 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by Zygote
anyone know what happens in the books and want to give a bunch of spoilers, in tags obviously? im beyond the point of caring about this show and just want to be filled in.
I think only S1 is based on the books and they took a different route from there.

Pretty sad, Laguerta dies really early in the books.

edit, just read this, synopsis of the latest book:

Dexter Morgan has always lived a happy homicidal life. He keeps his dark urges in check by adhering to one stead fast rule...he only kills very bad people. But now Dexter is experiencing some major life changes—don't we all?—and they're mostly wrapped up in the eight-pound curiosity that is his newborn daughter. Family bliss is cut short, however, when Dexter is summoned to investigate the disappearance of a seventeen-year-old girl who has been running with a bizarre group of goths who fancy themselves to be vampires. As Dexter gets closer to the truth of what happened to the missing girl, he realizes they are not really vampires so much as cannibals. And, most disturbing...these people have decided they would really like to eat Dexter.
12-13-2010 , 01:23 PM
Deb: Hey fruit guy, what is down in that direction?

Fruit Guy: That way? The busy road that many cars are driving down? There's an abandoned camp.
12-13-2010 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by 72off
nah, S3 is even better than that piece of crap.
I just re-watched S3 and it's way better.
12-13-2010 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
Deb: Hey fruit guy, what is down in that direction?

Fruit Guy: That way? The busy road that many cars are driving down? There's an abandoned camp.
Hahaha, yeah.

I can buy a dude knowing who Jordan Chase is, that's not a plot hole or anything, just a little unlikely. But they go out of their way to say the camp was abandoned 20 years ago, and yet apparently that relatively large looking road only leads to that camp, which seems to only have one building anyone would ever consider going into.
12-13-2010 , 01:42 PM
I only skimmed a lot of posts, anyone mention the fact there is a slug matching Deb's gun stuck in a wall. That ballistics report would be awkward to explain.

Maybe she could call it an ode to Will Ferrell and it was a crime scene pop.
12-13-2010 , 01:42 PM
I enjoyed the finale and season immensely, and I think the year was well done. And at the same time I think that, many of the criticisms are solid. The world is coming apart at the seams with all the inconsistencies and plot holes.

I'm surprised it took so long for anyone to mention Debra's cryptic comment at the end. She doesn't make sense as a character unless she knows that Dexter is wrapped up in this and a lot of the other stuff in some way.
12-13-2010 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
1>2>4>>3>>>5. If you disagree, you're wrong.
Agree. Only interchangeable ones are 2 for 4, but that's about right.
12-13-2010 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by NoMeansYes_
1>2>4>>3>>>5. If you disagree, you're wrong.
agree with this, also agree that 4 possibly better than 2, but otherwise this has to be the rankings. I even like the number of >'s between each. S3 still underrated by this forum and was much better than this season. This season sucked so bad.
12-13-2010 , 02:38 PM
Because the show is so formulaic now, each season depends mostly on the bad guy. They wasted a good actor and an interesting character by only having the last few episodes with Chase as the bad guy. Delving more into his background and routine (particularly his relationship with Emily which was bizarre and a bad point for the writers to start giving the audience room to imagine what they want when there is no ambiguity elsewhere) would have helped the season a lot.
12-13-2010 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by obi1jabroni
Rewatched S1 and S2 past couple of weeks. So better than the other seasons. S2 = S1 > S3, barely better than S4 >>> S5.

Writers, no more car wrecks. Hoping for a better S6 with cat and mouse serial killer game.
You might want to re-watch S3 again, then, because no rational viewer would put S3 > S4.
12-13-2010 , 02:41 PM
really enjoyed first 35 minutes, then saw i still had 20 minutes left and was sorta stupidly on the edge of my seat wondering what awesome **** was gonna happen... but really i'm fine with it being a dull-ish end and i'm still excited for the next season. Deb and Quinn both got cooler this season, Angel and Laguerta got way less screen time, and Dexter looked ****ing pissed and ready to go on a bad guy rampage as he was blowing out Harrison's candle.

I assume next season will resume when Cody and Astor go back after summer, but WHATS NEXT? I DUNNO BUT I WANT TO.


1>4>2>3>5, but i still enjoyed this season plenty.
12-13-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by shemp
I enjoyed the finale and season immensely, and I think the year was well done. And at the same time I think that, many of the criticisms are solid. The world is coming apart at the seams with all the inconsistencies and plot holes.

I'm surprised it took so long for anyone to mention Debra's cryptic comment at the end. She doesn't make sense as a character unless she knows that Dexter is wrapped up in this and a lot of the other stuff in some way.
+1 i liked it. seems like deb might know and quinn obviously knows. i liked the scene on the boat going to the liddy crime scene. i thought all the acting was quite good actually. the writing was kind of bad. but i enjoyed the finale. i dont think id even like a cliffhanger. its lame to wait a year on a hanger
12-13-2010 , 02:50 PM
was really looking forward to this and it was totally ****
12-13-2010 , 03:18 PM
This is was the most disappointed I have been in a TV show, in an episode that I was looking forward to seeing, since the finale of the Sopranos.

Also, I thought the previous 4 or 5 episodes this season were very good.
12-13-2010 , 03:24 PM
The final episode of Sopranos was perfect.
