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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

10-22-2012 , 10:44 AM
We are never ever gonna cook together.

Apolgies if this has been posted, but had to share with fellow Breaking Bad fans.
10-22-2012 , 11:25 AM
^ Like it, thanks
10-22-2012 , 01:54 PM

The gap between 5a and 2 is my smallest. Of s5's episodes, "Madrigal" is in my entire-series top three.
10-23-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
Yeah, that's it for me too, but if I ever rewatch 5a may get moved down. It's hard to place coming off the insanity of s4. What I do like is that it's managed to restore some plausibility (imo) instead of going completely off the rails as it was headed.

I'm curious what people liked more about s3 to put it higher than s4. To me the third season was awesome but primarily laid the groundwork for the insanity that took place later. If people rate it higher because they didn't like the Gus death scene well then lol @ u, not hearing any of that, but there may be other reasons as well.
10-23-2012 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Yeah, that's it for me too, but if I ever rewatch 5a may get moved down. It's hard to place coming off the insanity of s4. What I do like is that it's managed to restore some plausibility (imo) instead of going completely off the rails as it was headed.

I'm curious what people liked more about s3 to put it higher than s4. To me the third season was awesome but primarily laid the groundwork for the insanity that took place later. If people rate it higher because they didn't like the Gus death scene well then lol @ u, not hearing any of that, but there may be other reasons as well.
Cousin were solid. Especially the showdown with Hank.
10-23-2012 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by scottp4braves
We are never ever gonna cook together.
This is really well done
10-23-2012 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
Cousin were solid. Especially the showdown with Hank.
Ah yeah. To be fair I have a hard time remembering what falls in what season to some degree and I'm not the type to watch a series twice. But the cousins were great casting, the silent menace was a nice counter to all the verbal sparring. Just felt like s3 --> s4 had a long build-up with climax / payoff in the s4 finale.
10-23-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
Yeah, that's it for me too, but if I ever rewatch 5a may get moved down. It's hard to place coming off the insanity of s4. What I do like is that it's managed to restore some plausibility (imo) instead of going completely off the rails as it was headed.

I'm curious what people liked more about s3 to put it higher than s4. To me the third season was awesome but primarily laid the groundwork for the insanity that took place later. If people rate it higher because they didn't like the Gus death scene well then lol @ u, not hearing any of that, but there may be other reasons as well.
Watching both seasons live, I thought S3 was way more gripping. It was packed with suspense and action and surprise-- "Sunset" and "One Minute" provided the kind of sweat most shows only get to at the end of their season. Season 4 stretched it legs for a long time, because it was obvious it was building to a Walt-Gus confrontation, whereas Season 3, while a little slow in the early going, hit an intense pace pretty quickly and then ramped it up again at the end of the season.
10-23-2012 , 07:05 PM
Good summary, it appears my memory is selling s3 short.
10-24-2012 , 03:07 AM
I'm watching season 5, episode 1 again.
Originally Posted by TJay
That means he is somewhere in Oklahoma or Kansas
I predict Tulsa or Wichita or somewhere around there .
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Didn't he say that his purchase wasn't even going to leave the state,
in regards to the M60? If so, why anywhere else other then NM?
Isn't the guy he buys the M60 from the same guy he bought the unregistered handgun from in season 4?

He's in ABQ if you ask me.
10-24-2012 , 05:38 AM

come at me bro
10-24-2012 , 06:40 AM
Season 3 was my favorite, and 2 was my least favorite.

I guess it's something like 3>4>5>1>2, although 5 and 1 are all pretty close.
10-24-2012 , 08:37 AM
3 > 2 > 1 > 4 > 5

3 for obvious reasons, 2 because of saul, 1 b/c it's the first one and you get to know the most about the characters, 4 was good but to this day i hate the poisoning plot

was disappointed by 5, thought it was over the top (even for breaking bad)
10-24-2012 , 01:59 PM

Other people on the internet believe that this foreshadows Hank shooting Walt. This is when Hank pulls the duct tape off the bullet holes in the RV.

10-24-2012 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot

Other people on the internet believe that this foreshadows Hank shooting Walt. This is when Hank pulls the duct tape off the bullet holes in the RV.

Theory isn't a spoiler
And the creators fully admit that they make everything up as they go along. That is S2 right? A lot happened since then. Though Hank shooting a cornered Walt that refuses to surrender would be pretty fitting and cool.
10-24-2012 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Theory isn't a spoiler
And the creators fully admit that they make everything up as they go along. That is S2 right? A lot happened since then. Though Hank shooting a cornered Walt that refuses to surrender would be pretty fitting and cool.
Ya, they just don't plan that far ahead. I think the symbolism of bullet holes on Walt in the crystal ship is definitely there, but unlikely to be foreshadowing.
10-24-2012 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Theory isn't a spoiler
And the creators fully admit that they make everything up as they go along. That is S2 right? A lot happened since then. Though Hank shooting a cornered Walt that refuses to surrender would be pretty fitting and cool.
They've admitted to making up some stuff as they go along, but they've also foreshadowed a lot of stuff (737, Gus and bells). I think the scene could be a little of both. Like they intentionally shot it that way in case they end up deciding to have Hank shot Walt, they can do it like that.
10-24-2012 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by CabreraEra2

come at me bro
10-24-2012 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by splashpot
They've admitted to making up some stuff as they go along, but they've also foreshadowed a lot of stuff (737, Gus and bells). I think the scene could be a little of both. Like they intentionally shot it that way in case they end up deciding to have Hank shot Walt, they can do it like that.
Wasn't that all same-season stuff or coincidence though? Obviously they make up season plots as they go allong with the episode plots, since not doing that would be a mess. Giligan said in an interview when he decided to kill off Gus by Hector's bells... No idea what interview or what his answer was sadly. But I would be surprised if it was before S3 was shot (the first scene that could reference the bells was in S3 with the Brothers iirc).

And BB is a show that is very cleverly filmed & written, so there is a lot of stuff in there that could be seen as foreshadowing various stuff, doesn't necessarily mean that it was intended or even when it was intended doesn't mean that their decision for future plots was in any way serious/official.

People often **** on shows for this reason, that "the ending of a show isn't even close to decided on when the first season is written", but I think there's actually power in that since the writers have so much more information when they write the ending and it's pretty impossible for a good show to be predictable. It IS just way more difficult to pull off in a good way, though. And BB is doing that, so I don't think we should be looking seriously into clues that could foreshadow stuff from early as Season 2 since it's not what the show is.

However, if it does end up being the case (Hank shoots Walt), I agree that that scene is awesome and will end up being one of the best scenes of the show. But it would't mean that this scene was meant to be a message from the writers that 'this is how it's going to end, bitches!', unless they specifically say that it was.
10-24-2012 , 07:46 PM
Considering Gilligan has admitted he wrote the season 4 finale as a series finale in case AMC didn't pick it up, it's safe to say they weren't trying to foreshadow anything.
10-24-2012 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Considering Gilligan has admitted he wrote the season 4 finale as a series finale in case AMC didn't pick it up, it's safe to say they weren't trying to foreshadow anything.
Well to be fair he obviously wanted to take it further than S4 given the 2 most major confrontations hadn't taken place yet. It was just a point where the show could end, not where they wanted it to end.
10-24-2012 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Considering Gilligan has admitted he wrote the season 4 finale as a series finale in case AMC didn't pick it up, it's safe to say they weren't trying to foreshadow anything.
This is true, but IIRC from the insider podcasts he does mention that they throw things out there with the intention of making up something to fit it later on, or retroactively create continuity or foreshadowing from past events that wasn't originally supposed to be there.

One example VG points out is the teddy bear in the pool - he says they just started with that and didn't know what it was going to lead to, but they put it in anyway and decided they'd figure it out. Another continuity instance which he hasn't mentioned but I think is pretty obvious, is the episode in season three where we find out that Jesse didn't actually buy an RV with the money Walt gave him in the pilot, and instead spent the money on hookers and blow and ended up stealing one from Combo's mother.

I think it's very brave and pretty cool the way they take risks with the writing like that, and how they like to revisit gaps in the story. I certainly wouldn't put it past them to use an instance like the light shining through those bullet holes (or, indeed, the shot during the 'Negro Y Azul' music video of Heisenberg lying face down on the ground, dead) and turn it into a great bit of retroactive foreshadowing.
10-24-2012 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by CabreraEra2

come at me bro
If it's possible to be factually wrong about these kind of things, this is about as wrong as you can get.
10-24-2012 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
If it's possible to be factually wrong about these kind of things, this is about as wrong as you can get.
2>3>4 is a crime
4 as the worst is a crime
2 as the best is a crime

3 strikes
off to jail imo
10-24-2012 , 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
2>3>4 is a crime
4 as the worst is a crime
2 as the best is a crime

3 strikes
off to jail imo
