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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

09-03-2012 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
I disagree completely.

Think about all that money they are making in 3 months.

Then he tells Lydia/Czechs/NM connection that "he's out" after 3 months of printing money.

They are going to tell him "He's In" or your family is dead.

Walt is "in charge", but the irony is, he will be in the same position he was in working for Gus, just with a bigger cut.

So no time has passed since he told her "he's out", becuase that is what season 5b is all about. He is going to try to get out (if he actually wants out) and people that are making money of him are going to force him to keep cooking.
I agree that it wouldn`t be easy to get out because of bolded. I`m not sure how big a plot hole it would be if he turns out to have been out, though. It's not like they established that these new parties are dangerous. Heisenberg has a pretty badass rep that may make it seem better to just let him go, or whatever.

I can't fathom how Skyler gets to the frame of mind in her final scene without a significant passage of time so I have to disagree that it was soon after Walt's "I'm out" declaration.
09-03-2012 , 01:07 PM
In be4 they come to an argeement, split the money and live happily ever after.
09-03-2012 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Even with Tivo watching AMC in standard def live I wasn't able to read Gale's note during the broadcast and I foolishly forgot to find it. All I had seen was "??? W.W. ???? -G.B.

Seeing now that it says "To my other favorite W.W." that seems pretty damning to the point where Hank doesn't need to dig into Walter's life to know whether he's Heisenburg or not... that's the smoking gun right?
09-03-2012 , 01:11 PM
No chance Hank confronts Walt immediately. What, he's going to tip him off that he knows before he has time to investigate?

edit: and yes, Joven, I think the point of that scene is that Hank now knows Walt is the guy he's been chasing all along.
09-03-2012 , 01:11 PM
Just marathoned the whole season yesterday, and there's one thing I found a little odd. Only read the last 3-400 posts in this thread, so perhaps this was already discussed.

In the opening scene of the season it's clear that when Walt shows the waitress his ID, it's a fake, since she calls him by another name. So on the fake ID, there is a different name, but the same exact birthday. That seems a little weird.

I think that it's overwhelmingly likely that it his actual birthday given the hair growth and the bacon 52 (which seems like something that he would only do on his real birthday). So given that it is his real birthday, it seems odd that he would get a fake ID (for any reason) and keep the birthday on it exactly the same.

I suppose one could argue that it would be easier for him to remember, but Walt is a smart guy. That shouldn't be a problem. If one is going to the trouble of creating a fake identity for any reason, wouldn't it be sensible to change the birthday too.
09-03-2012 , 01:13 PM
No one should ever name their kid Skylar or Skyler. It's just not good.
09-03-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by sufur
Did I miss people comment on how hilarious/cartoonish the prison killing montage was. That seemed like a touch of overkill, to me!
a post from reddit

"First open this in a new tab or window and click play:
then come back here and open these gifs."
09-03-2012 , 01:16 PM

09-03-2012 , 01:19 PM
surprised nobody has pointed out the plot hole where gale spells 'honour' with a u but 'favorite' without a u

but seriously, i'd be surprised if walt even knew the inscription was there. i imagine gale presenting it to walt all happily and proudly, and walt just saying thanks and tossing it in his work locker without looking at it.
09-03-2012 , 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by Andre_787

09-03-2012 , 01:25 PM
No more posts trying to figure out how much money was there. It's dumb, its intentionally ambiguous and it's killing the thread.
09-03-2012 , 01:27 PM
So new season power rankings

09-03-2012 , 01:28 PM
09-03-2012 , 01:30 PM
good post from reddit

There are a lot of questions whether or not Hank has evidence to incriminate Walt, but I think that he has more than enough.

Why else would Walt be on the run by himself on his 52nd birthday? Hank's got sufficient evidence to incriminate Walter White:

Walter's background in higher lever Chemistry and Gray Matter. Who else but a trained chemist could come up with a way to make methamphetamine that is 99.1% pure?

The equipment the DEA confiscated from the high school. Walter, a trained chemist, worked at that high school. A trained chemist turned amateur drug manufacturer would have taken equipment from the workplace. Why not? Hank would easily connect those two things.

The second cell phone (though not found, he knows it exists). Now that he knows that Walter is Heisenberg, wouldn't Hank easily connect those two things?

Jesse Pinkman. There's nothing that needs to be said here. Jesse's been in some sketchy stuff (as seen by the DEA) throughout the show. If he can link Jesse to Walt, there would be more than enough evidence.

Walter's "fugue episode." Mysterious, but who knows? Could Hank use this in his investigation?

The acquisition of new cars, a car wash and the payment of both Hank and Walter's treatments. How is it possible for a former high school with financial problems teacher turned "gambler"make so much money gambling? It's preposterous.

Gale's notebooks referencing to "W.W."

I also suspect that, either through Marie or by himself, Hank will squeeze a confession out of Skyler that will result in her and the children being protected by the DEA. My theory, however, is that now that Hank knows that Walter is Heisenberg, he will begin by confronting Skyler. Skyler will then burst like a grape and give a confession. While this happens, a few plot twists will happen:

Holly somehow swallows the ricin
As a result, Jesse finds out that Walter poisoned Brock

Hank will then confront Walter. Showdown ensues. Hank and Walter eventually come to an agreement in which they agree that Walter must leave town and his family for Hank to not follow through with the investigation. Powerless and alone, Walter leaves town. Declan's people, however, track him down and demand his blood because he did not meet his end of the deal. This is where the [1] wire seen in the beginning of the pre-introduction scene of episode 5.1 comes in. Walter comes to an agreement with Hank about helping the DEA bust Declan's men. He fears a firefight, which is why he has firearms. In the end, Walter gets immunity from the DEA, but loses his family, Jesse, and in the end loses his life to cancer (which comes back, but he refuses to go through treatment so as to maintain his secret identity).
09-03-2012 , 01:32 PM
"Holly somehow swallows ricin, as a result jesse finds out Walter poisoned Brock."

Not real sure how these two things are connected.
09-03-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Gretchen Schwartz.

Schwartz = black in Grey Matter.

Gretchen Schwartz = Gretchen Black

Gretchen Black = G. B.

BOOK IT!!!!!
That is fantastic. I guess for Walt to use this as an excuse though Hank will have to confront him specifically with the book pretty soon. The way Hank is though, there is a decent chance he bottles up the new info and tries to build a case before confronting Walt. And even if he does get the explanation from walt for GB he may be less inclined to believe it considering the car crash, the gambling money, etc.

Still a great call.
09-03-2012 , 01:35 PM
season 3 is far and away last place for my rankings. the rest are close enough that they can easily be interchanged for 1st through 4th place.
09-03-2012 , 01:35 PM
Wait so this thread's AIDS has spread to reddit? Or does reddit have TV show AIDS that spread to this thread?

Man, that dude don't need to write out 8 different reasons that Hank "could" figure out Walter White is Heisenberg, we literally saw Hank figure out Walter White is Heisenberg on screen.
09-03-2012 , 01:35 PM
We've got enough stupid posts in this forum that we don't need to copy worse ones from others.

For at least as long as it takes me to finish this (terrible) Jack in the Box Waffle Sandwich, I'm on a stupid post hunt ITT.

Hint - "lol wat" is a stupid post.
09-03-2012 , 01:38 PM
did u guys count 9 guys getting wacked? DIDN'T SEE number 10 get wacked thats for sure
09-03-2012 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
We've got enough stupid posts in this forum that we don't need to copy worse ones from others.
Is that about my posts with what I found on reddit?
09-03-2012 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by NapoleonDolemite
That is fantastic. I guess for Walt to use this as an excuse though Hank will have to confront him specifically with the book pretty soon. The way Hank is though, there is a decent chance he bottles up the new info and tries to build a case before confronting Walt. And even if he does get the explanation from walt for GB he may be less inclined to believe it considering the car crash, the gambling money, etc.

Still a great call.
Why would we think Gretchen is going to corroborate this?
09-03-2012 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
Just marathoned the whole season yesterday, and there's one thing I found a little odd. Only read the last 3-400 posts in this thread, so perhaps this was already discussed.

In the opening scene of the season it's clear that when Walt shows the waitress his ID, it's a fake, since she calls him by another name. So on the fake ID, there is a different name, but the same exact birthday. That seems a little weird.

I think that it's overwhelmingly likely that it his actual birthday given the hair growth and the bacon 52 (which seems like something that he would only do on his real birthday). So given that it is his real birthday, it seems odd that he would get a fake ID (for any reason) and keep the birthday on it exactly the same.

I suppose one could argue that it would be easier for him to remember, but Walt is a smart guy. That shouldn't be a problem. If one is going to the trouble of creating a fake identity for any reason, wouldn't it be sensible to change the birthday too.
Lots of people are born on the same day. It wouldn't arouse suspicion unless someone already knew to be looking for Walter White. It would arouse more suspicion if he slipped and forgot the new fake birthday.

Originally Posted by Andre_787
good post from reddit
09-03-2012 , 01:44 PM
I'm thinking walt's confrontation with hank will go like his confrontation with skyler. He will try to shut down any hank threat with something even more threatening. Like "what are you going to do, hank? Arrest me? I have you money, we are in this together, they will never believe you" yara yara yara. The only difference is that hank is not skyler so he won't just stay there listening.
09-03-2012 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by OrganicGreen
did u guys count 9 guys getting wacked? DIDN'T SEE number 10 get wacked thats for sure
they were all there -

1. lawyer on phone

2. guy the door closed on

3. smashed head against pillar and stabbed in back of neck

4. black guy on ground

5. circular mirror

6. shower

7. laying on bench bleeding from head

8. closeup in cell

9. stab through underneath the chin and thrown over railing

10. fire guy
