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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

08-27-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
What does "cold open" mean?
It's the scene before the credits.
08-27-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
What does "cold open" mean?
What happened before the breaking bad intro. The "you're goddamn right" scene.
08-27-2012 , 03:34 PM
Thanks a lot. Yeah that was great then.
08-27-2012 , 03:37 PM
I am still tilted by the Phoenix meth king being (guessing) a red headed European dude. Unusual casting.
08-27-2012 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
The OOTV fish theory of BB names never got the traction it deserved. I think it got swallowed up in camera angles or tick tick bang theories or how much Lost sucks or some other nonsense.
It's obvious that Ehrmantraut refers to Trout, and that White refers to Whiting. One thing of interest here is that what is commonly referred to as "lake trout" is actually Atlantic Whiting. Note that Atlantic Whiting were long referred to as "rats of the sea".

What is less obvious is some of the others:

Pinkman. A clear reference to Pink Salmon. Removing the "sal" prefix, you have Pinkmon. This is the smallest of the pacific Salmon, which represents Jesse's role as the "little fish" in the Breaking Bad story.

Goodman. Not obvious until you remember his first name is Saul. Saul Goodman. Remove the "good" prefix, and you have Saulman, or Salmon. Note that Salmon continue to be a recurring theme.

Salmanaca. Speaking of recurring themes, again we find a clear reference to Salmon, this time by removing the "aca" suffix. The fact that the Cousins journey north from Mexico to ABQ, and are the sole survivors of at least part of their transit mechanisms is meant to represent the struggle of Salmon as they swim upstream - not all survive.

Fring. Another simple one, this is an abbreviated reference to Flying Fish. As we saw for most of the middle seasons, Gus was indeed flying above everyone else, surveying the events as they occurred and implementing his strategies as necessary. They are also extremely efficient at evading predators, which explains Gus' rise to becoming a meth kingpin over the years. It will come as no surprise that Whiting are one of their predators.

Schrader. This one is a little tougher to see. This name is from the German "schroten," meaning to cut. Once we know that, suddenly it is simple to deduce that it is a reference to Cuttlefish. These fish are some of the most intelligent invertebrates, having one of the largest brain-to-body ratios. This is a clear reference to Hank's abilities and skill. They also have the ability to release a pigment when alarmed, which explains both Marie, and her love of purple.
08-27-2012 , 03:51 PM
Cuttlefish also like to steal things.
08-27-2012 , 03:53 PM
You're just now getting that?
08-27-2012 , 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by nath
fantastic. A+
08-27-2012 , 03:58 PM
Gomie's face after the schmuck lawyer says "Hey", insta-classic.
08-27-2012 , 03:59 PM
seriously, wtf is Wallace?
08-27-2012 , 04:03 PM
And that whole Salmon thing was a level, right?

Coming up with names for characters is hard. One time, I just decided to name all the characters in a script after former Buffalo Bills players. Another time, they were names of cheeses.

I guess the salmon/fish thing could be a running inside joke, though.
08-27-2012 , 04:04 PM
Hardest thing for me to look past plot wise in this is Walt going to get the bag. EPA/truck-driving ginger would always be the logical runner.
08-27-2012 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
seriously, wtf is Wallace?
The Wire?
08-27-2012 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
And that whole Salmon thing was a level, right?

Coming up with names for characters is hard. One time, I just decided to name all the characters in a script after former Buffalo Bills players. Another time, they were names of cheeses.

I guess the salmon/fish thing could be a running inside joke, though.
Hottest porn I've ever seen.

Wallace is a year drug dealer in The Wire.
08-27-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Clunker
Hardest thing for me to look past plot wise in this is Walt going to get the bag. EPA/truck-driving ginger would always be the logical runner.
It was something that had to be done right as that second and there was only the 3 of them there. Not too ridiculous for them to just send one of them.
08-27-2012 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by Clunker
Hardest thing for me to look past plot wise in this is Walt going to get the bag. EPA/truck-driving ginger would always be the logical runner.
Meh, I don't know if Saul has his guys available to do jobs at a moment's notice like that. I don't have a problem believing that Mike was a) obviously trying to protect Jesse, and b) aware that Walt - out of literally everyone they work with, including Huell, Kuby or anyone else - was the least likely to be tailed or tracked by anyone. There's also the small possibility that on some level, Mike wanted one last opportunity to say all the things that were left unsaid between him and Walt, and perhaps temper Walt's ambitions or convince him to leave Jesse out of it. Obviously this just manifested itself in his monologue about pride and ego.

Loved the episode, sad to see Mike go but it was kinda necessary story-wise. So many great moments, from "you're God damn right" to Gomie's goofy smile to Walt's "YOU GET NOTHING!" moment. Stoked for the inevitable chaos of next week when Walt tries to work without a safety net (i.e. someone to fix all the stupid **** he does) for the first time since he really got neck-deep in the business.
08-27-2012 , 04:30 PM
Guessing a character from the series The Wire. You have not seen it? I'm jealous.
08-27-2012 , 04:32 PM
I just watched the whole of the Wire this year...I'm blanking on Wallace, though...was he the kid who got shot by his friends in the empty building?
08-27-2012 , 04:33 PM
when walt saw that mike was missing from the car i immediately thought of that scene from the sopranos when paulie and christopher shot the russian guy in the woods and he just vanished. i was really hoping when walt went down to look in the weeds that mike would've been gone, only to have him come back in a later episode for revenge.

Last edited by locknopair; 08-27-2012 at 04:49 PM.
08-27-2012 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
I just watched the whole of the Wire this year...I'm blanking on Wallace, though...was he the kid who got shot by his friends in the empty building?
You're goddamned right.
08-27-2012 , 04:35 PM
With brief thought on the matter, I don't see any reason why Walt going to get the bag is a stretch. Mike isnt a big fan of Walt, but surely he would trust Walt with that money more than Todd? Idk.
08-27-2012 , 04:36 PM
Wallace was a ****ing snitch
08-27-2012 , 04:40 PM
Well what pissed me off in this episode was Mike's speech to Walt. This has bothered me since season 4, but was awful in this episode as well.

No one places any blame on Jesse for what happened to those two drug dealers. Gus and Mike both kind of seemed to ignore the fact that Walt was saving Jesse's ass. If Walt had never had a partner then Walt never would have done anything to those drug dealers imo.

In this episode Mike needlessly tells off Walt for defending himself against Gus after Walt kills the the two drug dealers as if Walt had any choice in the matter.

Also Mike just kind of slumping over was a bit lame. I always kind of imagined him going out like the Russian in Snatch. I think he could take a lot more punishment that one bullet to the gut. Also I'm not really sure why he didn't kill Walt in the end in order to save Jesse, even after he's admitted to himself that he's dead.

I liked the shot of the river flowing though.

I also like the fact that Walt killed him in a fit of rage. I think that Mike is too smart to actually be killed by Walt if Walt had tried to plan his assassination. Mike has proven how much of a bad ass he is before, and it makes sense that the only way he would die is due to some heat of the moment backfire like this one.
08-27-2012 , 04:47 PM
The Mike go bag thing:
The writing in this show is , as dids said, convenient and always has been. To nit pick it at every level just seems beyond enjoyment of the show.
Mike has 3 options in front of him"

Saul = likely being tailed
Jesse = puts him in harms way
Walt = a risk he feels he could mitigate

Since he doesn't want Jesse, and Saul is an obv risk , he chooses Walt.

Walt's little confession that Lydia can get the name's is a bunch of Bull ****ing **** to make himself feel better and Mike basically tells him that.

Walt removed the Gun with every intention of killing him, he knows Mike would have another gun he wouldn't "take away" his only piece. He didn't remove it as a "safety precaution" in case things went "bad".
