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Black Mirror Black Mirror

01-10-2018 , 04:07 PM
Just think if they had spent as much time on writing and developing good episodes as they did putting in Easter eggs we could have had a season with more than one great episode.
Black Mirror Quote
01-10-2018 , 04:19 PM
Can't imagine they spent more than 1% of their time putting in easter eggs. Probably way less than that.
Black Mirror Quote
01-10-2018 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
Also am I the only one that feels that very few episodes are tense? I don't think I've ever felt any sort of "horror movie"ish fear in a BM episode... except for Playtest which managed it pretty well. (White Christmas and a couple of others gives you quite a different kind of fear/dread)
I never really thought the intention of the show was to make you feel "scared" per se. But just put those "oh s**t could that really happen" feeling in you and make you self-reflective about "what would I do"/"what do I think about XYZ", which is tense, but not in the like, horror-genre sort of way.
Black Mirror Quote
01-10-2018 , 09:31 PM
Yeah I agree (again, with the exception of Playtest). It just confuses me to see reviews on other sites and itt... and don't really understand how people could see episodes like Crocodile and Metalhead as anything other than comedic or boring.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 12:16 AM
This article does make a good point.

Most of “Hang the DJ” argues that true love is rebellion. In that idea, and in the sweet sadness of simulated Frank and Amy’s sacrifice, this episode is a charming love story. When push comes to shove, though, the final twist of “Hang the DJ” muddles its own argument, asking us to cheer for insurgence while simultaneously hoping for its protagonists to follow the rules.*
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
This article does make a good point.
Yeah I don't really agree with the article.

Real world Frank and Amy aren't committing to the 'ultimate match', they just ran a scan on each other and realise they are likely ridiculously compatible and are happy about it and excited to get to know each other. Amy comes towards Frank with a flirty smile, not with a wedding ring.

The article would only have a point if they were accepting each other as the ultimate match in the real world.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 11:33 AM
Vulture ranks all nineteen episodes. It goes to show you how subjective reviewing is — vulture quite likes Callister — but the article is worth a read.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Vulture ranks all nineteen episodes. It goes to show you how subjective reviewing is — vulture quite likes Callister — but the article is worth a read.
one of the worst lists I've ever seen
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 02:45 PM
I don’t like the ordering, but it’s summaries of the episodes and their themes are somewhat useful
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
one of the worst lists I've ever seen
To me, it's the 2nd to 3nd best episode of the season quality wise, probably best one entertainment wise, definitly in the top 30% of all BM episodes, so yeah, it's subjective..

Last edited by Kamikam; 01-11-2018 at 03:34 PM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 05:56 PM
Alright why not

White Christmas
San Junipero
Hated in the Nation
Entire History of You
Be Right Back
Hang the DJ
USS Callister
Fifteen Million Merits
Black Museum
White Bear
The National Anthem
The Waldo Moment

Haven't seen
Shut Up and Dance
Man Against Fire
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
Vulture ranks all nineteen episodes. It goes to show you how subjective reviewing is — vulture quite likes Callister — but the article is worth a read.
Honestly it feels like they just put them in totally at random. Wonder if they were paid to over-promote the new episodes or something?
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 06:48 PM
white christmas
hated in the nation
white bear
hang the dj
san junipero
entire history of you
uss callister
15 million merits
shut up and dance
black museum
be right back
national anthem
men against fire
the waldo moment

I tend to like white bear more than most and be right back less than most
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 09:07 PM
Solid enough list....

Not sure if I posted this before but if we can get a few of these full 19 lists posted itt or pmed to me I'll combine them in to an official 2+2 ranking. I'm actually quite interested in it.

Some of the differences are I think caused by what you value. As an example if you can forgive the insanely stupid plotholes and plot devices and look past all the repetition, Callister is a really slick, funny episode. For me I can forgive Waldo's boring plot and unlikable characters because I like the message and the structure of the episode, for those wanting something to purely enjoy it may be the other way around.

Last edited by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S; 01-11-2018 at 09:21 PM.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 09:30 PM
Note: So far I've combined mine, dkgo and Deanglow's lists. I think it will be hard to put in lists that don't have the full 19 so I'll stick to just those. As mentioned please pm me or post itt if you want to add yours.
Black Mirror Quote
01-11-2018 , 09:53 PM
San Junipero
Entire History of You
White Bear
White Christmas
Hang the DJ
Black Museum
Hated in the Nation
15 Million Merits
National Anthem
USS Callister
Shut up and dance
Men against fire
Waldo moment
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 12:49 AM
I took the "people" in the simulation in HTDJ as agents who were given specific attributes/desires/goals/etc that were based on their real world counterparts. Then agents interacted with other agents over 1000 simulations to see who ended up together. But I didn't think of the agents as sentient.
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 01:50 AM
Originally Posted by businessdude
I took the "people" in the simulation in HTDJ as agents who were given specific attributes/desires/goals/etc that were based on their real world counterparts. Then agents interacted with other agents over 1000 simulations to see who ended up together. But I didn't think of the agents as sentient.
I feel like you can prove there aren't other agents beyond them in the simulation... if you watch this from 1:56 you can see the other dating pairs freeze like the guards and staff, which wouldn't make sense if they were other agents also interacting:
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by Howard Treesong
I thought the exact same thing when I was watching it but it seemed to chase her without a recharge after she got down from the tree.

A bunch of the technical details don’t make a lot of sense, but the episode was definitely tense.
It started chasing her when the sun came up, so I assumed it was solar-powered?
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 09:58 AM
Fun ranking them, but pretty weird to when it came down to it. I like some of them for such very different reasons, like Nosedive and Black Museum are such different stories in every regard. But really, that's what makes the show so interesting imo

White Christmas
Hang the DJ
San Junipero
Be Right Back
USS Callister
Hated in the Nation
Entire History of You
Black Museum
White Bear
Shut up and dance
15 Million Merits
National Anthem
Waldo moment
Men against fire
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 05:50 PM
Probably a touchy subject but do they have to relentlessly ram the liberal agenda down our throats every single episode? The first couple seasons didn't do this so much but it has gotten out of hand. We get it, women are better than men, minorities are better than white people, and interracial/homosexual couples should be more commonplace/normalized. Enough already! Can't we just enjoy a good sci-fi show without having to be taken out of it by all of the subtle political messages? And this is coming from a liberal.
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 05:52 PM
On hang the DJ a few questions

1. Are we supposed to assume that the simulation gives the matching pair the same starting dates every time and if not where is the deviation supposed to come from. If it's all a simulation I don't understand how this would work without some part of the simulation causing the randomness.

2. On the 5 year period that he accidentally accelerated. Are we supposed to assume this was the only way for them to match? If he went a full 5 years it would eventually end so what is the game plan there?

3. The people seem 100% compliant with this strange cult like system. The only time leaving or rebelling is brought up is as a couple if I remember right. If these are supposed to be the personalities of the actual people in the simulation, it seems like they are at least self aware that there is a structure and rule they have to follow.

4. What is the meaning of the 99.8% match? What does this mean in the context of the relationship chances of the real couple at the bar?
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by Czar Chasm
Probably a touchy subject but do they have to relentlessly ram the liberal agenda down our throats every single episode? The first couple seasons didn't do this so much but it has gotten out of hand. We get it, women are better than men, minorities are better than white people, and interracial/homosexual couples should be more commonplace/normalized. Enough already! Can't we just enjoy a good sci-fi show without having to be taken out of it by all of the subtle political messages? And this is coming from a liberal.
lol wat

Please give me an example of this? I mean Waldo moment was an entire episode against Obama and liberal politics (despite the fact that it ended up just as relevant to Trump 8 years later)

Interracial couples is that still a thing that people actually say or think about??? Did you arrive here in a time machine from 1975?

This is coming from a rightwinger too fwiw
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 06:22 PM
My thoughts:

Originally Posted by recondite7
On hang the DJ a few questions

1. Are we supposed to assume that the simulation gives the matching pair the same starting dates every time and if not where is the deviation supposed to come from. If it's all a simulation I don't understand how this would work without some part of the simulation causing the randomness.
Yeah the only way it works is by having levels of randomness in the system to change things.

We can tell that things are changed for sure by the usage of 99.8% within the sim which it would only be possible to use once they get to that % (somewhere around the 800th sim assuming the two misses are hit before that).

It could potentially stick to certain things like starting with each other and having the second match but my guess is the rest was changeable.

2. On the 5 year period that he accidentally accelerated. Are we supposed to assume this was the only way for them to match? If he went a full 5 years it would eventually end so what is the game plan there?
I don't think we can make this assumption on either level.

1. We don't know for sure that it was ever set to 5 years. It only showed 5 years just before it started counting down, for all we know it was already only a few days but because he checked by himself it showed 5 years counting down.

2. If it did go for the full 5 years and this was common across the sims this would explain the high success ratios between compatible people. If two people were compatible, after a while they would likely work together to work out the sim (Amy already seems to be close before their second match) and then escape together. So if they do run the 5 year each time most of the rebellions would be probably somewhere between a few months - 5 years in to the relationship. They wouldn't be running away from their 'ultimate match', but would be escaping the simulated world.

3. The people seem 100% compliant with this strange cult like system. The only time leaving or rebelling is brought up is as a couple if I remember right. If these are supposed to be the personalities of the actual people in the simulation, it seems like they are at least self aware that there is a structure and rule they have to follow.
I think there are only two actual 'agents' in the sim. The others are just computer generated characters (likely taking personalities and looks from other data in their db). The two agents (Frank and Amy) seem to have some sort of programming set in to at least initially accept the programming.

4. What is the meaning of the 99.8% match? What does this mean in the context of the relationship chances of the real couple at the bar?
The simulations are run to estimate the level of compatibility between them, which ends up at a very high 99.8%. The way the algorithm works is by tracking 'rebellions', which is how they believe love and compatibility can best be measured. I guess the theory is that if you are in a relationship with someone life will throw **** at you and you need to work together to overcome it, so the test is whether you can overcome the system they set out.

In the context of the relationship chances of the couple at the bar, we don't actually know exactly how good the predictive abilities of the app are, but the world is technologically advanced enough to suggest it's probably pretty high. In terms of the real world application, the number they get is not really that different to a site like Okcupid which does analysis based on questions and then provides a % chance of matching, though we can suggest that Coach is far deeper and much more likely to be correct.

They are excited to see what is probably a very unlikely match score because it means they probably have an awesome relationship ahead of them... whether it's an 'ultimate match' remains to be seen.
Black Mirror Quote
01-12-2018 , 06:25 PM
S3E4 - Interracial lesbian couple

S3E5 - Innocent black man manipulated by evil white government agents.

S3E6 - Two female detectives take down evil male.

S4E1 - Virtuous woman defeats evil petty man.

S4E2 - Douchy male corrupts innocent female with sex and drugs

S4E3 - Innocent minority woman and her family brutally murdered by vicious white serial killer.

S4E4 - Interracial couple, and they had to throw in her having casual lesbian sex during her partner montage of course.

S4E6 - Clever black women outsmarts and defeats sinister white man who tortured her family.

Come to think of it, were there even any main male characters this season that weren't either evil or jerkoffs? I think the guy in E4 was the only one.

Yes interracial couples stand out. It's not a bad thing, it's just a fact. Nobody is actually color blind, not even you despite what you may claim.

All I am saying is that at the rate black mirror includes these things, it seems like typical hollywood style liberal agenda pushing to me and not just the result of natural writing/casting. I find that annoying no matter what the agenda may be. You're probably just so used to seeing these kinds of themes in your favorite shows that you've grown immune to it.

Last edited by deleted acct; 01-12-2018 at 06:33 PM.
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