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Big Brother Season 24 Big Brother Season 24

11-09-2023 , 11:54 AM
One thing I wonder with these shows is what the payouts are like for <2nd place. Obviously with Survivor, BB, etc. we know the exact payouts for 1st and 2nd, but below that, do players just get whatever per diem the show gives out and that's it? Or are there still non-insignificant cash prizes that ramp up gradually the longer you last?

Because if it's the latter, then I understand the rationale much better from some of these Bowie Jane type players that know they're drawing dead, but are content to coast as far as possible doing nothing.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-09-2023 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by GMan42
One thing I wonder with these shows is what the payouts are like for <2nd place. Obviously with Survivor, BB, etc. we know the exact payouts for 1st and 2nd, but below that, do players just get whatever per diem the show gives out and that's it? Or are there still non-insignificant cash prizes that ramp up gradually the longer you last?

Because if it's the latter, then I understand the rationale much better from some of these Bowie Jane type players that know they're drawing dead, but are content to coast as far as possible doing nothing.
From what I understand for BB, it's $1000 a week for as long as you last, and if you make jury that includes time in the jury house. So $13k if you make it to finale night as part of the jury.

Plus you also have to consider they can make appearances, probably get minor product endorsements, a bit of small celebrity fame.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-10-2023 , 07:37 PM
Excellent jury answers from Jag.

Reilly was a certified star in her brief time. I’m glad she gained some relevance at the end of the season
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-10-2023 , 07:45 PM
How do they never tell us that Matt lived in the Have not?

Probably because it makes the show look bad. But it’a fascinating and strategic on his part
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-10-2023 , 07:51 PM
Legitimately shocked Cameron won AFP. Cirie and Matt stole a lot of votes from each other.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-10-2023 , 09:32 PM
After first pair of jury questions, it was clear Jag was gonna own it. Thought he laid it out a little too thick/was a bit too aggressive in his verbage at the end, but overall was a very solid performance.

+1 to being shocked Cameron won AFP. I thought someone like America was gonna win; in the polls I saw on jokers, she was like #1 all season I thought. Cameron never seemed like someone that America particularly loved
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-11-2023 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by GMan42
One thing I wonder with these shows is what the payouts are like for <2nd place. Obviously with Survivor, BB, etc. we know the exact payouts for 1st and 2nd, but below that, do players just get whatever per diem the show gives out and that's it? Or are there still non-insignificant cash prizes that ramp up gradually the longer you last?

Because if it's the latter, then I understand the rationale much better from some of these Bowie Jane type players that know they're drawing dead, but are content to coast as far as possible doing nothing.
Would you say she did nothing if she nominated Matt and Jag during the double eviction and Jag got voted out because Matt won the veto? Then, she realigned with whomever, and made another strong move when she won HOH at final four? Her resume would have included Cameron going out on her HOH and Jag going out on her HOH, and then, whomever at final 4...probably someone significant. She didn't have to do nothing is the thing I'm complaining about. She was in prime position to do something and chose to help someone else win instead. She wasn't remotely drawing dead if she wanted to play to win. From some inexplicable reason she didn't want to do that.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
11-11-2023 , 03:47 PM
Satisfied to see that Jag won because over the other two, he definitely deserved it.

And I guarantee they will have Cameron back on the next All Star season.

I think America was only popular because she was hot, not for her scintillating game play.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
02-01-2024 , 06:39 AM
If a pirate wanted to watch old Big Brother seasons, specifically 10 and 14, where might that pirate go?

There are no torrents to be found, and the BB10 playlist on YT stops working after episode 15.

(Would love to pay for it, but alas, I am based in Denmark and can't access it on CBS, Paramount+ or Netflix)
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-24-2024 , 05:25 PM
Anyone watching S26?
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-24-2024 , 09:17 PM
Yeah. Insane that you get a power/penalty for voting Yes/No to some nonsense.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-25-2024 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by VTChess
Anyone watching S26?

About 10 minutes total so far. Is Angela as crazy as she seems?
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-25-2024 , 08:08 PM
Was there an extra episode I missed?

I didnt see the end of HoH or the nominations
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-25-2024 , 08:21 PM
This Angela lady is a production plant to be crazy for two weeks and leave
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-26-2024 , 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by King~of~Diamonds
Was there an extra episode I missed?

I didnt see the end of HoH or the nominations
Yeah my DVR chopped off the 2nd half. Also it recorded tonight at 9pm instead of 8pm. smh.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
07-26-2024 , 08:02 PM
Matt and Angela were both batshit crazy; I think Angela was more crazy overall of the two of them, but my jaw dropped in their 1-on-1 convo in the HOH room when she was simply apologizing and it looked like they were getting back on good terms, and then out of nowhere he started making threats about how she better not put him up.

I thought I was gonna like Kenney but lost a lot of respect for him when he was basically willing to sacrifice his game for Matt.

Joseph and Quinn are my favorites so far; for the girls I guess I like Leah and maybe Chelsea
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-02-2024 , 05:36 PM
Tucker intentionally playing and winning a competition is bad. Love to put a target on my back for no reason
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-09-2024 , 01:44 AM
What a season
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-16-2024 , 01:18 PM
This season is actually fire, I gotta say
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-17-2024 , 05:27 PM
im digging the AI comp at the end to prevent legitimate backdooring. some of the game play is poor, but angela providing lots of lol and bringing the drama.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-20-2024 , 10:38 PM
I definitely didnt think Angela would be able to blend back into the furniture. But who wants her out? Unless some floater wins and lacks options
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-20-2024 , 10:40 PM
It’s so good to see the volunteer for the block guy get busted.

Tucker has already guaranteed a second season unless he does something unwoke.
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
08-27-2024 , 09:05 PM
Leah, Angela, Joseph final 3
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
09-05-2024 , 07:42 PM
Not on feeds. But how doesn’t Quinn just throw T’Kor up
Big Brother Season 24 Quote
