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Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS

07-05-2016 , 05:45 PM
It may not be the best plan but at least Day is playing the game, which is more than you can say for most of them. And it could possibly work if she could convince some of the others that they're not going to win by hanging on Frank's coattails.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 05:55 PM
Zakiyah, Corey, Nicole, Natalie and Paulie have literally not had a single idea of their own game wise. I guess you're right I am giving Frank and Day a hard time for playing so hard so fast but it's better than the others.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:08 PM
Frank literally believes everything everyone tells him. You'd think after his first season he would be the opposite. It's like he already decided that Tiffany is Ian and everyone else is on his side.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:37 PM
It's hilarious that these girls are finally onto Frank. Tiffany figured this all out the first week and that's why they're all suspicious of her.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:44 PM
Now the girls are afraid of telling Tiff they are targeting Frank because she might tell him. They are seriously amazing. At least feeds are good.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:45 PM
How is Day planning to get out Frank next week without her, Z, Nicole, Tiff or Michelle winning hoh? And if she does manage this; what does she expect the house to think, they're all going to be gunning for them. ADay is pretty bad
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:53 PM
Roadkill. Who is the house? Them and Paul the spy girls and Paulie and Corey? Her plan is not even a bad one. The only bad part is Frank out is bad for her, but if getting Frank out was the goal, her plan is probably the best one.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 06:58 PM
It will be so sweet if Nicole's team win hoh and they hand it off to Tiff. Right then and there Frank will know gg. Prolly better for Corey to do it since he wouldn't see it coming but nicole said give it to Tiff. Would be so much sweeter to watch her have the power and frank grobble.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 07:01 PM
They don't want her getting HOH cause they think they'd need her vote to vote out Frank (they wouldn't if they had spy girls or James)

Also Michelle can't win cause she is on Frank's team and he would be safe. Plus she would self evict if it meant Frank would be safe.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 07:40 PM
So much has gone on in the last few hours. Both cams. Can't keep up.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 09:11 PM
Paulie is legit almost crying hearing Frank might be playing him. But also defending him at any chance.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
So much has gone on in the last few hours. Both cams. Can't keep up.
Such as ?
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-05-2016 , 11:56 PM
Did anybody hear the conclusion of Paul's riddle the other night?

some doctor cuts his hand off...
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by Umcle Diddler
Such as ?
Day plotting against Frank, Nicole telling Corey she (Nicole) is plotting to get Frank out next week. Corey telling Paulie. Then Corey and Nicole realizing Day spread all lies about Tiffany to Frank. Way too much to type out. Nicole not knowing who to trust now between Frank and Day.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:14 AM
Michelle is just as disgusting in every way as Natalie is amazing.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:17 AM
Frank is killing his game so bad right now that I'm pretty sure even Paulie knows Frank is lying to him. Maybe not though, it is Paulie after all.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:27 AM
Enough with the Natalie worship

Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:37 AM
Michelle was outside with Frank and Frank saw Michelle washed her hair extensions. Michelle walks up sees they are ruined and says I wish Tiffany put these in the washing machine and not me just so I could blame her. And talks **** about her with Frank for a while over petty non game related things.

Day told Frank that Tiff wants her out. Day told Nicole she made it up. Nicole told Corey, Corey told Paulie.

Dunno what time all this happened but basically all day it's been like this.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:45 AM
Glad everyone who somehow thinks Z was playing a good game finally sees this. Finally talks game and it's to Paulie and she has no idea how to talk at all and Paulie see right through her.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:49 AM
Ok i'll try to find thanks. Thought Day, Nicole, frank all knew together tiff wanted frank out. I thought it was bridget told frank tiff wants him out. Then frank told nicole and day. I got it mixed up somehow by doesn't matter they all know now.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:52 AM
Day made up that she wants him out prejury.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:57 AM
Frank is such a shield for them. i dont think it's good at all for them to send him out. it only benefits Tiffany
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:57 AM
It's amazing how much game was talked today and not one person has improved their game except maybe James by default by not talking game and possibly Tiffany depending on who wins HOH next week.
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Glad everyone who somehow thinks Z was playing a good game finally sees this. Finally talks game and it's to Paulie and she has no idea how to talk at all and Paulie see right through her.
I thought Paulie was doing way too much talking and hyping himself in that convo. Thought Z was just gathering info
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-06-2016 , 12:59 AM
He didn't do a great job either but to me she showed she can't bs or have a convo
Big Brother 18 - Premieres Wednesday June 22nd at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
