Originally Posted by wetleg
If he needs to, Andrew can use the fact that he knows that Matt is lying about his wife being sick as a weapon to stay in the house. Right?
Not without exposing the fact that he is also lying about his profession. It wasn't that big of a deal when everyone found out Brenda was lying, but Andrew's image as a socially awkward idiot with no game whatsoever can actually be used to his advantage with Brachel. Plus at the moment he only suspects Matt is lying about her condition. If Matt's DR session is accurate, the condition does actually exist, and Andrew will have to allow for the fact that even doctors can't know EVERY rare disease, especially one that is outside of his specialty.
I also don't think it's necessary to do that this week. Andrew will see that he is pretty safe this week. Even the people who will vote for Kathy realize she is useless in competitions. I think Brachel will give her sympathy votes, but other than that I don't see anyone in the house voting against him. Kathy has pretty clearly chosen a side by spending more time in the HoH room than Rachel did last week. On the other hand, both sides think Andrew's vote can be swayed each week.