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01-22-2011 , 12:38 AM
Hey all,

I've been watching your threads for some time now and just wanted your input on my notes on 3BETTING.

I put these together through coaching sessions, videos and reading threads from you guys. I just wanted to get your critique on it to see if I'm picking up the right stuff from studying this crazy game.

Anyways, any input good or bad is much appreciated. I think I'll put them in the small stakes as well to see what they say.


One of the most powerful things you can do in PLO. Master 3betting.

Benefits of 3b'ing:

1. Isolate yourself with weaker opponents

2. More flexibility and more likely to get in a heads up pot. Remember the more players in the pot the less poker you end up playing. Everyone plays very straight forward in 3BET pots. In HU Pots you can bluff thinner, semi bluff thinner and value bet thinner. Sometimes hands play better multi way so you should just call (Which is the same in hold em od course).

3. People in all poker adjust poorly to aggression. The more opportunities you have to make an opponent uncomfortable so they make a mistake you should take that line. Most players won't adjust to your aggression. They will most likely play fit or fold or they will overadjust by 4 betting you light or stacking off light.

4. Big Pots IP=+EV

Characteristics that make 3BETTING more profitable

1. Raw equity-Indicates flop strength vs other hands in play. Hands with raw equity are big pairs and broadways.. Remember, when the SPR drops we want to dominate our opponents stack off ranges. Hands with raw equity often dominate our opponents stack-off ranges. The flop lots of combo draws . For example, pair+FD's, higher straight draws, etc. Broadways also cooler made hands as well.

2. Smooth equity distribution-SPR in 3BET pots usually hovers around 2-5. If players are getting it in lighter in 3BET pots we want hands that flop equity more often. So we can correctly stack off and scoop the big pots more often. We also have more options on later streets. In 3BET pots if we check back in position we can pick up more equity on the turn a higher percentage of the time. More polarized hands don't give you this opportunity. Barreling also becomes more profitable on later streets.

3. Lack Of Nuttiness-Doesn't mean nuttiness is bad. Nuttiness matters less in HU Pots. If you have 2 hands of equal strength it is often better to 3BET the less nutty hand because it will help clean up your non nutty draws. When you're 3BETTING nutty hands you are sacrificing some of its implied odds value that comes from coolering someone with deeper stacks. If you 3BET a non-nutty hand you get to promote its non-nutty components which are worth more at shallower SPR's. A lot of the time in PLO you will run into hands that should be 3=bet or folded due to lack of nuttiness.

Hands that are good at 3BETTING fall into 3 categories:

1. Premiums-Good to 3BET in almost any pre flop scenario for getting value and pushing an edge. Good post flop playability because equity distribution is so smooth.

2. Playability group-Same as premium group but doesn't necessarily have a raw equity edge but makes up for it in post flop playability. Flops strong combo draws which is the easiest way to win stacks in 3BET pots. These hands are good to 3BET against players both loose pre and post flop in 3BET pots. Usually dominates their stack off ranges. Very important considering people don't like folding in 3BET pots.

3. Widening Group: Don't play well in single raised multi-way pots. They play best against fit or fold type of opponents. We should 3BET them as much as possible. Good enough to widen with these hands because they're smooth enough to provide playability in a HU pot post flop.

Who should we 3BET the most?

2 key factors to consider

1. PFR-Widen your value 3BETTING range to opponents who don't fold enough to 3BETS. Or widen bluff 3BETTING if they fold to 3BETS too much. You want to target aggressive openers more w/ 3 BETS. The tighter someones opening range the less likely you should use your widening range to 3BET. Always look for excuses to play HU with bad players. If you're on the fence about 2BETTING and a weaker opponent opens you should probably be 3BETTING to get HU

Responses to CBETS in 3BET pots

2 big mistakes you should look to exploit.

1. Punish the fit or fold opponents. For example, anyone playing fit or fold you can 3 bet with any of the 3 categories discussed. They will either C/F if they miss, C/C with a medium strength hand and C/R with the nuts. The fastest way to lose money in poker is to build pots only to give up on them on later streets. Don't call 3BETS and C/F flops. Very easy to bleed money this way.

2. Punish players who stack off too lightly. Stick to 3BETTING the premiums.

Who should we avoid widening our 3BETS against?

1. Nitty openers-opposite of the players we want to 3BET the most. It creates reverse implied odds situations. Also remember a HUD is an average of all hands they have opened. So a 30VPIP works out to be a 10% UTG Opening range. Don't get these confused.

When is it better to just call?

1. Pushing hands-Benefit from knocking players out of the pot. The majority of their value is flopping non-nutty combo draws.

2. Pulling hands-Value comes with pulling more players into the pot. More nutty and polarized. Want to be dominating draws and stack off ranges. Ask yourself does your hand play better HU or multi way? Also consider calling when there are fish in the blinds or stack sizes are awkward. Don't always consider immediate equity. Think about how much equity it will create post flop. All about dominating your opponents post flop.

Patrik Antonius Wannabe-Player who is very aggressive pre-flop AND post-flop. Usually players opening 40% and 4BETTING the most. You should 3BET less than pot against them. It maintains positional advantage. Remember the lower the SPR the less of advantage IP. The higher the SPR the higher the advantage IP.

If he 4BETS then you have implied offs and a cheaper price. Cheaper to get stacks. 3BETTING smaller is also good against opponents ranges heavily weighted towards AAxx in 4BET pots.

What hands do we 3BET smaller than pot?
Flexible, multi-component hands. They flop a lot of medium strength and weak draw combos which is perfect when SPR is 7. CBETTING is more powerful against C/Ring range then when it is 4. Also a lot of hands you can check back and realize your equity with 2 streets to play. Don't 3BET small with big pairs against maniacs. You don't want a dry big pair with an SPR of 7. You just want to try and get stacks in with a dry big pair.

3BETTING OOP? Can also be profitable. Allows you to get stacks in quickly post flop.

1. Lowers the SPR. This lessens your mistakes instead of magnifying them.

The same principles apply when playing OOP like opponents and equity distribution.

The Adjustment: You must play significantly tighter than IP just like Hold em but even more so. Remember players fon't fold that much to 3BETS and this is even more tru when they're IP. When OOP you're going to be 3BETTING higher percentage of pots. Main hands to 3BET OOP is single and Double suited hands with high card value. Mostly hands in the premium and playability groups.They are ahead of opponents opening ranges and pick up equity on a lot of different boards. Can rep a wide range of hands and ahead of opponents felting range post flop.


Ragged KKxx play very similar to dry AAxx on certain boards. Remember to always consider hands in how they will create profitable post flop scenarios, not their immediate equity.

You want to 3BET these hands pot and commit 40% of your stack so you can ship on any flop. You also should consider opponent tendencies when thinking about calling or raising dry AAxx.

Calling 3BETS Important considerations:

1. Opponent tendencies-Make them prove it

2. Stack sizes-IP can call more 3BETS deeper. When stacks get shallow its more important to consider OPP stack off ranges.

3. IP/OOP? Must be much tighter OOP-People base calling OOP on their immediate odds. Think about post flop profit. C/F'ing is an easy way to bleed money.

Hands to avoid calling OOP

1. Hands with Pairs-Want smooth equity and these hands don't flop very smooth.

2. Moderately connected Axxx. Most 3BETTING ranges are heavily weighted against AAxx

3. Low Single suited and rainbow hands. Don't play well in 3BET pots because they flop dominated draws.

Last edited by AshThePro; 01-22-2011 at 12:54 AM.
01-22-2011 , 12:47 AM
try editing your post into easy to read sections with bold/colour or somethin, walls of text are hard to read.
01-22-2011 , 01:28 AM
the bigger the pot is preflop, the less mistakes your opponents will make postflop imho
01-22-2011 , 12:20 PM
Appreciate your input. Would you add anything to this?
01-22-2011 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
the bigger the pot is preflop, the less mistakes your opponents will make postflop imho
This is certainly true, but I don't think the relationship is linear. People obviously make a lot more mistakes in limped pots than they do in 4 bet pots at 100bb, but the number of mistakes they make doesn't increase at a constant rate from limped to 4bet.

Also, the bigger the pot (up to some specific point) the more costly each mistake becomes. A guy might only make 1/5 the mistakes in a 3bet pot than he does in a limped pot, but the mistakes in 3bet pots end up costing him more.
01-22-2011 , 06:50 PM
also 3betting fks with minds and makes ppl mad, which is prob the best reason to do it
01-22-2011 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by Zeestein
also 3betting fks with minds and makes ppl mad, which is prob the best reason to do it
Level 1'ers seem to take aggression very personal and feel as if they're getting cheated out of a pot
01-22-2011 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Adebisi
This is certainly true, but I don't think the relationship is linear. People obviously make a lot more mistakes in limped pots than they do in 4 bet pots at 100bb, but the number of mistakes they make doesn't increase at a constant rate from limped to 4bet.

Also, the bigger the pot (up to some specific point) the more costly each mistake becomes. A guy might only make 1/5 the mistakes in a 3bet pot than he does in a limped pot, but the mistakes in 3bet pots end up costing him more.
So, basically it magnifies their mistakes and that usually compounds it when you're IP and they're OOP?
01-22-2011 , 07:30 PM
a lot of the english is kind of confusing, weirdly written:

"1. Hands with Pairs-Want smooth equity and these hands don't flop very smooth."

to avoid confusion(since i assume you put a lot of effort into it) fix these kinds of sentences. You introduce a couple concepts which you don't explain etc.

Interesting read overall, well done.
01-22-2011 , 08:17 PM
Very good read, thanks for that.
01-22-2011 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by David123
a lot of the english is kind of confusing, weirdly written:

"1. Hands with Pairs-Want smooth equity and these hands don't flop very smooth."

to avoid confusion(since i assume you put a lot of effort into it) fix these kinds of sentences. You introduce a couple concepts which you don't explain etc.

Interesting read overall, well done.
Thanks for the input. It could mos def use some editing. I was more interested in what you all thought of the content. I read your threads all the time.

Wanted to see if I was picking up the right concepts
01-22-2011 , 09:11 PM
the content is very interesting for sure. Especially application wise in a game, how to, and how not to 3bet the best.

As always it's so situation dependant/player dependant that it's difficult to come up with crystal clear hands/plays that are best. I somehow got the vibe from the bullet points that 3betting is always good, with any hand, when you went through the different types of hands. I read it again, in more depth a second time, and got what you meant a bit more.

the 3 hands that are good to 3bet categories: maybe give some examples here since imo no1 and 2 are very similair(from how u describe them) and no3 im not sure what you mean.

the when better to call section is good, easy to understand and has a clear example(Patrik)

the content is as I said good. I feel it is so much info though

also: deficits of 3betting: id say you need to handle variance VERY well, to be able to try this playstyle out in a serious way. Are there other factors to consider? good regs adapting, exploiting easily?(havent thought about it myself... maybe position is even more important here)
01-23-2011 , 02:43 AM
Great post op

Some of this would need to be altered when playing against top tier, deep thinking players for meta game reasons. Overall well summarized, solid thoughts, and very helpful guide. Ty.
01-23-2011 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by krmont22
the bigger the pot is preflop, the less mistakes your opponents will make postflop imho
Totally which adds merit to 3betting less than pot in varying situations. As always so many things to consider but this is a great start.
01-24-2011 , 03:11 AM
got a little confused with some of the lingo, but def. a decent read, I think most ppl get very lost in 3 bet pots which can lead to a lot of mistakes.
I personally don't 3 bet very often OOP, i generally save most of my 3betting for IP, as playing IP makes things clearer
01-24-2011 , 04:16 PM
good read

I was confused as to what hands were better to call with.

1. Pushing hands-Benefit from knocking players out of the pot. The majority of their value is flopping non-nutty combo draws.

2. Pulling hands-Value comes with pulling more players into the pot. More nutty and polarized. Want to be dominating draws and stack off ranges. Ask yourself does your hand play better HU or multi way? Also consider calling when there are fish in the blinds or stack sizes are awkward. Don't always consider immediate equity. Think about how much equity it will create post flop. All about dominating your opponents post flop

So with pushing hands like medium wraps in position you want to just call?

What is your definition of hands that play well multi-way as opposed to heads up?
01-24-2011 , 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by krmont22
the bigger the pot is preflop, the less mistakes your opponents will make postflop imho
I see people making sososososo many mistakes w spr between .5 and 3
01-26-2011 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by guD2Bme
good read

I was confused as to what hands were better to call with.

1. Pushing hands-Benefit from knocking players out of the pot. The majority of their value is flopping non-nutty combo draws.

2. Pulling hands-Value comes with pulling more players into the pot. More nutty and polarized. Want to be dominating draws and stack off ranges.

Ask yourself does your hand play better HU or multi way? Also consider calling when there are fish in the blinds or stack sizes are awkward. Don't always consider immediate equity. Think about how much equity it will create post flop. All about dominating your opponents post flop

So with pushing hands like medium wraps in position you want to just call?

What is your definition of hands that play well multi-way as opposed to heads up?
From what I understand hands that play well multi way is whatever draws to the nuts. Thats it. I'm sure you could re-phrase it in a more complicated way.

So Pulling hands are like like Axxx ss are good to play multi way . Pulling hands are hands that benefit with more players in the pot and that's where they get the majority of their equity. These are hands you want to call with.

Pushing hands play much better HU. They don't need to draw to the nuts and are ss and somewhat connected. Example being KQ96ss. These are more the hands you want to 3bet.
