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Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions

06-03-2011 , 12:06 AM
Regardless, Ramzy's latest might be the most ham-fisted defense I've read of Tressel. When all else fails, why not play to people's emotions to get them behind your argument? Ramzy waxes poetic about Tressel & Co. helping out at the hospital before the 2006 The Game, and tries to make you really understand just what a Good Guy Jim Tressel is. The problem is that frankly, no one could give two ****s about whether or not he's a God-fearing man who gives to charity and helps the community. We care that he's a lying, deceitful, priggish coach that has cheated his way to major college football dominance.
Perfect reply to you as well.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Perfect reply to you as well.
yeah the tugging at the heartstrings with the visiting sick kids stuff is pretty lol

that's great and all but find me a football coach at a major university who doesn't visit sick kids
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by MiloDanglers
There has been a lot of good news for the Buckeyes today regarding the SI story and Pryor's cars. I'm not really surprised none of this has been posted here though.
here's some more good news for you

Things are looking up, Buckeyes!!!
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 10:40 AM
I love the performance review of the compliance director:

"Compliance in central Ohio is a bear, but Doug has done a very good job managing the beast,"
Woo central Ohio!
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by smk67
Now maybe I am too much of a homer, or maybe you are just too hungry to see a man of great pride and success fall and lose everything, but I somehow think there was a good reason Tressel did not report these incidents and later why he did not come clean. My take - Tressel feared Rife might take revenge if he brought any light to this matter.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by MiloDanglers
cliffs copied from Hineygate. You can google the articles if you want.

1) The tattoo shop guy, "Ellis", has been proven to not be credible. Simon looks to be good to go and according to 1460, several others will or already haven been cleared
2) The YSU president went on record and said SI fabricated quotes
3) YSU QB Ray Isaac went on record and said SI lied about everything and that Tressel knew of none of the shady dealings between he and Monus.
4) Pryor's cars may turn out to be okay
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Good rebuttal. I wouldn't expect anything less out of you.

Another Buckeye (Klein) is looking in to take legal action against the SI writer. Probably nothing will happen because the case is almost guaranteed to lose but it is good see some players saying the article is not quite 100% correct.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-03-2011 , 11:37 PM
Hint milo: Liars lie, and liars who just threaten to sue but never do are probably lying. Choose to believe what you want... it sure is what osu has been doing.

The good rebuttal line is funny too, because you've been getting your ass kicked up and down this thread.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Hint milo: Liars lie, and liars who just threaten to sue but never do are probably lying. Choose to believe what you want... it sure is what osu has been doing.

The good rebuttal line is funny too, because you've been getting your ass kicked up and down this thread.
I guess the president of a university is a liar so she must be lying. Ikes said so and Dr. Ikes knows all.

I like how I post good news for the Buckeyes and Ike has to get all butt hurt. Sorry bud but there is going to be some good news for us here and there. It is nice to see at least two players saying this article is not 100% accurate (hint: one of the players doesn't have a single tattoo) and very nice to see the president of a university say the author fabricated her quotes. It has been a rough week and that was good news to say the least.

I guess this is all moot though because Ikes said so. Sorry Buckeye fans. Ike has made up his mind and this isn't good news.

Let me point this out to you because I think you have reading comprehension problems: WE SCREWED UP. WE BROKE NCAA RULES. WE DESERVE TO GET PUNISHED. OUR COACH GOT FIRED. 6 OF OUR PLAYERS TRADED THEIR OWN STUFF FOR TATTOOS.

What I don't know is what else went on. AS OF NOW NOTHING ELSE HAS BEEN PROVEN. THIS WILL MOST LIKELY CHANGE BUT HASN'T YET. There are a lot of rumors out there now. You and most Michigan fans will believe all of them. Most Buckeye fans and I won't believe them and will wait for proof. Some will most likely be true. Some will most likely be false. iF YOU COULD UNDERSTAND THIS YOU WOULD BE AN OKAY POSTER LIKE MOST OTHER MICHIGAN FANS.

Also every time I reply to one of your posts I remember why after the first time I tried to teach you something about variance, I promised I would never reply to another post of yours. I wish I cared enough to search all those posts where MT2R and I (along with the rest of the thread) showed you how wrong you were and you refused to even look at the problem from a different perspective.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 12:26 AM

we'll work our way up to 50%+ caps soon enough
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 01:55 AM
lolo buckeye fan

half the team bought cars from the same dealership...
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
lolo buckeye fan

half the team bought cars from the same dealership...
Its been 2,751 days since UM beat OSU and you want to talk about cars? UM even illegally practices and yet still cannot beat us... gl in november.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 08:58 AM
sick burn
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 09:14 AM
Milo- Trolls gonna troll.

Would be hilarious if we have to field an all-walk-on team and still beat Michigan's ass.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 11:31 AM
Look, the rivalry goes back and forth. Cooper wasn't that long ago. But you guys have pretty obviously been cheating for a long time, and its ridiculous that you won't admit it.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Look, the rivalry goes back and forth. Cooper wasn't that long ago. But you guys have pretty obviously been cheating for a long time, and its ridiculous that you won't admit it.
got into a pretty heated argument last night with softball buddies basically over this exact statement.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by MiloDanglers
4) Pryor's cars may turn out to be okay
Even if Pryor somehow gets off on the car fiasco on a technicality, like the repair place arranges for loaner cars when people have repairs (I assume this is what Pryor/OSU will claim), it is clear what the intent was. There is no way they would allow anyone else to have multiple cars "loaned out" for that long, going back to the previous incidents with him borrowing cars last year as well. It's very clear the loaner cars were preferential treatment, whether they get away with it or not.

FWIW, I actually think the 350z has the biggest chance of being legitimate, considering it was purchased instead of "loaned", so there's a decent chance that either his parents or guardian co-signed or whatever. It wouldn't be the first time someone gave a loan to someone who couldn't afford what they were buying. Given what Rolle mentioned to that FL newspaper, you can assume that he at minimum got a preferential deal on it, which is also against the rules. I'm having a hard time putting a % chance of it being a completely legitimate purchase with no violations, if I had to guess I'd say 15-20%. The loaner cars much, much lower.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
Even if Pryor somehow gets off on the car fiasco on a technicality, like the repair place arranges for loaner cars when people have repairs (I assume this is what Pryor/OSU will claim), it is clear what the intent was. There is no way they would allow anyone else to have multiple cars "loaned out" for that long, going back to the previous incidents with him borrowing cars last year as well. It's very clear the loaner cars were preferential treatment, whether they get away with it or not.
What exactly is the deal with the loaner cars? Is the issue that he had them for extended periods of time or is it the fact that they were nice new cars? If it's the former then yeah I can see that being an issue, but if it's the latter I'm pretty sure that's standard for dealerships. They will loan you a brand new car with dealer tags as long as they have your car.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by djj6835
What exactly is the deal with the loaner cars? Is the issue that he had them for extended periods of time or is it the fact that they were nice new cars? If it's the former then yeah I can see that being an issue, but if it's the latter I'm pretty sure that's standard for dealerships. They will loan you a brand new car with dealer tags as long as they have your car.
In the past they loaned him a car to drive around with the excuse that his family was considering buying it, which he then drove around for at least weeks. Then recently his car supposedly had a blown engine, at which point he drove new loaner cars for a couple months. It's likely that they were just holding onto his old car indefinitely and letting him drive around new cars as preferential treatment, until they presumably got him a preferential deal on the 350z he now drives. I've never had repairs done at a dealership so I don't know the standard terms for loaner cars, but his past shady incidents with car dealers implies that this was also shady.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Look, the rivalry goes back and forth. Cooper wasn't that long ago. But you guys have pretty obviously been cheating for a long time, and its ridiculous that you won't admit it.
Its both really funny that UM is currently on probation and has more than just lost to OSU lately. Clearly the only victory UM has had since the Cooper era was the day those emails came out. So I understand why you are basking in the news. What I don't get all this extrapolation of how Tressel had to be cheating years ago given this one instance that OSU came forth once it knew the details and subsequently put pressure on Tressel to resign for the incident.

If Tressel is such a notorious cheater as the press and you all seem to suggest, why is the only "proof" some seriously questionable stories from a druggie named Ellis? Why did Tressel have no problem taking the blame and his punishment?
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by smk67
Its both really funny that UM is currently on probation and has more than just lost to OSU lately. Clearly the only victory UM has had since the Cooper era was the day those emails came out. So I understand why you are basking in the news. What I don't get all this extrapolation of how Tressel had to be cheating years ago given this one instance that OSU came forth once it knew the details and subsequently put pressure on Tressel to resign for the incident.

If Tressel is such a notorious cheater as the press and you all seem to suggest, why is the only "proof" some seriously questionable stories from a druggie named Ellis? Why did Tressel have no problem taking the blame and his punishment?
Those must be some crazy quotation marks... You know what, I'm sure it's just a coincidence major players committing amateur status violations followed Tressel wherever he went. Amirite?

lol seriously you have to be intentionally ******ed to think Tressel wasn't cheating. You're basically manbearpig and the cheating is your wife.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 05:28 PM
Extrapolation? Maurice Clarett. Troy Smith. WTF are you talking about?
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 05:31 PM
Smk and milo are the type of the guy who believes that his gf making out with a random dude was really just making out and just that one time. He's too fascinated by the titties to see the fact she's obviously cheating.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Extrapolation? Maurice Clarett. Troy Smith. WTF are you talking about?
If you read what I said, I am asking what TRESSEL had to do with any incidents of cheating. News flash - boosters give money to college kids regardless of the school and coach. This is not something special to OSU because of Tressel.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
06-04-2011 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by smk67
If you read what I said, I am asking what TRESSEL had to do with any incidents of cheating. News flash - boosters give money to college kids regardless of the school and coach. This is not something special to OSU because of Tressel.
Right, so she only cheated that one time right?

Please. Whores are whores. Tressel is an especially annoying whore because he preached abstinence for so long.
Ohio State Football: National ****ing Champions Quote
