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New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions

11-02-2009 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by iamawesomer
I always lol when they show the chris chambliss pennant clinching homer and there are a couple hundred people on the infield before he even reaches 2nd base.

What a different time that must have been (old people confirm/deny?)
My brother-in-law was at the game. He was like 10 when it happened. He told me that basically it was a mass riot and people just got pushed onto the field and he just went with it and ran around like crazy because everyone else was doing it.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by iamawesomer
I always lol when they show the chris chambliss pennant clinching homer and there are a couple hundred people on the infield before he even reaches 2nd base.

What a different time that must have been (old people confirm/deny?)
that whole game is amazing, YES shows it on its Yankees Classics occasionally. there's trash blowing around the outfield for the whole game.

i can't imagine this would happen anywhere now
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 05:54 PM
Not even I remember that one. But JoeU might. He's far older than I am.

During basketball games when I was at UConn they'd line up a row of senior citizens wearing security jackets in front of the student section. It was incredibly effective at preventing court stormings because none of us wanted to trample someone's grandmother.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 05:57 PM
I stormed the court at an SU basketball game after they beat a highly ranked ND in epic fashion. One of the most memorable sports experiences of my life.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by Karak567
I dunno Posada has been a huge part of the Yanks for so long, but I don't really like him. Never have.

Me dos
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:09 PM
I swear to God I want to kill some Philly fan and sacrifice his blood to hold off the near-jinx you people are attempting to cross right now.

We have won NOTHING yet. We are closer to losing than winning this series right now. Phillies have the advantage in this game and it's a wash if we have to go to Pettitte on short rest. From there it's anybody's game for the tiebreaker as both bullpens will be emptied if need be.

I curse you all for even the mere THOUGHT of popping champagne yet.

If we lose this series and I have to bury someone's body Friday morning, I will blame all of you and Girardi.

I am completely serious right now. I'm trying not to be an angry person but my blood is boiling right now.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:11 PM
I don't know what you are talking about. My roommate did something really nice for me the other day, so I'm getting him a bottle of champagne as a gift.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:12 PM
You want a jinx? Here's a jinx. From this morning's Philadelphia Inquirer:

New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by Karak567
I don't know what you are talking about. My roommate did something really nice for me the other day, so I'm getting him a bottle of champagne as a gift.
Good. Let's leave it at that.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by jtg51
You want a jinx? Here's a jinx. From this morning's Philadelphia Inquirer:

I approve of this wholeheartedly. Because it's closer to the truth than the alternative.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
It's OK. I would root for the Unabomber if he could HR's and win games for the Yankees.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Karak567
k but i didnt

what's my line now?
i think buying the champagne is fine, but taping up your living room in plastic curtains to protect your valuables is not.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
I approve of this wholeheartedly. Because it's closer to the truth than the alternative.
the paper obviously refers to back-to-back NL championships.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by sylar
the paper obviously refers to back-to-back NL championships.
I dont know what you're talking about. Phillies are the favorites to win this series imo, and if Philadelphia wants to run an add that alludes to them winning back-to-back, I wholeheartedly support it. And even if they just meant to congratulate them on winning back-to-back NLCS, I fully support them in putting adds like this, even though that is not what's going on here, because the Philly papers know that Philadelphia is winning it all again and as such run whatever adds they feel like running.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by jtg51
You want a jinx? Here's a jinx. From this morning's Philadelphia Inquirer:

sure looks like a hilariously lol typo in the headline to the left too (shouldn't that be axelrod? and massive lols at the freudian slip of alexrod)
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Karak567
My struggle with Alex Rodriguez (cause why read for class?):

I always defended A-Rod. Always. I was his biggest fan, supporter and defender through all the "HE'Z A CHOKER" and booing years and all that crap.

Then when all the stuff came out about his wife and him cheating and this and that I decided he was a huge douchebag and I didn't like him anymore. I'd root for him on the field, but I'd never feel the same pull/sympathy for him as I did before. He was my favorite Yankee other than Rivera for so long, but now not anymore.

However, he's back. I can't help it. I just love the dude. I think he's kinda dumb IRL, and that's how I excuse his conduct. It's awful, but I can't help it.

-Karak's randomass thought of the day
personally when he became a yankee i thought: well, we're getting one of the best hitters out there. that's a good thing. but i had no real opinion of him outside of that

since then though i've liked him more and more and also felt worse and worse for him for how the general nyy fan yaks about how he chokes, and the crap he gets in the media. him doing as well as he has during these playoffs has made it that much better for me, so all the critics can just suck it
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 06:56 PM
xpost from the other thread:

Melky off the roster. Ramiro Pena on.

Also Molina is starting (obv).
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:03 PM
Announcing Burnett as the starter, not having him get ready for the game at all, then pulling him after the first out to bring in Gaudin (who had been getting ready for this game all along), would be the sickest meta-game strategy I would ever have the luxury to witness in my life.

Fortunately I know who the manager is, so I dont get my hopes up.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
Announcing Burnett as the starter, not having him get ready for the game at all, then pulling him after the first out to bring in Gaudin (who had been getting ready for this game all along), would be the sickest meta-game strategy I would ever have the luxury to witness in my life.

Fortunately I know who the manager is, so I dont get my hopes up.
this would be bad for the phillies how?
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rubeskies
this would be bad for the phillies how?
trickeration ldo
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
Announcing Burnett as the starter, not having him get ready for the game at all, then pulling him after the first out to bring in Gaudin (who had been getting ready for this game all along), would be the sickest meta-game strategy I would ever have the luxury to witness in my life.

Fortunately I know who the manager is, so I dont get my hopes up.
yeah the manager isn't a huge angleshooting douche
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Triumph36
sure looks like a hilariously lol typo in the headline to the left too (shouldn't that be axelrod? and massive lols at the freudian slip of alexrod)
Wow, I didn't even notice that. So great.

Originally Posted by Karak567
xpost from the other thread:

Melky off the roster. Ramiro Pena on.
Interesting it was Pena instead of Guzman. Defensive replacement after Cano is pinch hit for?
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by dmisfh1
trickeration ldo
i guess they do study game film so they'd be studying burnett instead of gaudin. That could help the yanks.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Karak567
yeah the manager isn't a huge angleshooting douche
How would it be angleshooting? You announced the starter. He came out to pitch. He pitches a third of an inning. You pull him. At no point did you lie.

Angleshooting would be if you announced the starter. Then changed the starter like a minute before you had to hand in the official lineup.
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
11-02-2009 , 07:30 PM
It's on boys.. I'll cya on the other side
New York Yankees: 27-Time World Champions Quote
