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New York Mets: We ****ing Quit New York Mets: We ****ing Quit

06-14-2009 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by GREEAR10
mets need to fold as a franchise and tear down that abortion of a stadium that was obvious designed by a clown who likes to run through mazes.
Dear GREEAR10,

Your shtick was cute for a few laughs, however it has grown old and tired.

Please go find a new thread to troll.

Thank you.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Gallo
What we are saying is the stats dont tell the entire story.

Santana has missed a lot of his spots and his velocity has dropped.
This has caused him to pitch average for him the past 4 starts.
i know i was conceding your point and making fun of myself with that post
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:01 PM
I can't believe some of you continued to watch that game. I'm impressed. Just looked at the boxscore. I'm guessing this Switzer character won't be around much longer.

Yeah, Santana was awful today. And yes that's 5 out of his last 6 games where he hasn't been on the top of his game. But was he really THAT bad against the Pirates? And other than the walks he wasn't THAT bad against the Nubinals either.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:02 PM
lol i continued to watch. I always do. Yesterday was the first day i INTENTIONALY avoided watching a game because i was just still to o pissed. Guess i should boycott more often.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:03 PM
He got a pass last time from me because he had a clutch hit that was huge for the Mets offense but not this time, his year so far given how it staretd is absurd.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:07 PM
This thread is unreadable the past few days. Christ, its absurd what just a weekend in June brings out in what I consider good posters.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:13 PM
What a series.

3 at Bmore coming up, so hopefully we can rebound to take 2 there.

We don't get a day off until July 6, so this is going to be a grind, hopefully Manuel doesn't mismanage the pen and people hold up.

What's going on with switzer, this guy doesn't look like a keeper, just a warm body?
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Needle77
This thread is unreadable the past few days. Christ, its absurd what just a weekend in June brings out in what I consider good posters.
I'm trying to work out how I can blame this entire weekend on Tom Glavine.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
I'm trying to work out how I can blame this entire weekend on Tom Glavine.
Thats more like it.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:30 PM

I thought we had a secret agreement that you wouldn't troll in opposing homer threads? Maybe your excuse is that this isn't even an opposing team, it's an NL team. That or you get a pass during interleague play.

Please behave yourself lest you lose your deputy mod status. Thanks.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Again this is basically what i said, just in a less angry tone, but saying it angry makes me the worst fan ever, and even more of an insult equated to someone who CALLs WFAN! Whats next youre gonna say I'm dumber than Francessa smiglet?
you make francessa look like a genius. comparing you to the average wfan caller is not an exaggeration at all. your understanding of the game of baseball isnt far off from a 4th grader attempting to do calculus. dont bother arguing, im really completely uninterested in anything you have to say
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 05:59 PM
not gonna get on Santana he's just in a little funk right now.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by wh1t3bread
I can't believe some of you continued to watch that game. I'm impressed. Just looked at the boxscore. I'm guessing this Switzer character won't be around much longer.

Yeah, Santana was awful today. And yes that's 5 out of his last 6 games where he hasn't been on the top of his game. But was he really THAT bad against the Pirates? And other than the walks he wasn't THAT bad against the Nubinals either.
I watched it until the bitter end.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by SMIGLET
you make francessa look like a genius. comparing you to the average wfan caller is not an exaggeration at all. your understanding of the game of baseball isnt far off from a 4th grader attempting to do calculus. dont bother arguing, im really completely uninterested in anything you have to say
youre highly incorrect. MY understanding of the game is vast. Furthermore being angry that Santana has stunk of late has nothing to do with understanding the game or not. It's your perrogative to be fine with it I guess, because he has been so dominant early in the season. I ijusy dont think that way. If i said something like GET RID of Santana or yelled at Beltran for succesfuly bunting for a basehit because he 'clogged up the bases' then you can tell me I don't understand the game. I challenge you to point out ANYTHING i said and show how I dont understand the game.

I really don't see why you feel the need to take shots at me when I never take a shot at anyone in this thread.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 08:38 PM

You sound exactly like a radio show caller. Especially with the line:

MY understanding of the game is vast.
You think you know a ton about the game and you believe yourself to have an objective point of view, but when you say things like "You can talk about the Mets with us as long as you watch the Mets, clearly you do not," it's obvious that you are anything but objective.

To complain about Santana getting shelled against the best lineup in baseball and say that his dominating performances don't make up for it is ludicrous. The very nature of baseball is variance. Needle pointed it out best:

This thread is unreadable the past few days. Christ, its absurd what just a weekend in June brings out in what I consider good posters.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by kyleb

You sound exactly like a radio show caller. Especially with the line:

You think you know a ton about the game and you believe yourself to have an objective point of view, but when you say things like "You can talk about the Mets with us as long as you watch the Mets, clearly you do not," it's obvious that you are anything but objective.

To complain about Santana getting shelled against the best lineup in baseball and say that his dominating performances don't make up for it is ludicrous. The very nature of baseball is variance. Needle pointed it out best:

This is so annoying because you clearly dont know what youre talking about. Its not JUST that he has gotten shelled against the best lineup in baseball. Clearly this was a poor performance regardless of the lineup he faced, its a poor performance for anyone so don't try to even hint at this was close to the expected outcome. The fact of the Matter is Santana has not been Santana-like for a little over a month now. It's a valid complaint. I'm sick and tired of people who aren't Mets fans [youre now the 2nd one] calling it one bad game because its not ONE bad game.

The Santana apologists have had two arguments..

Argument 1: It was one bad game [Karak and Kyle]
Argument 2: He was so good his first few starts that its now 'correcting itself' [The MEts Fans]

Argument #1 is simply just untrue, which is why no one except non MEts fans in the thread has said it. Argument #2 is fine but it's just not how I think. I wont rip all over a guy for ONE bad game but 5 is now a lot. If It was John Maine or PErez or Pelfrye it might even fly because Ill take a year like this from one of them that avareages out to this in a heartbeat.

But if you told me on March 31st Santana would have a 3.27 ERA on June 15th, my response would have been 'eh' I think that would be everyones response. I have full confidence that he will pitch more Santana like for the rest of the season but as of now I'm not impressed/dissapointed. And considering he has gotten praise for half of what has thisfar been a blah year, then he deserves to be ripped a new one right now.

Look I basically sucked his e-**** for a month in a half. Now Im ripping him apart. That averages out to blah, which has been what has season has been so far. [for him]
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 08:54 PM
To complain about Santana getting shelled against the best lineup in baseball and say that his dominating performances don't make up for it is ludicrous. - KYLE

Also ugh that is just NOT even close to what I said. It amazes me that our words can still manage to get twiested in a forum where everythign is written down. I really would like someone to point out where i said I'm angry he had one bad start. lol he gave up 4 homeruns last outing, but I'm about 98% sure you arent aware of that as the game was played between two National League teams.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:03 PM
I think it's resonable to be concerned about Santan's velocity. It seems to me that some of the speed guns around the major's are turned up a few notches. I see alot of second teir middle relievers hitting 95 lately. Maybe I just have not noticed that before.

However Santana was maxing out at 92 today. That was not good.

I am concerned about the Mets this year.

Murphy, Tatis, Sheffield, Schneider, Santos, Cora, Redding, Nieve, Hernandez. These are not the guys who are key parts of a legit contender.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:04 PM
his average fastball speed for this game was about 1 mph lower than last year's average. it can't be that big of a deal.

is this anything to worry about, kyle?
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
But if you told me on March 31st Santana would have a 3.27 ERA on June 15th, my response would have been 'eh' I think that would be everyones response. I have full confidence that he will pitch more Santana like for the rest of the season but as of now I'm not impressed/dissapointed.
career era: 3.08.

New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
his average fastball speed for this game was about 1 mph lower than last year's average. it can't be that big of a deal.

is this anything to worry about, kyle?

career era: 3.08.

He's in his prime and hes in the 'easier league'. IF you told me it at the beggining of the year my response wouldbe be "thats terrible" it would be 'eh'. The fact that his career ERA is 3.08 is what I'm basing that off of. Im not sure what your point is by 'lol-ing' And If you told me that after his first 8 starts or whatever its been i WOULD have siad omg thats terrible.

Again Im not saying get rid of him or that i regret the trad eor ANYTHING like that. I am saying he has sucked lately and Im pissed about it. Why are we not allowed to criticze Lord Santana ever?
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
his average fastball speed for this game was about 1 mph lower than last year's average. it can't be that big of a deal.

is this anything to worry about, kyle?

career era: 3.08.


He also does not have control of his other pitches so he has come to rely on the fastball to much and because his velocity has dropped, batters have an easier time with it.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:14 PM
I actually agree that the lost velocity isnt THAT big a deal, we're talking like 1 mph it might be a slight dead arm period perhaps. I don't think there is an injury involved I'm sure hell be back to normal soon. I just think he simply hasn't pitched well lately.

I mean he was allowed to pithc in his last start virtually forever despite stinking it up, hes treated with golden gloves I doubt they'd let him pitch deep hurt. Though its always possible the Mets dont know as theyre medical staff is incompent.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
He's in his prime and hes in the 'easier league'. IF you told me it at the beggining of the year my response wouldbe be "thats terrible" it would be 'eh'. The fact that his career ERA is 3.08 is what I'm basing that off of.
.21 runs per 9 innings

Last edited by Phildo; 06-14-2009 at 09:19 PM. Reason: i fail at math
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Phildo
.17 runs per 9 innings
Yes and a 4 ERA is only 1.0 runs per 9 innings worse than a 3 ERA thats BARELY anything. Look his career ERA while in his prime has been lower than 3.08. 3.27 is very close to that yes Im not saying its not. My point is his year so far has been AVERAGE TO MINUTELY below average. This point is undisputable, the only disupute is weather or not he deserves criticsm for it. Again since we all worshiped him for the first part of the year I dont understand why havign the 'audacity' to criticize him now is so insane. I honestly think people are afraid to complain for fear of sounding stupid.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
06-14-2009 , 09:24 PM
Even the best have their occasional bad days. No reason to go ape**** over it. He'll bounce right back. Santana is by far the least of our concerns with this team. We have bigger things to worry about.

I still blame this on mostly bad managing (both in and out of game) and injuries. If this team is really interested in improving, Minaya and Manuel will be gone by at latest the end of this season.

God, I wish somebody on the Mets had the balls to tell the press the truth about this team. Maybe it'll light a fire under their teammates' lazy asses.
New York Mets: We ****ing Quit Quote
