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New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings)

09-24-2014 , 05:17 PM
Can you agree that Devey has played bad?

If so can you agree that BB has made a mistake putting himself in the position where Devey is a starter.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Prawney
Can you agree that Devey has played bad?

If so can you agree that BB has made a mistake putting himself in the position where Devey has to start?
Listen, I think we're at an impasse. No real reason to go on. I mean, it should be pretty obvious what my answers would be from how I've explained myself.

No one agrees with me on here. I get it. That's not going to change my opinion and clearly you're not going to agree with me.

We'll just move on.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 05:22 PM
Plenty of issues. BB is the gm. This thread is more fun to watch right now. It's like watching Jets fans bitch. We're there, folks.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
Do you have any idea what goes into the evaluation of a player and managing the personnel of an entire football team? My thought is that you know just about as much as I do. Which is jack s'hit. I can't even begin to talk about the number of scenerio's that come up through drafting, camp and into the season that cause BB and his team to make the decisions they do.

However, do you truly think that if you were able to be walked through the decisions and reasons why Devey was playing by BB himself, it would be just a simple "oh yeah, duh, we f'ucked that one up". I just don't believe that. I think that BB can walk you or anyone through exactly why he was playing and it would make perfect sense. It's not just "Hey, we thought he was super good, I guess not". Do you really think BB or his staff is that f'ing dumb or clueless?
Yeah, I think he'd say "we ****ed up evaluating that player" and think its hilarious that this is remotely controversial.

Plenty of issues. BB is the gm. This thread is more fun to watch right now. It's like watching Jets fans bitch. We're there, folks.
Lol at working the Jets in for no apparent reason.

Basically exactly right. That's my stance. Dude, listen, they might have just f'ed up. Maybe. But that just doesn't make a whole lotta sense. I mean, your basically saying that folks that have dedicated their entire lives to football were completely clueless on whether or not an offensive lineman sucked. That seems really crazy so I'm thinking there had to be other factors involved.
This is literally insane. Picks and players bust all over the NFL like hundreds of times a season. How does this happen if player evaluation isn't an exact science so people **** up at it?

Dude, listen, the Chargers might have just f'd up taking Ryan Leaf over Peyton Manning. Maybe. But that just doesn't make a whole lotta sense. I mean, you are basically saying that folks that have dedicated their entire lives to football were completely clueless over whether Leaf was better than Manning. That seems really crazy so Im thinking there had to be other factors involved.

Then again, I can't understand the logic of making hundreds of posts on an internet message board about football saying that posting opinions about football on the internet are worthless, so its quite clear I don't speak fluent Goodie.

Last edited by LetsGambool; 09-24-2014 at 05:55 PM.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 06:40 PM
I don't have a ton issue z
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yeah, I think he'd say "we ****ed up evaluating that player" and think its hilarious that this is remotely controversial.

Lol at working the Jets in for no apparent reason.

This is literally insane. Picks and players bust all over the NFL like hundreds of times a season. How does this happen if player evaluation isn't an exact science so people **** up at it?

Dude, listen, the Chargers might have just f'd up taking Ryan Leaf over Peyton Manning. Maybe. But that just doesn't make a whole lotta sense. I mean, you are basically saying that folks that have dedicated their entire lives to football were completely clueless over whether Leaf was better than Manning. That seems really crazy so Im thinking there had to be other factors involved.

Then again, I can't understand the logic of making hundreds of posts on an internet message board about football saying that posting opinions about football on the internet are worthless, so its quite clear I don't speak fluent Goodie.
I don't know how you could possibly think that I was talking about evaluation of Devey BEFORE he got here. That wasn't my point at all. My point is that it seems likely that there are other factors besides "we know this guy sucks but we're just gonna play him anyways". Factors that we don't know about. Could it be as simple as you say? Sure. But it could be more complicated too. And you not accepting that anything other than your fan assessment of the situation could be correct is infuriating.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 07:34 PM
Yeah, the other factors are they ****ed up their evaluations of Josh Kline and Joe Halapio and Wendell got hurt so their depth sucks. If you want to argue that the league all thought Devey sucks, the Pats brought him in, he sucked at every opportunity, the Pats gave him a ton of snaps to suck opening the season....but somehow the Pats were right because of super secret unimaginable other factors, that's fine, but Im going to respectfully disagree.

Try to get over having the vapors on this one and brace yourself because, although its still too early now, we're about two more games of Dobson not being able to beat out LaFail and JAG Thompkins for playing time away from me channeling my inner Salva and telling you they ****ed up WR player evaluation as well.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 07:46 PM
After reading the last page of back and forth between Goodie and others over other factors involved in the signing of Jordan Devey and I thought that I had the definitive answer. He must have gone to Rutgers, so I googled him, but no I'm wrong he didn't.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 07:49 PM
Cool Gamble. So, when will you be starting your job as player evaluation director with the Pats? Yeah, no matter how much you spout off about how much you "know", I'm just gonna go ahead and trust the professionals on this one. And please keep trying to think that personnel decisions are ONLY about player evaluations cuz that makes a ton of sense. I think you might be looking for another job soon.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
After reading the last page of back and forth between Goodie and others over other factors involved in the signing of Jordan Devey and I thought that I had the definitive answer. He must have gone to Rutgers, so I googled him, but no I'm wrong he didn't.
We'll done Toro. I chuckled. Just to be super clear though, I'm not talking about why they signed him, I'm more talking about why he's played the first two and a half games. But beyond that, I'm talking how an organization is run as a whole. And how none of us have any clue how to fit this many pieces into place.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
After reading the last page of back and forth between Goodie and others over other factors involved in the signing of Jordan Devey and I thought that I had the definitive answer. He must have gone to Rutgers, so I googled him, but no I'm wrong he didn't.
I have to admit, I didn't consider that. Thanks for checking!
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by Goodie
We'll done Toro. I chuckled. Just to be super clear though, I'm not talking about why they signed him, I'm more talking about why he's played the first two and a half games. But beyond that, I'm talking how an organization is run as a whole. And how none of us have any clue how to fit this many pieces into place.
Im happy with how the organization has been run. They also still **** things up. They'd **** a lot more things up if I were running the organization.

This isn't that complicated, but feel free to keep posting your internet message board opinions on how we shouldn't have internet message board opinions about the team. Its not at all stale and really advances the discussion.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:12 PM
Also settled: Pass Interference call in the Panthers game last year must have been right. Yeah, no matter how much you spout about how you "know" that was the wrong call I'm just gonna go ahead and trust the professionals on this one. Do you even ref bro?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Im happy with how the organization has been run. They also still **** things up. They'd **** a lot more things up if I were running the organization.

This isn't that complicated, but feel free to keep posting your internet message board opinions on how we shouldn't have internet message board opinions about the team. Its not at all stale and really advances the discussion.
Dude, read the thread if your gonna call me out. I tried to end the discussion a page ago. You just couldn't let it go. So, please, just let it go. We disagree. You think you know better than the entire Pats organization. I think you don't. We're not going to agree.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:24 PM
Maybe just assume that we know that you don't think we can criticize any move that BB makes and stop bringing it up every single time presents a criticism then? Just a thought. Or we can go through this song and dance again every week. Your call either way.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:29 PM
Alright, we can get back to talking actual Pats football. Who does a browner replace, if anyone, when he comes back? Do we think he'll make a difference as I know he wasn't impressive in pre season.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:52 PM
I wasnt in the room when they talked about it (lol j/k) but my gut feeling was Browner didnt play with the 1's in pre-season because he wasnt going to play the first 4 games. At the same time Butler started most games and has been at the bottom of the CB depth chart during the regular season.

I would guess that Browner slides in as the #2 CB opposite Revis. I feel its his position to lose.

Lost in all the "sky is falling" stuff is how much Hightower has come on. If not for Chandlers dominant game week 2, I would say Hightower was the best player on D every game.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-24-2014 , 08:57 PM
He might rotate at first and he might spend some time on TEs when matchups dictate, but yeah, he gets a crack at starting. I'm sure injuries will solve this, but I'm interested to see if the keep using Ebner/Wilson/Harmon in the sub or if Ryan or Dennard play there some. Otherwise one of them isn't going to play much.

Hightower has been their best front seven player this year and the most positive surprise on the team. Good on third down which is the biggest surprise.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-25-2014 , 05:20 PM
Someone interviewed Scar and he said they'll be fine. Guess I'll give it a couple more weeks and just hope Brady is in one piece by then.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-25-2014 , 07:05 PM
Ha. "Yeah, they'll be fine, whatever, just quit calling me Im ****ing retired"
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-25-2014 , 07:53 PM
My main hope for the OL going forward is that right now Solder and Vollmer are playing bad. We know they can play so even if they alone play to their potential the OL will improve significantly. After that they should have the players to make the interior OL to work between Cannon/Connolly/Stork/Kline/Wendell.

Of course easier said then done.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-25-2014 , 08:21 PM
I haven't watched the line play that closely but it seems that they have gotten away from cup blocking. They seem to be all spread out.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-26-2014 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by Prawney
My main hope for the OL going forward is that right now Solder and Vollmer are playing bad. We know they can play so even if they alone play to their potential the OL will improve significantly. After that they should have the players to make the interior OL to work between Cannon/Connolly/Stork/Kline/Wendell.

Of course easier said then done.
Wendell might be back this week, and we've definitely moved from opening the offseason saying "boy I hope they can upgrade Wendell" to "Im excited to have Wendell back in the lineup".

Wonder if he can play guard at all.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-26-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Wendell might be back this week, and we've definitely moved from opening the offseason saying "boy I hope they can upgrade Wendell" to "Im excited to have Wendell back in the lineup".

Wonder if he can play guard at all.
????? Huh? Wendell's the better center, and Connolly's the better guard.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
09-26-2014 , 12:30 PM
Thinking if they want to play Stork at center and Connolly doesn't play (he's been limited in practice). Otherwise, hello Devey!
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
