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New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings)

12-21-2013 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by Goodie
You're right. I should have quoted him correctly. I suppose you can interpret "kinda suck" anyway you want but two things:

I've never heard anyone say "kinda suck" and not mean that they are worse than average.


Even if you do actually believe that he meant they're average, they're clearly not. Average would be the 16th best team in the league. They are at least 6 spots better than that (and I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone that disagrees) and more likely 8 or so spots ahead of that.

So, yes, I do like to win every argument (I don't understand why anyone would argue and NOT want to win) but in this case, you made it pretty easy.
I will be more precise with my wording in this thread in the future because I know you're going to troll me if I don't. This is a fan thread, we're allowed to say ridiculous things based on emotions at times. But apparently you don't think that way. And I'm still pissed that you resorted to the old tactic of accusing me of not being a long-term fan. Whatever. I've said my piece.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by Toro
Goodie you quote him with actual quotation marks that he said they suck when he actually said they kind of suck, which I took to mean they are really just an average team. I know you have this obsession to try and "win" every internet argument (at least on 2plus2) but don't quote a guy incorrectly to make your points.
Thanks, Toro.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 06:41 AM
Originally Posted by Toro
Goodie, they are clearly average right now, every week is a death struggle even against bad teams, barely getting by the likes of Cleveland on a miracle finish.
"Clearly average" teams don't win week after week after week.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 06:54 AM
YTF, they haven't won week after week. They lost to super power Miami after squeaking by two of the worst teams in the league, Houston and Cleveland with miracles. This is in the last 4 weeks, with the injuries reaching epic proportions. When I say they are an average team, I'm saying right now, with the personel they have left.

My feeling is that there is not one team in the entire league, that they would cruise to victory against. These last two games are going to be very difficult, I just hope they can pull out at least one of them.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
My feeling is that there is not one team in the entire league, that they would cruise to victory against.
I guess I'm the last Pats fan left that doesn't hold them to this standard. That one incredible season where we blew out everyone we played has skewed expectations for this team beyond belief.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 05:24 PM
No I'm not using that standard. What I'm saying is that with the decimated roster that we have left, even against the bottom feeder teams, the games are a toss up.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 09:21 PM
Solder and Thompkins ruled out.

I am not excited about the prospect of Mankins at LT for a full game.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
No I'm not using that standard. What I'm saying is that with the decimated roster that we have left, even against the bottom feeder teams, the games are a toss up.
So basically you are saying we are like every other team in the league, save for maybe one or two. This is not enough to call us average. I doubt any team with Brady at QB would be average.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 11:32 PM
Just my opinion guys. I've got nothing but admiration for how they've hung in there, but I just don't have much confidence this team can make a run.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-21-2013 , 11:59 PM
I dont want to put words in other peoples mouths but the from my point of view the comments about the team sucking or being average is moreso comparing them to previous patriot teams rather than the other teams in the league this year.

Yeah this team is still probly a top 10 team in the league this year but if you were to compare it right now to patriot teams of the last decade it would look pretty average.

Saying that, I still dont count them out of winning it all this year. Brady is most definately capable of going on a run and being unstoppable for 3-4 games in the postseason. BB is definately capable of putting together gameplans to stop other teams.

As an aside the whole "We are too spoiled" thing anything someone says anything negative about the time annoys me. Fact is we are spoiled. With Brady and Belichick i expect to be competing for a superbowl every year, so when i judge/rate the team i rate them against other teams in contention not every team in the league and compared to other teams in contention this year the pats are average.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:10 AM
I'll admit this has been the first time since Brady's terrible knee injury that I wasn't very confident we would go deep in the playoffs. Gronks injury was the catalyst for me this season. At this point I just want to get in the playoffs and see what happens. Still think we will pull it off.

That said, one of the best parts about the NFL is 1 big win is enough to change everyone's perspective about almost any team. If we somehow won big tomorrow, there's no team out there that would want to play us in the playoffs. This year could be Brady's biggest accomplishment ever if he somehow pulls off a deep run.

Last edited by MDoranD; 12-22-2013 at 01:22 AM.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Salva135
Huh? I have no idea what you're talking about here.

I'm ok if we lose this game. We're pretty out-manned and it just doesn't look good on paper. Dobson and KT being back is a boost, but they have to become legit red zone targets this week, because that's our major weakness with Gronk gone. But we'll still fight our way into the tournament and maybe we'll just go on a Flacco/Eli hot streak and take down the mighty Seahawks in a blizzard bowl. I dunno. One can dream?

PS. It's kind of funny that EdelGOAT has rejected Brady's "Minitron" nickname, and probably considers it derogatory:

"I ain't no mini-anything!"

Edelman has beasted this season, I think he's on pace for 100 receptions? If they low-ball him and let him walk I have lost all patience with BB and the FO. Gotta keep him for a reasonable deal. Can't keep forcing Brady to deal with this crap. Pay the premium for continuity with your HoF QB, ffs. Sometimes makes me wonder if BB and the FO are such machines that they don't value Brady as much as we do. I know it sounds crazy, but the evidence can suggest otherwise.
Define reasonable? They ain't gonna pay him half of what Amendola got.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:20 AM
Pretty decent chance they get a bye even if they lose tomorrow so if you define a deep run as making the AFCCG, they've got a great shot.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 02:11 AM
I dont see Edelman back with the Pats next year. I feel like some team will offer him a great deal and the Pats wont come close to matching it.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 07:28 AM
Originally Posted by Prawney
I dont see Edelman back with the Pats next year. I feel like some team will offer him a great deal and the Pats wont come close to matching it.
Of course not, Brady finally develops serious chemistry with a WR, why would they pay to keep him? Let him walk, Brady doesn't need continuity. Edelman isn't going to command that much on the open market (a 4/24 could probably get it done), if they let him walk then this whole FO is totally screwed up. And some of you seem perfectly fine with that. There is no reason to let Edelman walk, period. Don't even try to conjure up some BS argument about value calculations. If you do, then you're just slurping the BB kool-aid.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by Salva135
I will be more precise with my wording in this thread in the future because I know you're going to troll me if I don't. This is a fan thread, we're allowed to say ridiculous things based on emotions at times. But apparently you don't think that way. And I'm still pissed that you resorted to the old tactic of accusing me of not being a long-term fan. Whatever. I've said my piece.
Just to be clear, as I was when I responded to your im, I never said anything about you not being a long term fan. You misunderstood. However, you've been overly negative as long as you've been in this thread. And obviously that's what I have a problem with.

It's gonna sound crazy to you guys and I know I'm overly optimistic but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the Pats blew the Ravens out today.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by Salva135
Of course not, Brady finally develops serious chemistry with a WR, why would they pay to keep him? Let him walk, Brady doesn't need continuity. Edelman isn't going to command that much on the open market (a 4/24 could probably get it done), if they let him walk then this whole FO is totally screwed up. And some of you seem perfectly fine with that. There is no reason to let Edelman walk, period. Don't even try to conjure up some BS argument about value calculations. If you do, then you're just slurping the BB kool-aid.
How bout the fact that they another player on the roster who has almost the same skill set? I don't know if they should let him go or not but that might be one reason they do. And for god's sake, if there's a fan that ISN'T drinking the BB kool-aid at this point, they're out of their god damn mind. He's earned it tens times over at this point.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by Prawney
compared to other teams in contention this year the pats are average.
This I agree with.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Goodie
How bout the fact that they another player on the roster who has almost the same skill set? I don't know if they should let him go or not but that might be one reason they do. And for god's sake, if there's a fan that ISN'T drinking the BB kool-aid at this point, they're out of their god damn mind. He's earned it tens times over at this point.
Are you talking about Amendola? If you are you are ignoring Edelmen's punt returning that is at league best level.

And would it be alright if some of us fans opted to drink the BB (coach) Kool-Aid but chose not to partake in the BB (GM) kool aid?
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
Are you talking about Amendola? If you are you are ignoring Edelmen's punt returning that is at league best level.

And would it be alright if some of us fans opted to drink the BB (coach) Kool-Aid but chose not to partake in the BB (GM) kool aid?
Yeah, that's why I said almost the same skill set. We would definitely miss his punt return skills as you're right that he's one of if not the best punt returner in the league.

As far as the second part, obviously that's your right to do that. It would just make you wrong. Look at the team he's put together this year if you minus out all the injuries. In terms of talent, top 3 in the NFL imo.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:23 PM
Wrong according to Goodie. I can live with that.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by Toro
Wrong according to Goodie. I can live with that.
Wrong according to logic. Look at the product man.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 12:41 PM
The product is good because the guy is a genius coach. The old saying in football is that he will beat you with his players and if you switched he'd beat you with yours.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 01:47 PM
Fair enough. I disagree but that's a valid argument.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
12-22-2013 , 02:12 PM
I've been as critical in years past as anyone itt regarding BB shopping for the groceries, but it's hard to fault him for the current team they're fielding. They were destined to be a legit top 5 team this year without the massive amount of injuries along with the AH thing. Kudos for still being a contender imo.
New England Patriots: Knocking on Seven's Door (Now with Happy Endings) Quote
