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Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time

11-09-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
AK47 is teh boss
This +1000000
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-09-2012 , 11:34 PM
This is a fun team right now
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-09-2012 , 11:39 PM
The biggest difference between this years team and the last few is that in situations like tonight I was either on the edge as to whether or not the Wolves would pull out the win or would have no confidence and assume they'd find a way to eff it up.

At the game tonight I had zero doubt the Wolves would win. Like none. Even after Indiana tied it late. Outstanding coaching by Adelman as usual. Such a boss.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-09-2012 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
**** game not on again in Rochester we don't get WFTC.
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Was going to purchase League Pass broadband. Glad I checked it out before purchasing because it is blacked out there. It is ridiculous that I live in MN and have zero options to watch the game.
Wild wings imo.

Great game. I never liked Malcolm Lee. But he's not bad as like a 7th guard or whatever
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-09-2012 , 11:56 PM
How would Wild Wings get it if it is blacked out on League Pass and we don't get WFTC? I suppose commercial licenses get exempted from blackouts or something.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 12:18 AM
They had the Pacer's broadcast, which was fun.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 12:23 AM
FFS, my FSN-A said the game was on, then I turn it there and it's freakin boxing!
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 12:29 AM
Good DWill showed up again. Hope
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
"David West is made of steel. But, Pekovic can bend steel"

--Jim Peterson
Jim Pete

Originally Posted by KatoKrazy


I <3 Adelman.

Originally Posted by ajmargarine
AK47 is teh boss
He does everything well. Great (not just good) player.

Originally Posted by Exothermic
4-1.... the wolves are what the #1 team in the west now without their 2 best players?.... i mean come on now...
Rubio is not our 2nd best player (AK47 & its not close imo). But yeah, this is pretty cool.

Originally Posted by ACG2x
The biggest difference between this years team and the last few is that in situations like tonight I was either on the edge as to whether or not the Wolves would pull out the win or would have no confidence and assume they'd find a way to eff it up.

At the game tonight I had zero doubt the Wolves would win. Like none. Even after Indiana tied it late. Outstanding coaching by Adelman as usual. Such a boss.
yeah, I had the feeling we'd win all along too. The biggest difference this year is we have quality depth and AK47. Last year we had a bunch of ****ty backups.

Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:06 AM
DW tonight - hot shooting, yay. Trade him now before his value plummets. 1 rebound in 26 minutes and was helpless guarding West. We actually missed Love's defense in this matchup tonight.

AK47 does everything every game. I love watching him play.

PEK had some trouble vs Hibbert, but at the same time, he took away Hibbert's inside game and got him in foul trouble. PEK was a beast in the 4th before missing that layup at the end.

Roy was finally starting to shoot well before he got hurt My expectations are at an all time low for him right now, but hopefully his injury isnt serious.

DC just does ****. Great role player. So much energy.

Bud was very good tonight, but made a dumb foul on that Hill 3 point play when they were down by 6 near the end.

Shved is playing better than I expected right now - I was hopeful we'd see this kind of offense from him (he did a lot of this in the Olympics), but his defense is looking better every game. I like this guy a lot.

M Lee played mostly well when he wasnt trying to force things offensively. He's a good match with Shved in there - he plays very tough defense.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Shved > Ricky

Lol, let's not get carried away. Although he did have a really nice entry pass to Pek at one point. It seems this year Pek never gets any of those "how did that pass get in there to him" passes that lead to the easy, easy 2.

Originally Posted by ajmargarine
"David West is made of steel. But, Pekovic can bend steel"

--Jim Peterson
I really liked that quote.

Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Wow he was mad at himself. I think he was the happiest wolf when Budinger made his layup.

Originally Posted by KatoKrazy


I <3 Adelman.
Do you love Adelman in general or b/c of that play? B/c that was just blown defense through and through. I mean, the Wolves were executing well anyway, but there's no way that's what Adelman drew up.

Btw, I think the play of the game to me anyway was the one they didn't even show live, where AK got the inbound steal after Shved had a layup and Shved got to hit another one. I remember earlier in the game seeing AK sorta/kinda pressure inbounds and stuff and it's a bit silly b/c almost all the time he doesn't interfere with the play at all and it kind of seems like he should just get back on D. But with those long arms and his feel I thought he probably knows the effort is worth it when he catches people in key moments when they are stressed or something. Bam! Free 2 points right at a crucial moment when the Wolves were trying to get the momentum back.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:12 AM
I posted that before I realized it wasn't drawn that way, but I still stand by the statement ldo.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:40 AM
Interesting tidbit about the game winning play:

The final play was recommended by assistant coach Bill Bayno and designed for Kirilenko, who grabbed the inbounds pass on the right wing, calmly took a few dribbles and looked toward the basket. Budinger was out past the 3-point line and started cutting to get into position for a possible tip-in of a missed shot.

But Pacers guard Gerald Green wasn't paying attention, and Budinger wound up wide open under the basket. Kirilenko found him for the game winner, sending the Target Center crowd into a euphoric roar.

"I lost vision of my own man, a careless mistake," Green said. "I don't know what to say. I get paid too much to make that kind of mistake."
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
I posted that before I realized it wasn't drawn that way, but I still stand by the statement ldo.
Yeah, I can't argue with the statement. Adelman is such an obscene upgrade over previous coaching, .

Btw, I was really impressed with George Hill....although maybe playing against the Wolves PGs will do that, lol. But still, he seems like he maybe can carry the load with Granger down.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:49 AM
Check out the box score for two of our former players:

Beasley - typical 4-14.

Wes - getting a lot of DNPCDs these days.

Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 01:50 AM
Hill was really good tonight. He's a good player.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 04:13 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Check out the box score for two of our former players:

Beasley - typical 4-14.

Wes - getting a lot of DNPCDs these days.

it's more surprising Phoenix thought it was a wise idea to take on the two players most responsible for a real bad Wolves' team!

Man I was NBAed out tonight, but this game looked like the most fun. Glad you guys are enjoying the AK47 experience, Utah fans weren't kind enough to him. They were very up and down / on and then off his case constantly. This was a much needed move for him I think. He'll be a productive player for a long time.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:24 AM
anyone have clip of the last play? I haven't seen highlights of the game. Anytime I go to SC all it is is Brown and the Lakers.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
anyone have clip of the last play? I haven't seen highlights of the game. Anytime I go to SC all it is is Brown and the Lakers.
never mind found highlights
Roy's knee, same one he's always had problems with?
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 07:43 AM
Just watched the archived game on League Pass after blocking out the entire world all night.

HOLY ****ING ****


This team is absolutely filthy. Dante Cunningham is gonna start selling jerseys in the TC. PEK is a boss, doesn't matter that he missed that bunny. Couple big shots/free throws down the stretch. AK47 is probably gonna be in my top 5 fave Wolves all time by next week. In general, this team can play so much. More excited about Rubio's return than Love's tbh. Everybody can pass, everybody can d up, everybody (outside of Stiemsma, who I ****ing LOVE) can score in their own way. This team is elite. We've earned this, those of us who have endured JR Rider and Laettner and Paul Grant and Stojko and everything else. I love you all and I love this team.

In Adelman we trust.

Night all!!
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
Was going to purchase League Pass broadband. Glad I checked it out before purchasing because it is blacked out there. It is ridiculous that I live in MN and have zero options to watch the game.
I haven't ever purchased one of those streaming things, but I think the blackouts are based on what IP you're connecting from. You should be able to trick them by connecting through a VPN that terminates in another state. See:
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 08:06 AM
Btw I thought Malcolm Lee did a very nice job tonight. For the 13th guy on our team, I'm pretty happy with him.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 08:43 AM
trading love >>>> trading dw2
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by cha59
Check out the box score for two of our former players:

Beasley - typical 4-14.

Wes - getting a lot of DNPCDs these days.

You're mean. I wish those guys well.
Originally Posted by fanerio
trading love >>>> trading dw2
Crazy talk itt

I think Williams is a must trade. I just don't see how he gets minutes when Love is back. But I don't know what you'd trade him for.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
11-10-2012 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
You're mean. I wish those guys well.

Crazy talk itt

I think Williams is a must trade. I just don't see how he gets minutes when Love is back. But I don't know what you'd trade him for.
maybe a potential lottery pick?
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
