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Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time

09-29-2012 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
Anytime I read something on Rubio's recovery I am just amazed at what a freak Adrian Peterson is.
My take is this: AP worked more aggressively to get better/stronger faster than Rubio has. I think AP went a little beyond what was suggested to him & worked harder. Rubio is doing everything according to what the trainers tell him and is being more cautious.

Most good trainers are getting more aggressive sooner after surgeries than in the past because its now known that when you rest too long after surgeries, more scar tissue builds up and muscle atrophy sets in, making recovery far more difficult. Getting moving sooner makes it heal faster.

And AP is obviously a beast too.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-02-2012 , 09:47 PM
Pretty good article about stuff that Glen Taylor said - this has not been reported elsewhere as far as I know:

Timberwolves’ candid Glen Taylor offers glimpse inside front office
By Britt Robson | 10/01/12
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-03-2012 , 10:49 AM
Peterson in an interview in '07:

Originally Posted by Peterson
I was lifting two or three times a week, coordinating upper body with lower body, getting my cardio in. That's very important. I really don't like running on a treadmill or riding a bike and all that. I like to feel that I'm getting some work done, so normally, I go outside and run, get that good sweat.
I try to do lunges, single-leg squats, then get my full squats in. I try to work every muscle in my legs from quads to the hamstrings to the calves. I haven't maxed out since college, and I want to say I squatted about 540 lbs, something like that.
I'll probably do a couple sets of 315 pounds for reps now. That is kind of light, but when you up the reps, you really getting quality work in, too. So I'll do probably about three sets of 15, you know, starting from like 12, then I might do 10, finish up with 8.
That has to help.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-03-2012 , 01:40 PM
Cha - cool article, wanted even more after I was done reading, but any bit is helpful.

Kahn more and more just sounds like a bit of a weird dude who really needs help in determining who to go after. But the actual nuts & bolts (logistics) of GMing he may actually be pretty good at.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-03-2012 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by SL__72
Peterson in an interview in '07:

That has to help.
yeah, I cant quite do as much as he can, but I can confirm that squatting heavy weight properly/having super strong legs is very good for the knees.

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Cha - cool article, wanted even more after I was done reading, but any bit is helpful.

Kahn more and more just sounds like a bit of a weird dude who really needs help in determining who to go after. But the actual nuts & bolts (logistics) of GMing he may actually be pretty good at.
Well, he's good at some parts of it and terrible at others. With the support staff we have right now, it appears he can be functional. Kahn was a complete disaster before Team Adelman came aboard.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-03-2012 , 07:26 PM
i've heard you say that many times, but i haven't seen the same thing. i think you're too results oriented. certainly, kahn is a risk taker, and many of his risks in his first two years failed, but i actually think his willingness to gamble and not worry about what the media says is a pretty strong positive.

you have to at least give him credit for rubio. he appears to have handled that to perfection - and i don't think it was something obvious that everyone would have done.

my favorite trait of his is that he's willing to admit failure and cut his losses when he's wrong. flynn was his guy - but he (correctly) gave up on him pretty quickly. compare that to, for instance, chilly and tarvaris.

at the very least, he keeps the wheels turning until something works
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-03-2012 , 09:39 PM
Yeah, team Rambis was a huge disaster, lol.

Willie - he gave up on Flynn quickly? I'd say he gave up on him a year too late at least....probably could have gotten something for him if they had a decent coach who said "ummm, this guy can't play" - same with Wes Johnson.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by willie24
i've heard you say that many times, but i haven't seen the same thing. i think you're too results oriented. certainly, kahn is a risk taker, and many of his risks in his first two years failed, but i actually think his willingness to gamble and not worry about what the media says is a pretty strong positive.

you have to at least give him credit for rubio. he appears to have handled that to perfection - and i don't think it was something obvious that everyone would have done.

my favorite trait of his is that he's willing to admit failure and cut his losses when he's wrong. flynn was his guy - but he (correctly) gave up on him pretty quickly. compare that to, for instance, chilly and tarvaris.

at the very least, he keeps the wheels turning until something works
Kahn deserves all the credit for making the trade to get the pick we used on Rubio. McHale would have never made that trade.

Kahn deserves all the blame for the Flynn pick, and for the Wes pick and as Yugo correctly states, he took too long before giving up on them.

As recently as ~February last year, he planted the seed in Taylor's head that all Wes needed was some coaching to get better production from him. It wasn't until the end of the season when Adelman said, "I want these guys gone" that the Wes experiment ended, and we had to give up an asset just for someone to agree to take on his contract.

At least he is doing what Adelman is telling him to do now. He deserves credit for that, and for getting Adelman here.

It is possible he was just doing what Rambis told him to do with all those botched moves prior to that (remember though, the Flynn pick was prior to Rambis coming aboard). But, he hired that worthless piece of ****.

The Flynn & Wes picks are both historically bad on their own. Not dumping them while either still had value compounded the problems.

Three things Kahn has done right - Rubio, Adelman, and doing what Adelman says.

Things Kahn has done wrong - basically everything else. (There have been several slightly good to neutral to bad moves - nothing else super important that has been good imo).

Remember, as of the end of last year, we had three very good players on the team. Two of those guys are here because of McHale (Love & PEK). The rest of the good players we have here now (and the pile of crap we just got rid of that Kahn brought here) are primarily due to Adelman's suggestions.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 01:45 AM

How does he not get credit for getting the Russkies, especially after that AK47 presser included Andrei specifically citing Kahn's persistence as a reason he came, because he felt "wanted"?
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by minnesotasam

How does he not get credit for getting the Russkies, especially after that AK47 presser included Andrei specifically citing Kahn's persistence as a reason he came, because he felt "wanted"?
Adelman told him to get AK.

I dont know who is responsible for Shved. That could be a very good one, but it remains to be seen, and I'm not sure who's idea it was.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 10:37 AM
Shved was prolly AK's idea .

Love says "get me some talent idiots."

Adelman says "yeah Kahn, what he said, AK-47 looks good since we whiffed on Batum - also throw in Buddinger, I like that dude"

Kahn says "hey Roy, I remember you from Portland, want to hang out here in case you're all healed?" and then "Ak-47, Rubio could be your PG, not Deron Williams!!! Check that **** out."

AK-47 says "I want Shved as my pg then too ldo"

Kahn "wat?"

AK-47 "just watch Olympics, you will see the Shved"
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 11:32 AM
We were interested in Shved before AK47 I think, and we already had Bud before we pursued Batum, but nice story
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 11:37 AM
Story is solid b/c I made it up on the spot.

Also, apparently somewhere in that time Pek jumped into the conversation with "PEK.....SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH". But everyone just assumed he was threatening Kahn if he brought Anthony Randolph back.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 11:41 AM
In other news, B Roy has been going all out, practiced for ~4 hours two days ago, kept going after the coaches tried to hold him back, and said his knees felt great yesterday. Adelman has been making comments about how he is a very good player and how smart he is. He does everything well, and is an elite scorer, even if he's lost a little of his hop.

I was trying not to be overly optimistic about a guy who has basically no knee cartilage, but hearing the news about him makes it hard not to be optimistic. If that guy can give us significant minutes, we are going to be one of the best teams in the league.

Portland's training/medical staff really ****ed up several guys' knees. There's a Grantland article about it somewhere - I'll see if I can find the link later.

ESPN did some piece on Insider the other day that named 12 teams with a chance to knock out Miami - the Wolves are one.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-04-2012 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Story is solid b/c I made it up on the spot.

Also, apparently somewhere in that time Pek jumped into the conversation with "PEK.....SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH". But everyone just assumed he was threatening Kahn if he brought Anthony Randolph back.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-05-2012 , 10:35 AM
Training camp continues: Iron sharpens iron

By Oceanary on Oct 4, 10:27p

good stuff - I cant wait to see this team play
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-08-2012 , 08:49 PM
Are any preseason games on TV anywhere? A cursory check shows nada.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 02:38 PM
If I buy a subscription to League Pass Broadband does anyone know if the game will be on there tonight?
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by KatoKrazy
If I buy a subscription to League Pass Broadband does anyone know if the game will be on there tonight?
I know nothing about league pass broadband, but I doubt it. I mean the game isn't at an nba site, it's in fargo.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 02:58 PM
Yea, looks like it isn't on anywhere not even radio.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 08:26 PM
Game is on(line). Check your local tributary.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Game is on(line). Check your local tributary.
Fargodome nice for football, not so much for basketball.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 09:34 PM
AK47 is a beast.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
10-10-2012 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Game is on(line). Check your local tributary.
damn, was in on in the Twin Cities?? - I missed it

Scrolled through the Canis game thread - it sounds very encouraging:

My cliffs on the comments on Canis + looking at the box score:

- AK is awesome despite putting up somewhat weak looking numbers. He just does things that help the team all the time.

- PEK is a beast and ate Hibbert for lunch.

- Roy, Budinger, Shved, Steamer & Cunningham all are a huge improvement over the guys they replaced. AK is so big of an improvement over Wes, its ridiculous.

- The caged lion did some good things and some bad things - jury is out. He did get twice as many minutes as Cunningham, which is a mild surprise for me. I wonder if that will continue when the season starts - if it does, its probably a good sign, meaning the lion will have improved a lot.

I cant wait to see this team play!!
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
