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Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time

06-30-2012 , 11:13 PM
oh btw wasnt rudy fernandez going to be a free agent this year?.... hes an upgrade from ridnour as well, & dont think hes expensive.... i guess the biggest problem is getting a decent name/player to come to the twolves but so much potential this team ahs.... hope something big happens..
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-01-2012 , 11:15 AM
I just heard John K (AP guy) on Barriero say that the Wolves:

- declined team options on Beasley & AR

- extended something or another so that Webster, Miller & Darko's contracts are on the books for another month - this allows them to be included as filler in trades. If we don't make trades including them, expect Webster & Miller to be bought out and Darko to be amnestied -

- are pursuing B Roy (we knew that already) - I've heard just a little more about this and I'm starting to think he might actually good again. Another thing I heard about this - Portland amnestied him, so whatever anyone pays him will be deducted from what Portland owes. Basically, wherever he goes, he'll get the minimum from that team. We don't know if he wants to come here, but he has a relationship with Wolves assistant Bill Bayno, which might help.

- have already made an offer to N Batum. It sounds like we have ~15 mil in cap space, but Portland has said they'll match any offer. This would be an awesome signing if it happens, but I still think its a slim chance we get him. I just found this:
4 years - $45 - 50 mil. Portland is prepared to offer a max deal to Hibbert, so I dont know for sure, but that might help our cause here.

- Steimsma and Jordan Hill are coming to visit. ok fine, we need a backup big.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 12:28 AM
Everything being reported so far is that MIN is Batum's preferred destination. It sounds like he's kind of bitter at POR for not extending him last year when they had the chance. I think if POR doesn't sign Hibbert they pass on Batum too and begin rebuilding. Can't see them locking $50M in without other pieces in place. I am really beginning to think that Batum will be in a Wolves uniform next year, even if they have to S&T him.

Although he had a "good visit" (doesn't everyone say that?), I don't think Steinsma will play here. He has indicated his preferred destination is back to BOS. I'd actually rather have Jordan Hill anyway.

While it would be nice to get Roy, especially if the contract has a "knee clause" as it should, there are too many suitors there. I'd give our odds at snagging him right now 10-15%. Wolves have too many other needs to press all recruiting energies into a guy with his background.

The LOLakers still believe it's 2006 as they are trying to send out as many smoke signals as they can to get someone to bite on giving them premium pricing for a Gasol trade. If I'm Kahn, I wait them out because LA needs to trade him more than we need to trade for him. He would be a great addition but not at their outrageous price. Word was from ATL they wanted Josh Smith and another mid-tier talent. Never mind the fact Smith is more valuable than Gasol right now. As the summer progresses and the luxury tax looms larger, they will have no choice but to come down on their price. If the Wolves want to shove and try to win now, dealing Derrick & Ridnour for Gasol isn't the worst deal and would probably turn us into nearly a 50-win team.

So right now, I think we will sign Batum and Sheved. I also think we have a very legit shot at Hill. Roy would be nice but that's a bit pipe dreamish now. Even with those moves, our roster is:

PG: Rubio/Ridnour/Barea
SG: Sheved/Ellington
SF: Budinger/Batum/Wes/Hummel???
PF: Love/D. Williams/Tolliver???
C: Pekovic/Hill

GONE: Beasley, Randolph, B. Miller, Martell, Darko (amnestied)

I like the length and athleticism this lineup can provide. Our wings are now very long and can run/jump with the best of them. Either way, props to the FO for going more balls out than many years past trying to get winning talent here.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 08:58 AM
What's changed so much in Portland that they'd be willing to not sign Batum? For years it's been all about how much the fans and organization is in love with him...
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
What's changed so much in Portland that they'd be willing to not sign Batum? For years it's been all about how much the fans and organization is in love with him...
They think $8 - 9 mil is more than he's worth. $12.5 mil is way more than they want to give him, and it might be way more than he's worth. I've seen quite a few defensive stats the past couple days that suggest he's a poor defender.

Our plan B if we can't get Batum is to make a push for Iggy. After reading all kinds of stuff at Canis, I think that should have been our plan A. In the Wolves defense here, Batum is younger and less expensive (I think Iggy has 2 years ~$32 mil left on his contract). But Iggy is a far superior defender - actually the best wing defender in the NBA by a lot of stats over a long period of time.

Check this out:

I agree with ACG2x - we should wait for the Lakers to get desperate about dumping Gasol. If they dont dump his salary, they are in for lots of problems. Next year, he'll be an expiring $21 mil contract and they aren't going to get much of anything for him. At his age, his value is going to decline fast.

There are ways we can still wind up getting Gasol (hopefully cheap - DW + Ridnour + filler is fine with me), keeping Pek, and getting either Batum or Iggy. I think this would push us past 50 wins and we'd be a nightmare matchup for anyone in the playoffs including OKC. We'd have possibly the best 3 man big rotation in the NBA which would give OKC fits. If we had Iggy to guard KD, that's a series we could win.

btw - I think we haven't amnestied Darko yet because he's a potential salary cap balancer for several potential trades.

This is fun - I just wish things would happen a little faster
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 10:14 AM
Ray Allen in the mix now too ...

Darren Wolfson ‏@DarrenWolfson
Add another FA to #Twolves list: per @DAldridgetnt, they had a conf. call w/ Ray Allen. Will need to land a couple, but they’ve been busy.

by mjfan02 on Jul 3, 2012 5:43 AM PDT reply actions
Follow Up ...

Darren Wolfson ‏@DarrenWolfson
Allen’s agent initiated, not MN. Even so, 1. RT @CourtlandOlson: @DarrenWolfson on a scale of 1-10 … what are their chances of getting R.A.?

via CH ^
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 10:23 AM
Yeah, Iggy > Batum I'm pretty sure. Although I think Batum is a better shooter right? So I mean, that has to be good too for the Wolves.

Not sure which one would fit better salary-wise...but I dno, Iggy seems really good and while he hasn't played tons of playoffs, he seemed very solid on team USA, I think he was even playing C some? Maybe my memory is off, but he is obv an elite defender.

Hmmmm, seems the Wolves have options. Hopefully that guy from Europe ends up being a v solid 2 - that still seems like the area where it will be hard to upgrade through free agency. A lot of the 2s available are either going to get way overpaid or they have issues. Obv Ray Allen would be great but I dno, his foot may be shot and I doubt he signs with the Wolves anyway.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 11:22 PM
I actually don't want us to touch Allen with a ten foot pole. First, he is obv old and will struggle to play a full time starting two guard minutes all year. Since our current other viable options at that spot are nothing, we need a guy who can contribute and play all year.

Second he will be expensive. He is a likely HOF veteran who has many suitors. The Wolves have so many other needs which they can fill with solid talent that can regulararily contribute, it just doesn't make sense to spend our limited FA budget and recruiting energies on him.

Love the player, don't like chasing him this off season.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-03-2012 , 11:50 PM
MIA is talking about paying Allen $3M. MEM can offer $5M. I don't think he'd be that expensive. We like to pay everyone $4-5M, anyway. But, I doubt he'd come here.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-04-2012 , 02:23 AM
Why would Sheved want to sign with MN? perplexing to me
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-04-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Halstad
Why would Sheved want to sign with MN? perplexing to me
There are three teams interested in him and MN is one. This is translated from a Russian article:
Swede Alex: To determine the NBA with the club after the Olympic selection

Swede Alex participated in the NBA Draft in 2010, and then the Russian defender no one has chosen. Two years later, at least three teams interested in overseas leagues Schwede, but the 23-year-old basketball player in the team now, and thinks only of the cherished ticket to the Olympics in London.

- Alex, several NBA teams are showing interest in you, and for the young player's dream - to go to the best league in the world. What will be the criterion for the selection of the club across the ocean?

- First of all, I want to play. You need to look, what part of what a coach, how will treat me and what role to be. Based on all this, you will need to choose.

- Your agent says the interest from the "Minnesota", "Memphis" and "Cleveland." Which team will be more attracted to the style?

- We will not talk specifically about the teams. All NBA team strong or super strong. Up in Europe, very different. I'll tell you after the tournament in Venezuela. Has not personally spoken with anyone from the team. I talked with his agent. I trust it is. He is not only my agent but a friend. I listen to his opinion. Rather, immediately after the tournament will go to the United States. Just can not say.

- Your contract with CSKA until the end of next season. CSKA released without any problems?

- The CSKA wanted me to stay. I liked it from the club's only positive emotions, but if you're given a chance, you need to take it. After one or two more seasons of the proposal may not have to be - I will be 25 years, not so young. I think trying to be now.

- In our team a lot of guys who have played or play in the NBA: Andrei Kirilenko and Viktor Khryapa, Sergei Monya, Timothy Brain. Communicated, consulted with them?

- Yes. I talked to the guys who have played overseas. They all say one thing: you have to try it from the inside, to feel on the court, in life, everything is different. It is necessary to do so.

- Do you have a basketball family, relatives have said about the move?

- All supported my decision. Communicated with parents and siblings. They also believe that you need to go there and see everything with my own eyes and try to gain a foothold.

- What do think are ready for the NBA? There's probably make disappoint.

- If you say disappoint - I'll do. But I feel that I'm comfortable with the weight of running, jumping. Everyone has their own advantages: someone takes power, and someone else. The main thing - all the time you need to improve. It does not matter how old you are, 23, 25 or 30, you can not know everything all the time to work and add. If I go there, then I will add something.

- There is some concern before moving overseas?

- No, no fear. I would go with my girlfriend, and possibly my brother. So there I am with my family. I only need to train to work to achieve something.

In Caracas, the hotel does not even come out

- What kind of first impression in Caracas? This city is considered the most dangerous in the world in terms of crime.

- In fact, it would be very good to expertise was in Lithuania. Here we do not leave the hotel - we could not. It's all unreal expensive, boring.

- Team qualified with the start of a confident victory over South Korea. Was it such an easy game, as it seemed on the account?

- Rather, it was very hard. Games in the early morning, which is unusual for us. Breakfast and once in the game. In the morning, and unusually difficult to play, many tire quickly. I say to myself, I had a hard time. I think in the next game will be all the better. We have one goal - to get to the Olympics. And we will do our best to do this.

- Korea has a team-mystery. What can you say about the first opponent?

- We only had one video of the match, which we looked at. Played, in principle, as we expected, with little or no combinations gave the ball broke and held again, gave, gave three, went on the selection, again gave not picked up - in defense, and ran again. Back and forth all the running around. But they are well done, keep trying. They do not have high player, but played to the end.

- The second game we play with the Dominican Republic, what you know about them?

- I know that there are some strong players who perform successfully in the NBA, such as Al Horford. Video is not seen, against the Dominican, I have never played. Today we will watch the video, the coach will tell about the nuances, strengths, weaknesses.

- Russia in the quarterfinals of the group goes to Macedonia, Angola and New Zealand. Counted some options, with whom I would like to play?

- Do not calculate the options. It is necessary to win in any team. Says Coach (David Blatt) Olympics in London will be one of the greatest events in history, and it does not want to miss. It does not matter to whom go out in the quarterfinals, Macedonia or New Zealand.

- Your debut for the national team was not so long ago, at the European Championships in 2011, debuted yesterday Sergey Karasev. Congratulated the novice?

- Right in the locker room congratulating earrings. He is a very nice guy, not just basketball. Outside of basketball is very pleasant to communicate with him. I hope that he will have good future. I wish him only the best of luck.

- The CSKA Moscow Ettore Messina returned. You've worked with him as thinking, working in the "Lakers" has changed his philosophy of the game?

- Do not spoken since his return from the NBA. Previously, when working, he always demanded a lot from the player and above all a good aggressive defense. He's a great coach who has won many titles to it are never any problems there, and even should not be. At that time I played a little, but still a lot from him learned. He demanded a lot of young players who have not forgiven almost anything. When will come the guys who are already finished - Jay Holden, Matjaz Smodis, Trajan Langdon, Ramunas Siskauskas - it tells me all the time. In life, Ettore very calm, with a lot of what you can talk to.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-04-2012 , 11:42 PM
beasely is gona in case anybody here cares .... 3 year 18mill deal with phoenix, sounds kind of cheap tbh but hope he does well with a team that will give him the green light

btw who really cares about getting some russian 2 guard who most likely will bomb in the nba? ehh..... ide take allen in a hurry for 2-3years any day of the week or even take my chances of roy...
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 11:46 AM
gl to Beasley & I really mean that. I like him and would be happy for him if he does well, but I doubt he will. I think he did well to get 3/$18 mil.

As far as who we get - I'm thrilled that we're interested in all these different players. It means we have someone in charge who recognizes our weaknesses and is attempting to address them.

Ideally, I would like to see a trade for Iggy above all else, but at the very least, it looks like we'll probably come away with at least 3 new wings this off-season, which means Wes might not have to see the court next season (if he isn't traded, which would be even better)
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 11:54 AM
RIP Beasley, I'll always remember every time you missed the first FT, you'd go walk up to the basket and look at it like it didn't work right.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
RIP Beasley, I'll always remember every time you missed the first FT, you'd go walk up to the basket and look at it like it didn't work right.
and then try to eat the basketball.... lol

edit - he was hunting gremlins:
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 02:35 PM
Yeah, best part about Beasley imo. Man, I'm gonna miss that.

Not gonna miss the defensive possessions where Ridnour or something yells at him to switch his man or go find his man and Beasley just sits there watching the ball seemingly in a defensive stance "seemingly" ready to play defense if only his man was within 6 feet of him.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 06:46 PM
2 best .gifs from last year too with Wrong Knee Rub and "Oh **** That's My Bone!!

Nash to Lakers make Pau a wolf more/less likely?
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 06:51 PM
Less likely. They'll probably stay as is and make a run next year, then reevaluate. imo.

(Unless they move for Howard and we get involved somehow in a 3-way deal)
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
2 best .gifs from last year too with Wrong Knee Rub and "Oh **** That's My Bone!! forgot about that
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 10:53 PM
brandon roy to the twolves ... hopefully he comes back to somewhat form
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-05-2012 , 11:49 PM
Timberwolves agree to terms with Batum on 4-year, $45M offer sheet with bonuses that can push it past $50M. Batum wants MN. (per AP)

Batum met with POR today and they told him that they intend to match any offer and will not facilitate any sign-and-trade scenarios...(per Oregonian)
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-06-2012 , 12:47 AM
Is batum really that good? Thats a lot of money.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-06-2012 , 01:01 AM
As long as the Roy deal has insurance clauses should his knees not hold up, then good up on Kahn and co. for getting him signed. High risk, super high reward pick.

Another smart move by Wolves forcing Portland's hand by agreeing to the deal with Batum. It's pretty clear that while Batum may not "want out of Portland at all costs", he wants to play in MN. Even still, it will be hard for him to accept the one-year QO and turn down all that guaranteed money should the Blazers match. Either the Wolves get the guy they have desperately coveted or they force a division rival to pay more than they would for him.

I do think Portland will match however I'm not sure that they are as steadfast about not doing a S&T as Olshey said today. I think he was being a hard ass up front to try to up any offer the Wolves would make. Reports are we offered D-Will and Webster (for cap relief) but they aren't interested. While they may say they will not entertain any S&T scenarios, that remains to be seen.

Even if POR signs Hibbert to a max and Pacers don't match that, they can still get both Hibbert and Batum by signing Hibbert first. Batum has LBR so they can go over cap to get him; although I believe that will result in a luxury tax bill and the new CBA has pretty brutal penalties for that.

Speaking of Olshey, is he a mafia capo or something? He was quoted as saying things like he was glad Batum and his agent met the Blazers FO "face to face so they could get their point across" and "It is in Nic's best interests to sign with us". Sounds like a "sign up or we'll break ya' legs" type of deal.

Reports are that Plan B for Wolves is to try to swing a deal for Iguodala. Since his contract is somewhat bloated ($14.7M this year, PO for $16M next) and isn't cap friendly, he is less desirable despite being a better player all things considered. Perhaps this was the hidden logic to extending the offer periods for Martell and Miller; to use them as cap relief to get a guy like Iggy. He will cost more than Batum in a trade for sure but I would still cheer if we snagged him.

Assuming Steimsma signs (to my surprise) and Batum stays put, if the Wolves did pull off cap relief and D-Will for Iggy and the roster looked like:

PG: Rubio/Ridnour/Barea
SG: Iggy/Roy/Ellington
SF: Budinger/Wes
PF: Love/Tolliver
C: Pek/Steimsma

Darko is amnesited. We're still a bit lean on the wing, especially defensively but are rock solid at 4/5 position spots. That team above could easily contend for seeds #6-8 in the West.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-06-2012 , 01:11 AM
The 4 and 5 like pretty damned thin to me. I went to Wisconsin so there's no way that I can believe Steimsma is good.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
07-06-2012 , 09:22 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Batum met with POR today and they told him that they intend to match any offer and will not facilitate any sign-and-trade scenarios...(per Oregonian)
We gotta pull a Vikings and poison pill that mutha****a
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
