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Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Michigan Football: HARBAUGH

11-26-2013 , 12:35 AM
We got this by 7
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 06:29 AM
Originally Posted by thedeezy

Lately it sounds like u r Wisconsin.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 08:16 AM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I have been to every Michigan / Ohio State game since 1989 with my father. He calls me up today and says "I don't think we should go to the game."

Rock bottom.

FWIW this is how I've felt about Army/Navy lately.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 12:51 PM

Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
His highlight tape is ****ing beastly. He's only a sophomore in that **** and he's just killing kids half his size.
Debbie downer here, but sure - he's killing kids because the opponents are still half his size. Note this historically can be problematic for development of kids in the trenches where technique is vital, and when mountain-sized kids forgo learning technique because they're used to just tossing kids around half their size. When the kids aren't half their size anymore, then it takes years to coach them into doing the right thing.

See: Campbell, Will.

This is why those football factory high schools exist and the biggest kid from a rural school or whatever will sometimes get passed up in recruiting: *generally speaking*, even if the big kid from a small, rural outpost school projects into the right size, the kids can be viewed as projects by college coaches since they just learn to toss around their normal sized opponents, and you can't use game tape to scout them like you would a kid that goes to Detroit County Day or Cass Tech or whatever.

To be clear, I think this kid is from a big time football school. My general point was that caution should be exercised when you see mammoth kids squishing bugs. He won't be that much bigger/stronger than everyone else when he gets here.

Last edited by DVaut1; 11-26-2013 at 01:28 PM.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by thedeezy

Signing Day Big Ten Champions!

Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey

Well, they're not significantly better than we have been.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Debbie downer here, but sure - he's killing kids because the opponents are still half his size. Note this historically can be problematic for development of kids in the trenches where technique is vital, and when mountain-sized kids forgo learning technique because they're used to just tossing kids around half their size. When the kids aren't half their size anymore, then it takes years to coach them into doing the right thing.

See: Campbell, Will.

This is why those football factory high schools exist and the biggest kid from a rural school or whatever will sometimes get passed up in recruiting: *generally speaking*, even if the big kid from a small, rural outpost school projects into the right size, the kids can be viewed as projects by college coaches since they just learn to toss around their normal sized opponents, and you can't use game tape to scout them like you would a kid that goes to Detroit County Day or Cass Tech or whatever.
That'd be a much better argument if downer's grove was rural and he hadn't impressed at camps.

All top Oline prospects face this kind of problem, but he's on the right track for sure.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 02:18 PM

So take your "fickle" and shove it. Angry, sure. Impatient, sure. Because we are locked into this thing we do every week that we pretty much hate. We do so out of a sense of loyalty that the program goddamn well doesn't reciprocate with its 500 dollar waiting lists and worst access level in the country—the team that is going to stuff you in a locker on Saturday has open practices in front of the entire student section—and scheduling goddamned Appalachian State because the athletic director thinks it's cute. Any reasonable person would look at the recent history of Michigan football and go do anything else. We're here because we're locked in.

You? You've got a buyout.

It is not the fans' fault that this program is awful to be a fan of. It's not Rich Rodriguez's fault. Anyone who sells their ticket for whatever they can get—currently 60 bucks and dropping from 80 yesterday—is only making a logical decision to not get punched in the soul dong on Saturday.

I'll hate them all the same, but half out of envy this time. They are no longer mindless wallets. They don't give a crap if Brady Hoke calls them fickle, and don't write articles on the internet about it. They are logical people.

The reason Michigan Stadium is going to be half-red on Saturday isn't because of "the world we live in" except insofar as it contains a Michigan football team that people at Abu Ghraib wouldn't show prisoners.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 02:34 PM
SHATS FIRED (don't disagree)
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 02:38 PM
Don't disagree but still, it's a press conference standard response.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 02:40 PM
Yes, canned response. Generally a not-great one.

"It's understandable why people would sell their tickets but the seniors would really love to have the stands full of Michigan fans"

>>> non-answer answer than

"Fans are fickle"

That can be spun - well, was spun - into blaming the fans and their fickle tastes for not wanting to spend to watch Michigan get curbstomped by OSU.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 03:07 PM
Well, they might have a real problem on their hands here. They priced tickets top of market for a competitive team. Now they are clearly not a competitive team. There is no wait list for tickets. People are rightly pissed off. The athletic department continues to schedule Eastern Michigan and Akron and the like, at every step screaming to fans "you will never stop spending money."

Well, my couch is pretty damn comfortable. I dont have to pay 8 dollars for a bottle of water, I dont have to walk miles, I can get in out, and most importantly it doesnt cost 150 bucks.

If they are losing me, and they are, they are losing thousands just like me.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 03:44 PM
Peppers taking some official visits soon
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 03:50 PM
Lol this is too good
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 03:56 PM
Wonder how many Ohio State fans will be at the little house. 25%?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Peppers taking some official visits soon
Originally Posted by thedeezy
Lol this is too good
Doesn't this mean Hoke pulls his scholarship or something? Maybe that was back when we were in the middle of a 10+ win season. Or does this put him on the David Dawson track, where he's no longer committed but can come back?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Doesn't this mean Hoke pulls his scholarship or something? Maybe that was back when we were in the middle of a 10+ season.
Lol no way hoke did that just more crap for us
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 04:20 PM
It's never been a policy to pull a scholarship, they just don't consider that person a commit anymore. They evaluate each case individually. They're obviously going to save a spot for someone the caliber of Peppers (like they did with Dawson).
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 04:22 PM

Statement From Jabrill Peppers

I am still 100% committed to the University of Michigan and that is the place where I want to go to college. With the rumors about Coach Hoke possibly not being there I need to make sure that I have options and have seen other places in case the University of Michigan decides to go in a different direction. For the sake of my future I need to make sure I have other options. No need to look into it any further! Go Blue and beat TDS
Well, looks like we're being negative recruited.

What did Charlie Weis do in this situation?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 04:35 PM
Binge eat.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 05:11 PM
And sue his doctor and lose.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 05:12 PM
Oh he gone.....figured this was a possibility.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 05:14 PM
A guy with a .500 record at Ball State and San Diego State isn't working out. Shocking.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2013 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey
A guy with a .500 record at Ball State and San Diego State isn't working out. Shocking.
You don't say, I wanna take a poll, would you guys accept losing peppers if it meant a coaching house cleaning ? Just curious
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
