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Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Michigan Football: HARBAUGH

12-06-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
When is MSU's next best chance for a Rose Bowl given that Michigan and Ohio will be back?
I think the fact the last was was in 88 or 89 makes it obvious.

On a non troll level, are you really confident about the future AK? Recruiting hasn't gone that well for you this year and you're losing ~8 starters on offense? You guys are only 2 years removed from a sub .500 year and a lifetime of mediocrity.

Also, you guys actually have a decent second OOC games this year, plus you have to play Wisconsin. The schedule:

Boise St
@CMU - lol sparty seriously.

Michigan will have the same OOC schedule problem Alabama/ND, but instead of wisconsin we're getting Purdue and we have you guys at home next year. Michigan is going to be a solid favorite next year over MSU, maybe not over Nebraska.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
W Boise St
W @CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
L Nebraska
L bye
W @Minn

Michigan will have the same OOC schedule problem Alabama/ND, but instead of wisconsin we're getting Purdue and we have you guys at home next year. Michigan is going to be a solid favorite next year over MSU, maybe not over Nebraska.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:10 AM
No way MSU beats Boise.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:14 AM
It's pretty easy to see 6-6 with that schedule:

L Boise St
W@CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
L Nebraska
W @Minn
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It's pretty easy to see 6-6 with that schedule:

L Boise St
W@CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
L Nebraska
W @Minn

you really have MSU going 0-4 vs NEB/Boise/OSU/ND at HOME?

unlikely, that's 2-2 easily. @mich @wisc u lose, probably drop one of the Iowa/jnw/minnesota games too.

I really doubt they go 0-4 vs those teams. OSU was pretty terrible this year, and Boise beats bad teams.

No way MSU is going 10-2 and making the BIG title game though, those days are over.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:21 AM
They lose 6 on offense but that defense is pretty young.

I can see:

L Boise St
W @CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
W Nebraska
W @Minn

Legends division tiebreak coming down to that showdown October 20th.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It's pretty easy to see 6-6 with that schedule:

L Boise St
W@CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
L Nebraska
W @Minn
Delusion at its finest.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
you really have MSU going 0-4 vs NEB/Boise/OSU/ND at HOME?
No, just that it's reasonable.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 11:47 AM
Sparty's season is going to come down to how well they replace Kirk Cousins as QB.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 12:47 PM
what kinda hourly do you guys who crush 2/5 get? is 10bb/hr sustainable? my hourly @ 1/2 is $20/hr and have a meaningless sample higher.

2/5 has been softer than most 1/2 tables from my experience. There's often 1-3 tough/talented regs, but the fish are so much worse than the nit fishies @ 1/2.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
No way MSU beats Boise.
I have no idea if Boise without Moore will be any good. It's entirely possible they start to suck again.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
Sparty's season is going to come down to how well they replace Kirk Cousins as QB.
Somewhat. O line should be better and they can pound the rock
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:24 PM
My facebook feed is also full of absolute fury. Like, it hasn't even come close to slowing down. My favorite is about us not playing Wisconsin. I basically just wrote that no Sparty fans were complaining when they won a share of the Big 10 without playing OSU last year and that this stuff happens. Other than that I dare not get involved in this stuff.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Tumaterminator
what kinda hourly do you guys who crush 2/5 get? is 10bb/hr sustainable? my hourly @ 1/2 is $20/hr and have a meaningless sample higher.

2/5 has been softer than most 1/2 tables from my experience. There's often 1-3 tough/talented regs, but the fish are so much worse than the nit fishies @ 1/2.

My 2/5 winrate has been in the 30-35 range over a decent sample size. I mainly play at my local casino which usually has only 1 or 2 tables and can be kind of nitty at times. I'd say if you're really good, play in jucier games and have the ability to table select, 50/hr is not out of the question.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
I think the fact the last was was in 88 or 89 makes it obvious.
Have to correct you here because I don't want ANYONE itt to accidently make State look better than they are. Michigan went to the Rose Bowl at the end of both 88 and 89 seasons. The last time Michigan State went to a Rose Bowl was at the end of the 1965 season. Now I know some amateur historians may claim that Michigan State went to the Rose Bowl at the end of the 87 season, but they would be wrong. That season doesn't count because Michigan State CLEARLY cheated. I think the unbiased opinion of former Michigan quarterback Michael Taylor says all that needs to be said on that issue:

“I told you that clown was on steroids and their championship was tainted, that those clowns have not won anything since Bubba Smith and I told you guys that several years ago. You don’t go from 1986 and playing left tackle and giving up 5 sacks, to the next year picking the guy up and carrying him 10 yards down the field. The same guy who embarrassed you the year before is going to embarrass the same the next year. You may end up having a stalemate, but you’re not going to end up physically dominating a guy like that. And so therefore all you State fans, all you Michigan Agricultural College clowns, I told you your championship was tainted and so therefore you reap what you sow, so therefore when’s the last time you guys won a championship? Sixty years ago. Thank you.”
And more recently:

“Michigan Agricultural College clowns haven’t won anything. 1988 and 1989 were the years I started and we won back-to-back Big Ten titles without losing a game. So basically he’s off on that thing. As far as 1987 [MSU's title] was concerned, as I’ve stated before, it was tainted because there’s no way in the world humanly possible a man is going to improve to be that great over one year’s status time, so as far as I’m concerned, whining? No, I’m not going to shut up. I’m gonna keep giving it to you clowns, like I’ve always given it to you and as far as I’m concerned Michigan State hasn’t won nothing in 45 years almost 50….”

Last edited by ILOVEPOKER929; 12-06-2011 at 02:36 PM.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
It's pretty easy to see 6-6 with that schedule:

L Boise St
W@CMU - lol sparty seriously.
W Iowa
L @Michigan
L @Wisconsin
L Nebraska
W @Minn
This is literally exactly how I would guess it every single week. Michigan State is over.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:07 PM
Also one more thing about the Michigan State 1987 non-Rose Bowl season. It wasn't just Mandarich who was juicing up: "Mandarich also implicated 15 other MSU players of using steroids on the 1987 Rose Bowl team in his book, My Dirty Little Secrets—Steroids, Alcohol & God." Given that even one key player juiced up, like say Mandarich for example, can make a team a lot better than it really is, who knows how good a team can be with 15 players juiced up. Or conversely, how bad/mediocre that team would be with no players juiced up. Also (and admittingly just speculation), but given how sexy and muscley Perles looks in this photo:


There's a good chance he was on roids too.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 03:46 PM
Another point about the scheduling, in 2013/14 MSU doesn't play Wisconsin, OSU, or PSU. Yikes.

I'm going to both MSU and UMs bowl games though (and the title game), so I don't really care though. It would be hilarious to bump some facebook statuses from now in 13/14 though should some hilarity happen.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by ILOVEPOKER929
This is literally exactly how I would guess it every single week. Michigan State is over.
And this year you probably would have guessed us to go like 7-5 and your team 12-0. Just no basis in reality. MSU's defense will be stupid good next year.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:16 PM
Yeah they will be. MSU is going to have to be some kind of LSU lite next year with some massive plays on defense though since the offense loses alot. Definitely possible to ride a defense to better than 6-6, which is probably the absolute basement they could ever hit. Boise is an interesting game for sure, forgot that was on the schedule.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by NozeCandy
Yeah they will be. MSU is going to have to be some kind of LSU lite next year with some massive plays on defense though since the offense loses alot. Definitely possible to ride a defense to better than 6-6, which is probably the absolute basement they could ever hit. Boise is an interesting game for sure, forgot that was on the schedule.
I don't know about this either. They're losing 2 seniors on defense and probably are going to lose worthy as well. They are losing 3 of 4 on the interior DL.

Defense will also be under a ton more stress since the offense will most likely blow.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by AKSpartan
And this year you probably would have guessed us to go like 7-5 and your team 12-0. Just no basis in reality. MSU's defense will be stupid good next year.
I had Michigan going 9-4 overall. I didn't make a prediction on MSU. Before the season, I probably would've picked Nebraska to win the division, so MSU definitely surpassed my expectations. About next year: in today's game, losing a QB pretty close to guarantees 4 losses unless other objective conditions (weak schedule, etc) save the day. You guys actually have an extremely tough schedule imo. Losing your QB + tough schedule = 6-6/7-5 imo. I'm sticking with 6-6.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:34 PM
Forget MSU, how good will wisconsin be next year? There losing russel obviously, but wisconsin can go back to generic white guy qb and still be really good.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Forget MSU, how good will wisconsin be next year? There losing russel obviously, but wisconsin can go back to generic white guy qb and still be really good.
Since we don't play Wisconsin next year (unless in the big ten championship game) I'd rather you guys talk about this question:

"How good or bad will our defensive line be next year?"
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
12-06-2011 , 04:42 PM
Really depends on if Hoke/Mattison can make Campbell into a decent player.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
