Originally Posted by MizrachiPoker
What are your guys' thoughts on this weeks waiver pick ups? Anyone reliable or just fools gold out there?
Honestly this year, so far most of the top waiver names haven't been much to write home about. These hot names like Likely, Wicks, and Steele have been forgettable. JK Dobbins has been the best pickup so far. Hunt is doing well, but does that change when CEH comes back?
This week Bigsby is the guy I am eyeing the most. I have a team with Etienne, so having Bigsby is insurance there incase the roles change or there is injury.
Tank, Tolbert, Juju, Chandler are probably some of the top guys this week. I still much prefer wicks to all of them despite the disappointing box score last week and the drops are scary for sure
I would have the first 3 I listed in a tier above chandler