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2024 Fantasy Football Thread 2024 Fantasy Football Thread

Yesterday , 05:39 PM
Hurts is 3 in ETR

AR is 7th there, but I completely understand grabbing Chase over him. I was considering it in mine if I got a later pick

Lamar over stroud imo but it’s close
2024 Fantasy Football Thread Quote
Yesterday , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by MizrachiPoker
Really excited to find the 2024 Fantasy Football thread up and running and I'm definitely looking forward to the season! This will be my second ever season of best ball, so I'll take some lessons from last year into this one.

I will likely wait until late August to get started on drafting best ball teams because I feel that it is only hardcores and well studied drafters getting into it this early. I can't picture any casuals or recreationals drafting in May, June or July. I'm still fairly new to best ball, so I'd just like to be up against a field where I have some edge over some of the drafters. If there is any flaw in my logic here, please feel free to comment or discuss.

I plan to play on Underdog coming up and I still need to do plenty of wagering to clear the $500 bonus from my $500 initial deposit last year. I won't be returning to FanDuel and I simply cashed out all my funds from that site. It wasn't as friendly a site for drafting and I've learned that DFS games aren't my forte. I'll stick mainly the non-tournament format best ball games.

I'll still continue to listen to podcasts leading up to August, but they are mainly for entertainment as well as overall drafting strategies, as I know many player values will be fluctuating over the next three months.

On an entertaining side note, I recently discovered the best ball draft themed porn video that Adam Levitan was talking about on his podcast. I watched a bit of it and it was entertaining. They were drafting a team, and one memorable nickname they gave a player was 'Three Leg Greg' referring to Greg Dulcich LOL. I never knew he was packing heat like that and never heard him referred to that before. If you get curious about this video, you just need to Google 'best ball brunch porn' and that will do the trick.
I like drafting now mainly because it's fun to draft. I have found plenty of bad drafting going on. Today Kelce went pick 8. A guy in another league drafted 13 WR's and 4 RB's. Three of his RB's have week 14 bye's. Also, this is a good time to experiment with different roster constructions. It's also great practice for when the drafting heats up in August. You get a better feel for where players are going. You will also be more in tune with whether a player is a good or bad value. From a player exposure standpoint you might fade a player now who you think is being drafted too high and grab more of him when he falls. It's kind of like the stock market. You would like to buy low. You also have the opportunity to draft unique teams giving you leverage compared to just drafting in August.

I'm not saying it's necessarily better to draft now but there are advantages.
2024 Fantasy Football Thread Quote
Yesterday , 10:25 PM
Finally finished the slow startup draft

Think I’m happy with it. Had literally no idea what to do in the later rds, just kinda threw a bunch of **** at the wall

2024 Fantasy Football Thread Quote
Yesterday , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by MizrachiPoker
I can understand how you are trying to focus on your own team's roster construction and correlations and less focused on what other teams are doing. At the same time, I'd prefer to be in a player pool where some of the field is making some of the basic fundamental best ball mistakes. I want to face drafters who are targeting their favorite players, over/under drafting at certain positions and missing on stacking opportunities. Even if the donks are making mistakes that hurt me (reaching on Cousins when you already had London and Pitts), its likely they are are also making other errors that decrease their odds of winning or building a better team than you. I love seeing donk mistakes.

One routine I had for my best ball drafts last year was to review all of the drafted teams in a particular draft after completion. If I noticed certain drafters making glaring and obvious mistakes, it let me know whether I was in a good or bad pool of drafters. I could then target those drafts that had those bad drafters registering early.

Its good to know that some of the experienced drafters may just be degenerate gamblers who have built up experience playing other sports. In my case I'm not necessarily focusing on max volume. Ofcourse I would like a certain amount of volume to remove variance and luck and be able to show an edge vs weaker players. But that's why I'll wait until late August. I'll definitely go hard in that short amount of time, but I think it's worth doing that to face weaker competition.

Also in my personal life, I've realized that other things like my health, fitness and social interactions take much higher precendence than my poker and sports gambling habits. As fun and rewarding as poker, sports betting and fantasy can be, the returns that I've gotten have been very minimal compared to the time that I've put in. Whereas, I feel much more satisfied with the returns I've gotten on the time and effort I put into my health and fitness.

As far as my poker playing days, I think most of my profits have come from playing weaker competition made up of casuals and recs. I've never been one to have a pissing contest to let the regs know who the big man on campus is. I know there are players in the poker world who are alot more well studied than I am, so I've generally respected that and focused on the fish.
If you had London and Pitts and someone sniped Cousins it's not all bad. If Penix is somehow the guy in week 17 and London and Pitts go off that would be ideal. A mistake I see a lot of people making is being overly concerned with correlation. They reach for players. They spend too much draft capital on QB's just for the sake of correlating their WR's. It's important for sure but you don't have to force it. Just have a plan for secondary stacks and let the draft come to you.

As long as you understand how to construct a roster and have a balanced portfolio you will be competitive. August is probably the sweet spot for drafting but I can tell you there are plenty of people making plenty of mistakes right now. Every team I've looked at after the draft has made mistakes. I've made a ton of mistakes.
2024 Fantasy Football Thread Quote
Yesterday , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by jimmymcgill8
Finally finished the slow startup draft

Think I’m happy with it. Had literally no idea what to do in the later rds, just kinda threw a bunch of **** at the wall

Looks good to me !!
2024 Fantasy Football Thread Quote
