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The Squeeze Play The Squeeze Play

12-15-2008 , 08:08 AM
I understand some passive player wouldnt really have this move in their arsenal, so the question goes to the aggresive players reading..........

What kind of conditions would "you" require to pull this move off?
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-15-2008 , 08:37 AM
Assuming you're bluffing, these questions help:

1. Am I against as wide range as possible? Mainly wide range for the opener.
2. Can they fold hands they are entering the pot with (doesn't make sense the squeeze over a maniac's open raise even if it's wide)
3. Effective stacks? Closer to 100bb is usually good. If stacks are too small, people will shove over your 3-bet lighter, if they are deep, they will call IP.
4. What to do if we get 4-bet? If you're playing with someone who knows what you're doing, you should have a plan against the 4-bet.
5. Could there be more value in just calling with our hand?
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-16-2008 , 01:33 AM
it is also nice to know what % your opponent folds to 3bets and his opening range from whatever position he made the original raise from. If he folds to 3bets higher than say 75% over a decent sample, i'll reraise him a little lighter.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-16-2008 , 10:29 AM
Theres a few elements to the squeeze play that are not yet discussed.

The fist is that a proper squeeze implicates yet a third person. There is the opener, a flat caller, then our raise, which squeezes the first raiser between us and the flat caller.

Its fairly obvious that we want both players to have fairly wide ranges for their initial action, and fairly narrow calls after we push, if we are pushing with hands that are not going to have much value when called. I'm looking for the opener to be opening a fairly wide range, and the wider the 3bet range on the caller the better as well, because if he has a fairly wide 3bet range and he chooses to just call, his hand must not be very good at all. For a gut check, I'm looking for a raiser to be raising more than 12-15% of his hands, and for the flat caller to be flat calling 20-30% of the time, roughly for me to consider this. Much tighter and I wouldnt make a squeeze. Much looser and we can do it with any two cards from the big.

Stack sizes are important so that we can push allin or make a large enough 3bet to deny odds for either player to call. If I cover both, and we all have medium to large stacks in a tournament such that both can fold and still have plenty of fold equity later if they shove, than thats about perfect.

Position is important, I would rather pull this move from the big blind than the cutoff, as I have only the two in the pot as compared to the two in the pot plus three that havent looked at cards yet. As the prior poster mentioned, with many of the hands we might pull this move with, we would be profitable to just flat call from position, so usually this is an OOP move.

Of least import is my actual cards. I would rather pull the move with some non-dominated hands, or hands that might be coinflips against a call, so a hand like 65s or 44 is fairly decent for this type of move. I would not prefer to do it with say A7o or A6o, but it is about the least important variable, when making this play as a bluff.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-16-2008 , 11:24 AM
'Of least import is my actual cards. I would rather pull the move with some non-dominated hands, or hands that might be coinflips against a call, so a hand like 65s or 44 is fairly decent for this type of move. I would not prefer to do it with say A7o or A6o, but it is about the least important variable, when making this play as a bluff.'

I disagree somewhat with the hand selection here. I would rather call in the BB with 65s and 44 as we are closing the action and have hands that play well multi way.

I think that an Ace hand is a fairly decent hand to squeeze with as we have the blocker, thus removing an Ax combo from their range. Suited Junk like Q5s J8s 10/6s is good to squeeze with too as it is too weak to call with but does OK when called.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-17-2008 , 01:27 AM
the squeeze play is perfect to use in conjunction with your hud stats, i use to squeeze super light basically ATC but i think too many players these days realize that what the squeeze play is and i started getting 4bet too much, now wen i squeeze i have a much narrower range that does well against light 4bets
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-20-2008 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by shipontilt
the squeeze play is perfect to use in conjunction with your hud stats

[x] 328579252308th thread on the squeeze play

People think the squeeze is invincible. It is a good play, don't get me wrong, but to every play there is a counterplay or way to exploit it.

With the squeeze, the "back-raise" is the counter. This involves someone cold-calling the 2-bet (original raise), giving an in position player the option to squeeze. They respond by 4 betting the squeezer (usually with strong holdings). This will make the people on your left scared to 3-bet you and squeeze you.

Command the table
Ship the chips.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-21-2008 , 12:57 AM
One of my favorite spots to squeeze is where the opener has a wide range and will fold to my 3bet often, and he gets called by a loose short stack between 20-50bb with a hand that I dont mind playing for shorties stack with. I

t seems that once a shorty realizes that they are now going to have to put in half their stack to see the flop they might as well shove it in right there, and this seems to happen a lot. If the original opener is decent, he'll see how fast this pot is likely going to get out of control if he flats your 3bet making him hardpressed to continue without something he wants to play for stacks with.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-23-2008 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by Greco
' I would rather call in the BB with 65s and 44 as we are closing the action and have hands that play well multi way.

I think that an Ace hand is a fairly decent hand to squeeze with as we have the blocker, thus removing an Ax combo from their range. Suited Junk like Q5s J8s 10/6s is good to squeeze with too as it is too weak to call with but does OK when called.
I am pretty new to this forum and figuring out a lot of things... of course with a lot of help. Would someone explain to me the idea behind how Q5s J8s T6s hands play? I don't seem to understand how they are too weak to call but do ok when when we 3bet and are called.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-25-2008 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by oxomiya
I am pretty new to this forum and figuring out a lot of things... of course with a lot of help. Would someone explain to me the idea behind how Q5s J8s T6s hands play? I don't seem to understand how they are too weak to call but do ok when when we 3bet and are called.

Basically, they don't flop well enough to call and play for showdown value, when you play them your bluffing, and hoping you don't get called (or can win on the flop with a cbet). The reason for not reraising/squeezing some better hands is that they have good flop value, and your kinda wasting them by bluffing with them. The fact that they are suited gives them a tiny bit of extra value too, that if you get called, you may flop a big draw and have decent equity in the pot.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-25-2008 , 08:20 PM
Oh and also, usually when someone calls a squeeze, its with a hand that is way ahead/dominates your hand. ie. so your medium strength hand has no value, and if they fold, having a trash hand didn't matter anyway.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-25-2008 , 08:48 PM
Thanx a lot malus. Does make a lot more sense now.

The Squeeze Play Quote
12-27-2008 , 01:14 AM
The squeeze play is supposed to be used rarely. It seems like everyone is trying this move since Harrington on Hold'em came out, but Dan talked about this on the podcast for his cash game book. He said that this move is supposed to be used rarely, you should take in consideration any reads you have up to now and what your cards are. This move is extremely risky because of how popular it is, a lot of people will see this an re-raise you and you're in a tough spot. Thanks to the widespread knowledge of this play, I think this really helps TAG players because they will miss read you're hand as moderate when they're strong.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-27-2008 , 08:28 AM
I find it's most effective against TAGs when they're isolating the limper, it's fairly obvious what they're doing and their range and position isn't good enough to defend against your squeeze. It's also effective against CO and BTN stealers when there is a flat call in the SB and you're in the BB, assuming the PFR has a reasonable stealing range from the CO and BTN and the SB is just set mining.
The Squeeze Play Quote
12-30-2008 , 01:20 PM
My condition is simple: Can I profit from it? That means will he fold often enough and will it help my image in a way that will make other hands more profitable to me.

But that's pretty much how I make ever decision.
The Squeeze Play Quote
