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Correct evaluation Correct evaluation

07-15-2018 , 07:57 AM
Hi! I write from Italy and sorry for my english. I'm novice of the Poker and would to ask an opionion about a correct evaluation of the expected value and pot odds. This hand is an example for my calculations:

Sit&go remained 3 players. I'm BB and i have 8500 chips, blinds 200/400. Player BUTTON does call, SB raise 800 and i decide call with Ah3s.

BUtton player call. Flop: 2s5hJc

SB check, i check, and bottom short stack all-in 200. SB fold, POT 2600.

I have 7 outs, 3 aces and 3 four so then 7/47= 15 %=0.15 my equity

Pot-odds 2600/200= 13 = 0.13

Since my equity is greater pot odds, my decidion to call is +EV

It's right?

Thanks for your attention

Last edited by Matt94; 07-15-2018 at 08:10 AM.
Correct evaluation Quote
07-15-2018 , 08:52 AM
Assuming all your ace and four outs are clean (e.g. villain doesn't have AJ or J4), you do indeed have 7 outs, but you've got two chances to hit them: the turn and the river. Using the rule of 4 and 2, seven outs twice has about 7*4 = 28% chance of hitting.
Equilab tells me that if villain has JTo, you have 27.8% equity.

The pot lays odd of 2600:200, but that means you only need to win 200/(2600+200) to break even. 200/2800 is about 7%, which is the proportion of the final pot you'd be contributing with this call.

It's basically a snap call, because the price you're getting is incredibly cheap (7%), and you've got more than enough chance of winning (28%) to make the call.

FWIW, I would love to play in a game where the button limp-calls from a 2.5bb stack, leaving half a blind for post-flop play.

You should probably read the mathenoobics stuff in Beginner's Questions, because pot odds and outs are fairly basic, whereas this theory sub-forum is more advanced.
Correct evaluation Quote
07-15-2018 , 09:34 AM
Perfect,thanks for the explanation.
Correct evaluation Quote
