Originally Posted by Stumeister
I miss your MRT squad picture where did it go? Also, stacks infinite and NO reasonable profit? Fail
M-RT is a great thing, but the problem is that it's not a strictly scientific thing, there's no evidence, etc. Anybody can say anytime that it's just "illusionary". So you can only keep it alive and working if you very strongly believe in its potential - and that's not easy.
To be honest - I don't know anymore what to think of M-RT.
And about this PMT game - by "infinite stacks" I mean more like "unknown stacks"
I wasn't able to count by myself the correct number (4x 2 pot size raises per round), it was just too difficult, so I used the term "infinite stacks" to make the player not worry about maximum raise each time he plays a hand. So the stacks DO have their sizes although they are the same in every hand.
I'm currently working on something more simple and accessible, with multipliers 2x 5x 10x instead of Pot Limit betting. I also will try to apply a "fun factor", so that the player doesn't get bored.