Here's the correlation between "
hand type + card value" and "
time + effort + risk" explained. This is an example try from my player perspective with cards:
I take my stopwatch and press the START button (G-Shock of course). I begin with strategy that any card will be good for me as the first card. I try all deuces (lol), all threes, but I don't hit anything. But I manage to perfectly hit 4
(I press STOP => and get 09'59''50). Now I have a chance to try hitting quads fours. So I try to hit the next card (4
) at 10'59''50, but I miss. I still have a chance to hit a full house though. I try to hit 4
, but I miss again. I try 4
and still no good. Now I know that hitting a full house will be impossible. Fortunately I perfectly hit another spade card and that is 5
at 13'59''50. Good for me. I skip all other fives, because I'm crazy and I want to hit a straight flush 45678. So I try to hit 6
, but I miss. I try another card - 6
to have a straight possibility, and I hit it perfectly by pressing STOP at exactly 18'59''50. Now I have 3 cards collected: 4
. Good cards for a straight, but hitting it won't be easy, so I'll be fine if I hit three of a kind, so I try 6
. Unfortunately I miss. I skip 6
to keep the straight draw. I then miss 7
and 7
and also 7
. Now the best I can get is a pair of aces. I don't feel like waiting and I try to hit first three eights without success, I skip the last one which is 8
, because it won't give any help. Now I decide to hit absolutely anything because I must hit 5 cards and I start to run out of time. I miss everything until K
which I collect at 45'59''50. Now I have last three chances to make a pair. I hit second king and that is K
at 46'59''50.
I'm quite happy because I ended the game with a
pair of kings - 4 5 6 K K and that is a good result.
As you can see when analyzing all this, everything I tried to do was perfectly connected with the difficulty level - combos, draws, suited or connected cards or pairs. Everything fits all together just as the hand rankings do PLUS it sees the card values (!!). That's because, you're risking more and more time, you have less time left and also you have more and more cards collected.
I think that is just fantastic. A deck of 52 cards hidden within the time .......... (even if the game itself seems to be boring or too much time-consuming).