Hi everyone im just a 100NL regular but i have met with a pretty interesting situation the last week, that situation left me to think about a little 'theory' of my own. I hope u guys will respond to me with what u think about it!
Faking weakness for so called 'isolation':
Ok, we have the following situation:
We as a Hero find AA utg+1 on the CO or on the Button in a full ring game or 6 handed it does not really matter.
All that matters is, we need a shortstacked player behind us whom is pretty good, or just pushes a lot.
What happens next is utg, utg+1 or CO opens with a raise, we have got aces, which ofcourse we would usually reraise with.
But instead of reraising we now flatcall, assuming and hoping that the aggressive or regular shorty will push behind us with a lot of odds and good equity for his 10, 20 or 25 bb push. That ofcourse leaves the initial raiser to a decision in
which he will usually make the following decision: Follow up with a reraise to isolate the shortstack for good equity vs the shortstacker.
When Initial raiser does this he has already commited about 30/40% of his stack with the hand he initially raised with. This hand can ofcourse never be stronger then ours and probably is quite often not even that strong of a hand.
So now we reraise him; Villain can now ofcourse fold and then we got his 40% stack but he will probably call your reraise since he has created this situation with a lot of equity for him. This is ofcourse a great situation for you because youve got DA NUTS!
Now the downsides: What if SS behind u does not push but just calls with another caller mayb even behind him, ofcourse we dont want a 3 or 4-way pot with aces in
which we will probably get drawn out on the flop and got no clue were we stand. So this is a tough one and we gotta play our aces very carefully here and should be able to lay it down pretty easily.
This means ofcourse that we shouldnt always flatcall with aces with a shortstack behind us, we need to know hes a regular whom knows hes getting good odds
with a push or some weird pushing villain with just 20BB who is pushing with a lot of hands whenever we decide to use this 'isolation technique' too trap
an opponent.