Originally Posted by A_C_Slater
Don't you want to have a polarized range of premiums and semi-bluffs if they are only 4betting monsters and folding on flop a lot? It seems we should only want a merged value range when they are calling the flop a lot as we will have better showdown value.
A merged range means all your premiums and and very strong hands. The whole idea is that your merged range is stronger than their calling range for 3-bets, so You are technically raising for value, and stand to have the best hand most of the time. For example, you 3-bet AQ, an get called by QJ, KJ, AJ, etc...
How they play the hand post flop isnt that relevant, if they are really fit or fold player, you can make your merged range wider, but you should still 3bet a merged range.
If they fold a lot to 3-bets, then you polarize to monsters and weak hands with potential to flop a monster. Most of the time you're gonna take it down pre, so it doesn't matter what you have.