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account bonus progress "lost" account bonus progress "lost"

08-05-2011 , 07:35 PM
So I had a small bonus for 50 on my account, and I wanted to withdraw, so I asked if I could pause the bonus, I was told it was ok and I withdraw. The bonus wasnt cancelled and another bonus was awarded.
All I want is to get the bonus to merge or something, its a joke. Here is the chat I had with the representative at merge.

RPMJon: [16:23] Welcome to RPM Poker VIP Chat Support. How can I help you today?

account: [16:23] account bonus

RPMJon: [16:23] Hey there

account: [16:23] HI

[16:23] I want to know about a bonus im releasing

RPMJon: [16:24] Sure. How can I help you?

account: [16:25] I used to have one, but one day I got 2 and now im releasing the new one

[16:25] can I just get themselve to merge?

RPMJon: [16:25] You have one $50 bonus because the last one expired when you withdrew.

account: [16:26] no

[16:26] you told me that you were going to stop it and activate it again after I withdraw

[16:26] yo never told me it will expire

RPMJon: [16:26] Unfortunately the bonus expired when you withdrew.

[16:26] That is why you were credited with a new bonus.

account: [16:26] but you told me the opposite

[16:27] that you could pause it and that it would resume afterwards

RPMJon: [16:27] I apologize for the confusion. I attempted to pause it but it was canceled regardless.

[16:27] That is why you were credited with a new $50 bonus to clear.

account: [16:27] ok, so you can resolve the problem please?

RPMJon: [16:28] The bonus is currently active and you have earned points towards it.

account: [16:28] yes, but can you add the progress I had noriginally as well please

RPMJon: [16:29] Unfortunately I am unable to do that. I apologize for the inconvenience.

[16:29] We are unable to add points to the bonus in progress as this is a violation of Merge policy.

account: [16:29] ok, what can you do to solve this problem?

[16:30] its not fair to just say I messed up, I cant do anything

RPMJon: [16:30] I can assure you that your bonus is active and it will be earned at the fastest rate possible.

account: [16:30] im not worried about thast, Im asking about the progress I had earned with the original bonus

RPMJon: [16:31] Those cannot be credited together. The terms and conditions state that the bonuses cancel upon withdrawal. As a courtesy I attempted to hold the bonus for you but due to Merge policy it canceled out when you withdrew.

account: [16:32] ok, I appreciate your "courtesy" but if I knew the bonus would cancelled I would have not witthdrew

RPMJon: [16:32] Again, I apologize for that.

[16:32] Was there anything else I could help you with today?

account: [16:33] you didnt help me at all with this so you should ask if you could help me with something


I hope rpms representative can do something about it.
08-05-2011 , 07:47 PM
how much bonus had you cleared? you sure seem to have a lot of problems
08-05-2011 , 08:20 PM
at what increments do the bonuses clear? $1 or $10?
08-05-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by betty345
how much bonus had you cleared? you sure seem to have a lot of problems

Originally Posted by paul rizzo
at what increments do the bonuses clear? $1 or $10?
5 $10 increments
08-06-2011 , 03:50 AM
Trying to understand you correctly. You're mainly upset that the progress towards the next increment release was ended. Although you were given another bonus you have to start back at zero for the new bonus increment to be released?
08-06-2011 , 03:52 AM
that's the way I read it, the thread is about $7.50 of bonus he cleared, but now lost
08-06-2011 , 10:13 AM
yes, thats exactly what Im upset about.
08-06-2011 , 11:20 AM
Agreed. Merge has been a huge disappointment. I hope things change soon.
(Here are the reasons as per the bonus)

-The bonus is next to impossible to unlock.

-They decided to change the "exchange VIP points for cash rule", for rakeback players only, a month after the new American influx. (This is a double whammy & makes ZERO sense as they already punish us by the 65% rule of vip points)

-They are the only site I know of that doesn't reward partial bonus payouts upon the expiration of the bonus. i.e. If you only unlock $9.99 of the $10 increment...good bye $9.99.

These rules are tacky at best. Just another way of showing us how much they value our business. Penny wise pound foolish.

08-06-2011 , 02:15 PM
A similar thing happened to me. I hadn't cleared much of my first deposit bonus, so I asked if I could get it extended. What they did was give me a brand new first deposit for the full amount and (3) additional months to clear it.

The bonus cleared at 750 points /$10.00 released. I had cleared 650 points towards the next increment on the original bonus. However, when they gave me a new bonus, I had to start from 0 points. Sucks a little because, I certainly would have cleared the last 100 points before the first deposit expired. Overall, the additional (3) months outweighs the lost increment.
08-08-2011 , 08:24 AM
Originally Posted by betty345
that's the way I read it, the thread is about $7.50 of bonus he cleared, but now lost
But guys! That's like 2 BIs for this guy. It'll take him another MONTH just to get that far!

OP, the bonus is supposed to be cancelled when you withdraw, according to Merge. RPM was trying to work around those rules by pausing it for you, they couldn't, it got cancelled, so they credited you a whole new bonus (which, btw, starts over on the expiration date). I really don't see anything unreasonable here.
08-08-2011 , 09:33 PM
Losing progress on a bonus is frustrating, I was told there was nothing they could do about it (RPM)

Don't think there is anything to be done here, they can't change it.
08-09-2011 , 12:58 AM
They are the only site I know of that doesn't reward partial bonus payouts upon the expiration of the bonus. i.e. If you only unlock $9.99 of the $10 increment...good bye $9.99.

Huh? I've never heard of any site anywhere that does this. Stars definitely doesn't do this. Nor did FT (back when you could actually play there). When there were more sites available in the U.S. I cleared a lot of bonuses on many different sites and I have NEVER seen what you described.

you didnt help me at all with this so you should ask if you could help me with something

Being a smart-ass tool to support isn't really the best way to go about this.

Also, you didn't really "lose" $7.50. You just have to start over on that increment of the bonus. Big freaking deal. I can't imagine being bothered by this situation in the least. LOL at thinking this is a sign of RPM somehow being a bad site.
08-09-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by MicroBob
Huh? I've never heard of any site anywhere that does this. Stars definitely doesn't do this. Nor did FT (back when you could actually play there). When there were more sites available in the U.S. I cleared a lot of bonuses on many different sites and I have NEVER seen what you described.

Being a smart-ass tool to support isn't really the best way to go about this.

Also, you didn't really "lose" $7.50. You just have to start over on that increment of the bonus. Big freaking deal. I can't imagine being bothered by this situation in the least. LOL at thinking this is a sign of RPM somehow being a bad site.

why are you acting like this??? why do you have to start with the name calling?? that just says more about you than me. pretty lame from you but whatever...

from what I recall nobody asked you if this could bother you or something, if you are not contributing to the thread please move on, nobody cares if $7.5 is half BB, a buy in or your whole BR.

I never meant to say that rpm is the worst site or something alike, what I really dont like is the representative admitting that he made the error and just ignoring my request to help me in some way. as the guy from rpm on this forum (asuming he already saw this thread)
08-09-2011 , 02:10 PM
Just wanted to pop in this thread to mention that I had reviewed this chat session and RPM Jon is spot on here.

As per the bonus terms and conditions, your bonus will expire upon withdrawal. If you request us to re-issue it we'll often do it for you, but we will not issue a partially cleared increment of the bonus if you withdraw before it is cleared!
08-09-2011 , 02:30 PM
ok, I understand your policies, but what Im upset about is that:

He told me that he could do it.
After that he just said "sorry, bye (lol)"

He could have just said no if he knows what he is doing.
08-09-2011 , 06:22 PM
if any mod could change the title to account bonus PROGRESS lost it would be better. thanks
08-09-2011 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by CharlesCash
So consistent with all of my experiences with RPM support. They boast about having the best instant support and customer service, but what good is instant support if they can't provide instant information, answers, and solutions to the customers problems? There is something wrong with withdrawals right now, and instead of helping me with my very important issue. They have put me on a list and forgot about me. Do not deposit on this site. Trust me.
I once tried to withdre my whole bankroll and the transaction was delayed a couple of days more than usual. it used to be in less than a day and it took 4 days. just a BS move by them.

when I asked them why it was taking longer than usual they asked me why I was leaving. they didnt even answer my question.

dont play on rpm
08-09-2011 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by CharlesCash
So consistent with all of my experiences with RPM support. They boast about having the best instant support and customer service, but what good is instant support if they can't provide instant information, answers, and solutions to the customers problems? There is something wrong with withdrawals right now, and instead of helping me with my very important issue. They have put me on a list and forgot about me. Do not deposit on this site. Trust me.
Charles - you've posted in a few threads about your issue after we've been in touch with 'warnings' about RPM Poker. This is a sponsored support forum; we are here to help you solve your issues as quickly as we can.

I have been in contact with you over e-mail for the past few days asking for your patience while we work to resolve your particular problem. I mentioned that we were aware of a withdrawal issue that affected some users, you included.



Some matters take longer than others, and though you haven't heard from us in 48 hours, it doesn't mean we have not been working on progress for you.

As it stands, the funds you withdrew have been refunded into your player account and will be processed by check for you as a matter of priority should you decide to initiate another withdrawal.

You have my apologies for the inconvenience caused here. Please know that we're doing what we can to make sure you are able to receive your funds safely and in a timely manner. The Merge Network refuses to take unnecessary risks that may compromise the integrity of player funds, and as such, sometimes withdrawals may take a bit longer than expected. We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

RPM Seth
08-09-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by funnyman
I once tried to withdre my whole bankroll and the transaction was delayed a couple of days more than usual. it used to be in less than a day and it took 4 days. just a BS move by them.

when I asked them why it was taking longer than usual they asked me why I was leaving. they didnt even answer my question.

dont play on rpm
Rather than removing this post, I will comment that this is never a reason that a withdrawal would be delayed. Please do not be misled!
