So, in the last ~4 months I have done some chess stuff, quite a bit in the last couple/few weeks.
I finished two more chapters in the Yusupov book I'm on and then took a break from that. In February I became a dad and so my routine has changed a bit
About the same time chessable launched and for whatever reason I like using and training on it ~100000% more than via chessbase or cpt or other things. So I spent a lot of time over the last 1-2 months creating repertoires and now am studying/training them. There are about 2500 positions (not counting repeated positions which I'm trying not to train) throughout my repertoires. I got better and better at keeping the lines efficient as I went so I'm sure there are a lot of earlier lines which probably are not super valuable to know. Meh, whatever.
Also, starting at the beginning of this month I've been doing 30 tactic problems a day since I plan to play in the National Open in Las Vegas again this year with family and think that's a good way to stay sharp.
So right now daily I try to do:
30 tactic problems (not hard ones, so this isn't really calculation)
300+ chessable positions
Learn ~80-100 moves in my White repertoire since I just finished it a week or so ago but need to study all the lines before they get set for spaced repetition in chessable
I really also need to play games, probably just 15+10. The few I've played in the last month have been pretty lol. I seem to miss every tactic in The Dutch involving the a2-g8 diagonal, which is not a good look for someone who plans to play that opening, lol. I also am a bit concerned my calculation is relative crap at the moment.
Fwiw my repertoires is based on:
1. d4!
Zukertort (vs ...e6 & ...d5)
Barry Attack (vs ...g6 & ...d5)
150 Attack (vs Pirc and related stuff)
Queen Indian's Attack (vs. ...e6 and no ...d5)
Simple stuff against misc 1... and 2... lines, including vs. Benoni (just trying bypassing Benoni setups completely)
2.Bg5 vs. Dutch
1. e4 c5!
Accelerated Dragon
Double fianchetto vs. Maroczy
I spent way too long learning sidelines btw but now can accept the Wing's Gambit with confidence! lol
1.d4/Nf3/c4 f5!
Classical Dutch
Lines against gambit/Staunton type stuff
I should be a relative "expert" on all of these, at least in terms of knowing moves, within the next month. Obv I will not be some super-experienced master or anything. Even though my blitz and 15+10 play has been not great, it's not due to problems with playing a bunch of bad moves in the opening. The only opening issues I have are related to me making silly moves that fail tactically but are not really opening traps or anything.