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need a novelty vs. Najdorf need a novelty vs. Najdorf

01-01-2010 , 02:48 AM
Been playing a lot of correspondence chess on Gameknot - A lot of players use the database with the most common moves, which means I see 5. ..a6 a lot -

I'd like to find a quick way to get out of the database without hanging myself - I think I need to pick up the Alpain or Moscow (3. Bb5) - hate memorizing main line sicilian theory -

any ideas - Qf3 to dup Dire's Qb6 idea? - LOL

need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 02:58 AM
Why are you playing correspondece without a db against people who are using a db? c3 and Bb5 aren't going to solve your db troubles. If you want something totally random that will make them play moves, 2. b3, 2. Na3, 2. Nf3 d6 3. c3 ... 4. Bd3. Don't expect to have the best of it though.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
Why are you playing correspondece without a db against people who are using a db? c3 and Bb5 aren't going to solve your db troubles. If you want something totally random that will make them play moves, 2. b3, 2. Na3, 2. Nf3 d6 3. c3 ... 4. Bd3. Don't expect to have the best of it though.

This obvious
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
Why are you playing correspondece without a db against people who are using a db? c3 and Bb5 aren't going to solve your db troubles. If you want something totally random that will make them play moves, 2. b3, 2. Na3, 2. Nf3 d6 3. c3 ... 4. Bd3. Don't expect to have the best of it though.
I CAN use the database - just not eager to spend my first 20 moves in theory - guess that's the easy way - bleh
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 04:01 AM
4.Qxd4. I've had a lot of success with it.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 04:55 AM
Originally Posted by whiskeytown
I CAN use the database - just not eager to spend my first 20 moves in theory - guess that's the easy way - bleh

Have u read the book: "The road to chess improvement" by GM Alex Yermolinsky??? I think is very insightful in these topics in particular.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by XtremeUngar
Have u read the book: "The road to chess improvement" by GM Alex Yermolinsky??? I think is very insightful in these topics in particular.
Cliff notes? Or does it all come down to the: "I play theory in hopes my opponent will not."?
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 12:27 PM
Yermolinsky said, in effect, that the reason theoretical moves are theoretical is that they are good moves and the reason non-theoretical moves don't become theory is that they are weak moves. The conclusion is that if you try to avoid theory, you are giving your opponent an advantage.

Of course it's not strictly true, especially at low levels where you get people who can play the first 15 moves of a main line opening at 2600 level but the rest of the game closer to 2000 strength.

And there are degrees - I mean 2.c3 or 3.Bb5 in the Sicilian are both fully reasonable tries and slightly less theoretical than the main lines though they still have a lot of theory. But there are top players who specialize in these lines and do very well with them.

To the OP - in the Najdorf I would suggest the Be2 lines - they are more strategic so theoretical knowledge is less important
here compared to Be3 or Bg5.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 03:27 PM
Wait, so are you unhappy with the Najdorf, or are you trying to avoid open sicilians in general?

If the former, then, awww crap, I have the same problem. I play 6. Be2 but it sucks. 6. g3 or 6. h3 like Movsesian plays is interesting, hell, even 6. Rg1 is fun but they're all various attacks.

If the latter, 2. c3, 2. Nc3, 4. Qxd4, all interesting.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-01-2010 , 04:30 PM
I'm currently playing the white side of a 2. Na3 sicilian on gameknot (under the same username as here, in case you're interested). I'm honestly not sure if it's going well for me or not, but it's against a higher rated opponent, so I should expect to lose regardless.

In blitz, at least, I'm finding 2. Na3 to work well and be fun, but I generally like Gran Prix type sicilians, and I'm not sure if it's your style. If you're really interested in it and haven't already, check out the games of Zvjaganisev (or something like that). I guess you can't hope for more than an equal but unbalanced position, but it sounds like you're not getting anything out of Najdorfs anyway.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-02-2010 , 01:17 AM
added you to buddy list, ganstaman - will look at game

just sticking with a Bg5 line for now but since I play exclusively e4, I need to come up with an alternate plan of attack vs. c5 - that Alpain thread did look interesting

need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-04-2010 , 09:40 AM
I agree that you shouldn't be afraid of theory. Unless, you are below 1800 or so, in which case something like the Alapin is good.

Bg5 is death. That line is so complex. I've played Be3 for a while, but I really don't like e5 to be honest. e6 g4 is great. Any time I can play g4 I am satisfied with my life.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-04-2010 , 11:11 PM
I <3 Bg5
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-05-2010 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by whiskeytown
added you to buddy list, ganstaman - will look at game

just sticking with a Bg5 line for now but since I play exclusively e4, I need to come up with an alternate plan of attack vs. c5 - that Alpain thread did look interesting

The reason you're getting sucked into huge theory is because you're playing correspondence chess, not because of the opening. The alapin, almost every less theoretical try vs the najdorf, Bb5 lines, etc are going to require researching the theory many, many moves deep when you play correspondence chess against others with databases.
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-05-2010 , 01:35 AM
bright side is the rate I'm going I'll have the najdorf for black memorized in no time
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
01-07-2010 , 01:45 AM
I love playing Bg5 OTB.
I've had many quick wins in that line because my opponents always forget to bring the database or book with them to the board
need a novelty vs. Najdorf Quote
