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iOS Chess and Variant Chess iOS Chess and Variant Chess

04-11-2014 , 08:20 AM
Some of you may know me as the developer of the Pulsar chess program that plays chess and variants of chess or wild chess. It's been a free program for years that comes with Winboard or Xboard 4.7 and can still be had that way. I have ported Pulsar to iPhone/iPad(Universal app) that is a chess playing program for chess and five variants of chess: crazyhouse, atomic, loser's, giveaway, and three checks.

For my 17th birthday i got fidelity excellence rated 2000 USCF it said on the box. This was a chess board computer with real pieces. What i don't typically say was the first night i got it i could not beat it(and i was playing on its default level , 6, with 15 seconds per move). Me and my brother had first looked at this program/electronic device at Toys-R-Us and it was around 86 bucks but I wasn't convinced! 2000 was strong enough( i was not rated) so we drove to San Francisco and looked in a game store at fidelity super excellence, twice as much and 2100. After all this we got back late but after an hour of losing in my first experience playing a chess program I went to bed depressed that night but the next morning started at level 1 and did beat it.

Well PulsarChess i wanted to be like my first playing program. There is a new game chooser on the game menu ( lower left) in app, and you can pick from it's variants (comes with chess, atomic , loser's and crazyhouse with no restrictions. Three Checks, and giveaway are part of the wild bundle 1 in app purchase). You can also pick difficulty levels in chess and all variants from easy to hard. Also no adds.

If you have an iPad or iPhone/iPod and want to finally play some wild chess like crazyhouse against a computer on the mobile device, try it out. App name is: PulsarChess and the US app store link(i believe this will still work for others) is

I've posted here before on two plus two about my Lantern Chess software to connect to ICC which is free. I'll be around to answer any questions and if you don't have an iOS device or just want to talk about any aspect of this post instead such as your first chess program or your favorite chess programs or wild chess/variant chess and mobile chess period from Android to iOS, feel free to respond on that.

iOS Chess and Variant Chess Quote
