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how to implement chess puzzle in a website how to implement chess puzzle in a website

11-23-2009 , 04:25 AM
we are developing a chess game site and we wnat to add a feature of chess puzzle which should be change daily..
so plz give some idea how to achieve that...
how to implement chess puzzle in a website Quote
11-23-2009 , 08:20 AM
Well what you could do is find some chess puzzles, upload them to your domain and let the website display another one every day. Or you could hide the puzzle in chocolate eggs, which you sell on your website. You could also make an interactive puzzle in which a wrong move would cause a weeklong ban from your site. What might be an even better idea is to import a chinese grandmaster who is also a master of arts and a ninja to create a stealthy, deadly but aestethically pleasing puzzle which is impossible to solve and leave it on there forever till someone solves it, this guy would then get a golden chocolate egg.
Hope this helps.
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11-23-2009 , 10:02 PM
ChessVideos.TV has a Chess Puzzle Creator which you can use to generate the puzzles. A lot of schools use it to generate puzzles and then give the links to their students to try and solve. I think there might be a feature to embed the puzzle in your website in there too.
how to implement chess puzzle in a website Quote
11-24-2009 , 06:18 PM
Get or create a database of chess puzzles in FEN.

Get or write an FEN to HTML table diagram converter in whatever language is appropriate for your site (It's easy, I wrote one in perl in about an hour or so).

Connect the two together, along with some method for picking a puzzle from the database (such as by date), and place it on your page.

This is really trivial for someone who knows how to code for websites.
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