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help me close the deal (warning: noob) help me close the deal (warning: noob)

05-15-2009 , 08:30 PM
i should preface this by saying i'm not sure if this is the way this forum is usually used. in general it seems most of the threads are more about general chess discussion about openings, theory, etc. i don't see many people posting specific positions and asking advice, like they do with hands in the poker forums.

anyway, i'm a low-level player looking to improve. if the answer here is painfully obvious, feel free to let me know.

i wasn't sure how to push my edge here. only up a pawn, but i love my position. what's the right play here and why?

in the game i went ...Re3 threatening mate on e1, but he defended Rc1 and my attack stalled


Last edited by lolasthma; 05-15-2009 at 08:53 PM. Reason: mixed up notation
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-15-2009 , 08:38 PM

I believe f3 is completely winning.

What can he do?

help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-15-2009 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by JoshK

I believe f3 is completely winning.

What can he do?

Can't white just play Bxf3?
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-15-2009 , 10:08 PM
yeah i'm dumb not sure what i saw.
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-15-2009 , 10:21 PM
Is this supposed to be all spoilers? Ok.

White is pretty tied down at the moment. Kings are strong pieces in the endgame. Therefore, I would play ...Ke5, getting my king over to help win a few queenside pawns. If that succeeds, then maybe the extra pawns can count. But with opposite colored bishops, I wouldn't be too surprised if it still led to a draw.

I know this is rather shallow, 1 ply analysis. But nothing looks immediately deadly, so getting aggressive with the king seems like a good general idea.
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-15-2009 , 10:44 PM
Disclaimer: I'm only about 1700-1800 rated.

You need to mobilise your king on the Q-side. Neither side will be able to make headway on the K-side where the pawns are on the same color as the bishops. Play Ke5 immediately. If Re2+, Be3 looks good. If Ke2, just play Kd4. Now white is pretty locked down. If the bishop ever drops back to do anything, you will break through on the K-side. You have time to play h6 to remove possible forks or whatever (the immediate fork is met with a check of course). White is pretty helpless. At some point Rc3 will allow your king to march into the Q-side and start carving it up.
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-16-2009 , 11:09 AM
Try to view the position as more than just immediate moves and threats.

Here you have a huge advantage simply because his king is stuck in the corner forever as long as you don't let him out. So you are basically playing with an extra piece. Your goal shouldn't be to mate him, that's not going to happen unless he blunders very badly. Your goal in this position should be:

1. Make sure his king never escapes the corner. This is your big advantage here. This position would be a pretty straight forward draw if his king could get free.

2. Create a passed pawn on the queenside by utilizing your 'extra piece'. You need some extra dynamic to finish the game. This seems to be the easiest way to add that dynamic.

3. Avoid trading rooks until you've achieved a decisive advantage. This position is extremely drawish without the rooks on board.

So as a first move, I like Re3. The idea isn't to threaten mate, it's to stop his king from getting free. The mate threat's just a nice bonus. After Rc1 then you need to go to phase 2 of the victory plan. The most clear route to this seems to be to simply start bringing your king over to the queenside with Ke5/etc. He will be unable to defend against this.
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
05-16-2009 , 04:27 PM
thanks for the feedback all, much appreciated
help me close the deal (warning: noob) Quote
