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05-25-2009 , 06:23 AM

Chess in the movies and on television – how often we have seen fleeting snippets or thematic scenes. But now an Italian chess fan has put together a large number of them as four "rhapsodies", elegantly edited and set to music. They run, in chronological order, from 1925 to 2008. The music, truly beautiful, is by the exceptional Croatian pianist Maksim Mrvica. Take the time to enjoy this treat.

Check them out they're pretty cool.

I also have a question regarding the 2nd Rhapsody at 2:47-2:53 in the video. I see Sly Stallone playing chess on a computer and "1980 and 1981" on the screen but I have no idea what movie that is from.

Does anyone know which Stallone movie that is?

05-25-2009 , 07:56 AM
In the german magazine "Karl" 1-2 months ago was an article about chess in movies, they had reconstructed chess games from movies like "Casablanca", "Independence Day" (lol) or Harry Potter. I don't remember anything with Stallone though.
