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Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area

10-30-2010 , 02:54 AM
The Boylston Chess Club was established in Boston in 1919. Though, I believe it informally existed for many years prior to that.

For about a century, it's been one of the few U.S. chess clubs which has maintained physical premises, a vast chess library, and other chess resouces in order to promote the game and build a chess community. In addition to offering tournament play, the BCC offers lessons, especially for kids, lectures, and access to local masters in additon to the aforementioned library.

However, the club has never been a place you could call elegant. The club has always slogged from month-to-month to pay it's rent and other bills with the revenues which come from membership fees and tournaments.

The club has always been run by volunteers, including myself who served as a board member for several years and as President for one year.

The current President and Borad of Directors are exploring an idea to expand the club significantly. The basic model they seem to have in mind is the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis.

After discussing the idea with banks, it was determined that the club's projected cash flow would allow them to purchase the needed facilities if they can provide a $50,000 down payment. Of course, the club doesn't currently have $50,000.

But, they're looking for people who do.

Boylston Chess Foundation Looking for a Permanent Home

A couple of months ago at the BCF Board meeting Carey Theil gave a presentation discussing the exploration of the option to purchase condo office space for the club. Working with Clerk Charles Riordan, President Jason Rihel, with input from Treasurer Bob Oresick they defined the parameters/model upon which the BCF could obtain a mortgage to purchase its own space. For the first time ever, this out of the box thinking defines what is needed to own the box. These guys contacted banks that specialize in loans to non profits and determined that given our current cash flow plus a $50,000 down payment we could give the BCF a permanent home. After some brainstorming during the meeting we tabled discussion to reflect on this lofty but achievable possibility of coming up with $50K.

So the BCF is looking for a many small benefactors, a few good benefactors, or one great benefactor, or all of the above. If you are writing your kids out of the will, remember the BCF. If you don't need $50k for thirty or forty years, remember us. If you are buds with Bill Gates and Warren Buffet please drop them a hint. Perhaps the board should instruct Bob Oresick to purchase one Megabucks ticket every week thus creating hope that someday we might have our own chess digs.

What are your suggestions in achieving this lofty goal? What Megabucks number should we play? Please Comment. Thank You. Mike Griffin

(Jason Rihel wishes Boylston could have a spot like the St. Louis club. Our historic club, one of the oldest in the nation, deserves it. We are part of the sports and arts culture of Boston and should be marketed as such).
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-30-2010 , 11:45 AM
Well that expansion would be amazing. I've played at the Bolyston Club, it's a hole in the wall. It was sad to me, because it has such a prestigious reputation yet exists in what essentially is a closet in some random building with rooms to rent.

The St. Louis club is the most beautiful thing ever. I've been there too and it was a great experience, but WHY is such a wonderful establishment WASTED in St. Louis? Chess needs something like that in the Northeast corridor. The one in St. Louis essentially exists due to donations, and if it can happen there it can happen in Boston.
....And if I ever win the World Series of Poker I'll gladly donate the 50k
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-30-2010 , 07:00 PM
50k sounds like a steal, to be honest
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-31-2010 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
Well that expansion would be amazing. I've played at the Bolyston Club, it's a hole in the wall. It was sad to me, because it has such a prestigious reputation yet exists in what essentially is a closet in some random building with rooms to rent.

The St. Louis club is the most beautiful thing ever. I've been there too and it was a great experience, but WHY is such a wonderful establishment WASTED in St. Louis? Chess needs something like that in the Northeast corridor. The one in St. Louis essentially exists due to donations, and if it can happen there it can happen in Boston.
....And if I ever win the World Series of Poker I'll gladly donate the 50k
Is this post legally binding or does the wink cancel it's legality?

All the best with your search for donations!

This sounds like a great idea.
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-31-2010 , 08:28 PM
If only there were some boston chessplayer that has made millions of dollars in poker......
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-31-2010 , 09:20 PM
who was associated with twoplustwo......
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
10-31-2010 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by cashgomer
If only there were some boston chessplayer that has made millions of dollars in poker......
It was cool seeing his name on the plaque as a former champion of the club. What a talented individual.
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
11-01-2010 , 01:17 AM
who he is for godsake...
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
11-01-2010 , 02:14 AM
This would be nice but remember St. Louis has this rich guy who is just paying for everything. They are paying Ben and Hikaru a salary to just be there. Maybe something similar to what Dean Ippilito started down in New Jersey is possible in the Boston area, but what St. Louis has is close to impossible without a rich person donating huge amounts of $$.

I agree the BCC isn't the nicest place, but even worse is the parking to get here. Thank god I only go there for the USCL matches and don't have to feed the meters every 2 hours.
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
11-01-2010 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by frappeboy
This would be nice but remember St. Louis has this rich guy who is just paying for everything. They are paying Ben and Hikaru a salary to just be there. Maybe something similar to what Dean Ippilito started down in New Jersey is possible in the Boston area, but what St. Louis has is close to impossible without a rich person donating huge amounts of $$.

I agree the BCC isn't the nicest place, but even worse is the parking to get here. Thank god I only go there for the USCL matches and don't have to feed the meters every 2 hours.

The parking situation is such a lol. For anyone who hasn't seen this it's 1 quarter per 15 MINUTES and you can only put 4 hours worth in at a time. For an all-day tournament this is an absolute nightmare. You need to literally have like 30+ quarters on you to get through it. That's if you can even find a space.

This being said, if the Northeast were to get a World Class Chess Center like St. Louis, it could realistically only be in NY, Boston, or Philadelphia and Boston probably has the best parking situation of the 3. I'd think the club would have to be moves out of Somerville and more INTO the city. That way it could be accessible to residents via the T, and outsiders could just find a parking garage or something that actually has room. Or you could pull int outsider/tourist chess people that are there for a trip or whatever. I wanted to go there once just to go there, but I can't imagine myself EVER going there again given its current location. But if it was in Boston maybe. (Idk if Sommerville is 'technically' Boston or whatever, but c'mon it's not really)

On a related note. I heard they were thinking about putting a chess center in place of that Mosque they were supposed to built in NYC near the WTC location. Was that supposed to be a St. Louis equivalent? Anyone know anything about that?, might this still happen? NYC would obviously be even awesomer!
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
11-05-2010 , 02:39 PM
This may be a dumb question, but has anyone contacted MIT or Harvard?
Attempt to Build Non-Profit First Class Chess Center in Boston Area Quote
