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02-14-2014 , 05:50 AM
Hi all

I've been lurking a bit here. Just picked up chess, learned to move my pieces about 6 months ago.

So I have an awful lot to learn. One of the more fun ways to do this is going over the games here and reading everyone's thoughts on the positions.

How about a game where we gang up on the strongest player here?
We'll have a team captain who posts the positions after we agree on the move after heavy discussions

What do you guys think?
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02-14-2014 , 08:15 AM
If you search through these forums you'll see a few "malkovich" chess games, where both players post their thoughts in
spoiler tags
through out the game.

These games tend to drag on for a long time and never get finished. But if you read the ones already posted, you'll probably learn something from it.
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02-14-2014 , 10:12 AM
We have quite a few strong players here, and noone who just completely up and away outclasses everyone else. I'd be surprised if any of our top players would feel comfortable taking on the entire rest of the forum. Too imbalanced towards the group, probably.
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02-14-2014 , 11:26 AM
If you are a beginner, the truth is that the way to get better is to solve a lot of tactical puzzles. It is not wrong to have some strategic ideas, too, but let's say up to 1600, tactics dominates everything. You don't need to have good ideas if you are a knight or more up und usually in beginner games there are blunders that will loose material often.
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