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2+2 Chess Team ( 2+2 Chess Team (

09-06-2014 , 05:52 AM
When I was testing out the Dmitri Komarov plug-in on lichess, I played a blitz game with one of the weaker Stockfishes. I played 10. Ng5 while thinking about a similar offering of a piece (h-file clearance, convergence on g7) in one of your correspondence games. So that makes you influential.

It's not the strongest move (due to 10.-f5) but by blitz standards it's good enough.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-06-2014 , 06:58 AM
Yeah, the problem with h-file clearance is that the intention is too obvious to opponents and they usually correctly decline such sacs.

Btw, the Komarov plugin works fine with, so I didn't even need an account to test it The sound levels of bits of its commentary are terribly far apart, though; I'll try to see if normalisation of the sound files is possible.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-06-2014 , 08:56 AM
Hmm, I'm reading the annotations now. You are a lot more liberal with exclamation marks than I am.

"19.-Bd4+ 20. Kf1 (20. Kh1?? Rxh2+)" is how I would have marked that sequence. Likewise "(24.-Rg1+)".

Hahaha, you're being silly with some of the double-?s. "26.-Rxa1??"?
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-06-2014 , 10:16 AM
I've also got good news, I haven't timed out yet (And just made another move because I saw this thread bumped)
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-06-2014 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Rei Ayanami
"19.-Bd4+ 20. Kf1 (20. Kh1?? Rxh2+)" is how I would have marked that sequence. Likewise "(24.-Rg1+)".
I can understand why the Bd4 and the Rxh2+ aren't even '!' (they're way too obvious), but can't the Rg1+ have at least one exclam? You're sounding as if you'd see it in a bullet game; you're killing me

My usage of marks is naturally closer to the way computers do it, i.e. when the eval jumps from -1 to -7 after Black's move, I give '??' to White's preceding move; and in general, I give at least one exclam to a move (even if it's evident) whenever the previous move of the opponent is a subtle (not blatant piece-hanging) blunder (because an exploit of such a blunder usually still has to be found).
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-06-2014 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
... but can't the Rg1+ have at least one exclam? You're sounding as if you'd see it in a bullet game; you're killing me
Okay sure. One it is.

I use exclamation marks like Dvoretsky and Yusupov do. The recipients of !!'s are predominantly subtle moves based on profound ideas, or truly ultra-sick tactics. ??'s are losing (or draw-surrendering) blunders that are above a certain threshold of egregiousness.

I don't understand strategy and positional play well enough to award the mixed marks (!? and ?!) as freely as they do -- usually to moves that wouldn't ordinarily strike me as noteworthy.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-08-2014 , 11:32 AM
joined the group - saksdal
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-08-2014 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
joined the group - saksdal
Welcome aBoard!

Think Im 8-0 in group matches now.

2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-09-2014 , 04:50 PM
got totally smoked by Rei in a unrated game, reminded me again why I don't like playing the 9.Bg5 Tarrasch as White
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
09-09-2014 , 08:04 PM
Rei is the dark knight of 2+2 chess
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
11-26-2014 , 06:37 AM
Thanks to the group administration for opening the 'Movember match' vs Hajduk Split (Split is a sea resort city in Croatia, and Hajduk, pronounced as 'Hidook, is its sports club).

Sadly enough, I took no selfie on the 1st, on the rare occasion when I had merely 3-day facial hair, so there's no sense in keeping my beard till the end of the month, I'll probably trim it off today if I find enough bravery for that

Last edited by coon74; 11-26-2014 at 06:51 AM. Reason: typo
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
11-29-2014 , 01:32 AM
Oops, the Hajduk fans have brought a few strong players in, we need all our beasts to register to balance the teams out
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
11-29-2014 , 01:48 AM
Yes, please push me down against some 1600s.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-01-2014 , 07:40 AM
Well, only ganstaman has joined us since then (thanks for that!), but facing someone ~100 points higher isn't the worst possible scenario, is it? The 1784 opponent is still very beatable (A funny thing is that he has the same name as the head of studies in my last high school!)

As for me, when I saw the message about the match start, my hand reflexively played 1. Nf3 (I had been studying it for a few hours in the morning for other games), forgetting about my intention to play the opponent-specific 3. f3 anti-Grünfeld; it's hard to break the habit , so this opponent of mine will face other opening tweaks instead. He seems strong (underrated?) enough to reach the endgame with at least equality, though.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-12-2014 , 01:40 AM
not going to well for us so far!
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-12-2014 , 06:38 AM
Yeah, sorry, folks, for making the match 0-7 and hence lost , I went too far in my calculations and transposed moves in the line I was thinking about (first the bishop somewhere like g4 and then Rd8) and didn't notice that the move order matters and the bishop was hanging in an otherwise won endgame Besides, I was kinda unlucky with my king's position, that it was subject to the fork; I saw the fork coming just after I hung the bishop, but made one more (conditional = 'confident') move for a swindle attempt, instead of insta-resigning.

Nevertheless, I think the premiere of the Basman (Nh6-f7) Leningrad Dutch (named after IM Michael John Basman, better known as the biggest exponent of the Grob) went OK. I mean, objectively, Black's position is badish in the middlegame, and it's really anti-thematic because the typical grip on e4 is missing, giving room to a better control of e5, but it's compensated by the surprise effect, that opponents seldom know what plan to come up with to break the fortress down (in this game, it was the Nc3-b5xa7-c6 spew).

One of the main purposes of placing the knight on f7 is giving power to the 'Sniper' g7 bishop, which should have killed White in the end because he was overloaded and couldn't take care of the hanging b2 pawn. (Needless to say, my attention was drawn to this setup exactly because it looks like an improved Dzindzi-Indian, without giving dark squares up.)

Last edited by coon74; 12-12-2014 at 06:54 AM.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-13-2014 , 12:56 AM
i won a game WOOOOOO
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-13-2014 , 05:09 AM
Congrats! Let me not **** my White one up...
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-13-2014 , 06:54 AM
I didn't, the score is now 2-7. Brag: that was the first time someone played a conditional move into me at

I'm rather unhappy by my plan after move 11, should have played a normal developing move like Nc3 or Nd2-f3. My 12. Qb3 disabled the pawn storm opportunity, which woulda been the nuts with opposite-side castles after the opponent handed me such a tremendous centre.

16. Na3 (with the idea to keep the c-file and the 3rd rank open) didn't quite work; 16. Nc3 a better option.

In the endgame, I missed a neat trick 42. Ra6 (threatening Ra5+) Kb5 43. Rd6 winning a tempo in comparison with the game move and hence a pawn.

Last edited by coon74; 12-13-2014 at 07:11 AM.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
12-21-2014 , 07:04 PM
in wlrs's game


was 18. Rxg4 very strong?

fxg4 Bxg6 looks no fun for Black, so he has to try 18...b4, overprotecting the f5 square so that ...Bf5 becomes a motif. 19. Rgh4 (19. d5!? looks cute but it opens the c-file so White's queen gets driven off c2: 19...cxd5 20. N3e2 Rac8) 19...bxc3 20. Rxh7 it seems suicidal to allow this but maybe not? after 20...Rab8 I don't see a breakthrough for White.

separately I had expected 16. e4, it's probably not even a pawn sacrifice
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:08 PM
in wlrs's game

I guess White is just winning now after e5, looks like 18. e4! was even stronger than 18. Rxg4!?

it's hard to believe White has an advantage out of the opening here on move 12 or so, but I'm not sure where Black should improve. First I thought 14...c5 is a positionally correct move, softening up the centre before attacking on the wing, but it seems to run into 15. d5! and tactics. Then 14....Nd5 looking for simplification but 15. Nxd5 Bxd5 16. f3 and White's dreams of expanding in the centre or attacking on the kingside are still alive. Maybe 15...cxd5 is possible there, lol bad bishop.

in my game
I like to feel I played this like Morphy but actually it was my opponent who played like a Morphy victim. Incredible dedication to not developing his pieces. I think I was worse at one point. I won't comment on it further since the game is still ongoing -- not sure if he is intending to play on to mate
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
01-04-2015 , 06:24 PM
Just blundered my bishop in the 960 game, lol. On the 2nd move too!
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
01-05-2015 , 12:03 AM
Wow, lost both games fast.

I hate knights!
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
01-09-2015 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Aksdal
i won a game WOOOOOO
I won my other game too woooo

close match now
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
01-10-2015 , 12:34 AM
Great job, big wins Aksdal!

It's probably not a good thing that you need me to go 2-0 to tie this up.

Then again, the fact that it's been over a month and I haven't timed out is a good thing.

Pretty telling that the only matches left are 3 on the top 2 boards and then my game.
2+2 Chess Team ( Quote
