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Misc Fun stuff.... Misc Fun stuff....

07-03-2009 , 08:41 PM
From my old pre-poker backgammon this is a long time ago.

Don't even remember where I got it, although Phil Simborg was probably involved...

Induced Dysfunction Through Simulated Gaming

Andreas Schneider, MD
Kit Woolsey, MD
Marius Loner, PhD

Over a three year period, a team of researchers has investigated the use of
applied frustration as a means of inducing various levels of dysfunction. An
experiment on several thousand test subjects has yielded a wide range of
observed results, including paranoia, schizophrenia, senile dementia, acute
sociopathy, clinical depression, generalized rage, and a variety of
psychosomatic manifestations including boils, hair loss and impotence.

The effectiveness of the experimental design greatly exceeded the expectations
of the research team. And as a side effect, this experiment has generated a
significant supply of long-term clinical subjects for further study, both in
institutional settings and through covert observation.

Note: This experiment has been conducted on subjects unaware of their
participation, either as "targets" or controls. The ethical issues involved
were deemed insignificant compared to the expected utility of the findings.
Legal issues have been addressed by locating the experiment in "cyberspace" - a
virtual location of questionable existence and much jurisdictional confusion,
as well as through the use of corporate shell structures in several
accommodating nations. However, neither the research team nor its funding
sponsors, whose identity must remain anonymous, are insensitive to the impact
the experiment has had on many of its subjects. Arrangements for long-term care
have been made for those subjects too severely damaged to care for themselves,
and who are not already incarcerated.

Experimental Design:

The primary tool used by the research team involved a game known as
"backgammon" which consists of a simple set of rules governing the movement of
two opposing sets of checkers around a game board. The game is primarily a game
of luck, and it is this characteristic which established its suitability for
experimental use - it was noted that, in an effort to rationalize, on a
personal level, the workings of chance, players typically subscribed to an
increasingly complicated, arcane, and at times incoherent, series of strategic
analyses. Thus, it can be seen that backgammon appeals primarily to
dysfunctional personality types, and a large population of adequate test
subjects was assured.

Both for the legal reasons mentioned above, and to overcome the physical
difficulties of getting enough test subjects together to play backgammon on a
regular basis, a "virtual game room" (FIBS) was established on the InterNet,
and several host programs were developed: FIBS Host, which provided the basic
game environment; FIBS X, which provided either pre-determined or directed dice
rolls to experimental "targets"; FIBS Observer, which monitored, logged, and
evaluated behavior of experimental "targets"; And FIBS Director, which provided
researchers with the ability to intervene covertly into on-going games, as well
as to choose and designate targets. In order to attract subjects to the
experiment, several outstanding programmers were contracted to develop
front-end graphical user interfaces for a variety of platforms.

In addition to the playing of the game itself, subject interaction was
encouraged through the provision of secondary communication channels, such as
the ability to "shout", "tell" and "kibitz", as well as to view other players'
matches. This capability provided researchers with excellent means of both
observation and intervention.

A reward stimulus was provided through the award of points for successful
performance in matches. The award formula was designed to be both confusing and
controversial to most players, and, as expected, a structure of social status
soon emerged based on the player's ability to gather points and establish a
"rating". This structure was a point of heavy intervention by the research

Additionally, a UseNet newsgroup,, was utilized by
researchers, both as a means of direct intervention and as a source of much
useful observation.

Players were assigned either to a control group or designated as "targets".
This was usually done on a random basis when a player registered to use the
server, but on occasion, a player's status would be modified, usually to
"target", particularly when social behavior such as "shouting" or the selection
of an unusual username suggested potential dysfunction. For the purpose of this
experiment, a control group size of 25% of the total population was deemed

The control group was allowed to play the normal game of backgammon, subject
only to the general stimuli provided by the research team through the FIBS
environment. This was not, however, inconsequential - the ambient frustration
level, as a result of both natural factors and those induced by researchers,
but not related to the game itself, probably accounted for some significant
dysfunction among the control group population. However, we have previously
noted that backgammon players as a group tend toward the dysfunctional anyhow.

The "target" group were subjected to a variety of stimuli, all designed to
maximize frustration. These were applied on an individual basis wherever
possible, an approach made possible only by the significant level of funding
provided by our sponsor, which ensured adequate staffing of the research team.

Stimuli available to researchers included the following:


Pre-programmed long sequences - designed to provide a variety of experiences
affecting "ratings", such as the long-term slump, the seemingly undeserved high
rating, and major swings both upward and downward. Applied randomly or

Pre-programmed short sequences - designed to maximize short-term frustration
of "targets" by provision of poor rolls by "target" or excellent rolls by
opponent in particular matches. The most effective of these sequences is the
rolling of doubles, particularly 6-6, when the player is "on the bar", or a
series of doubles rolled by the opponent in critical situations. Applied when
deemed useful.

Direct intervention - used by researchers when observing particular "targets",
particularly those about to crack, similar in nature to the short sequences


Induced lag - operates in either a programmed mode, as either a generalized
means of increasing ambient frustration or whenever a significant number of
matches are coming to simultaneous conclusions, or through direct intervention,
at critical moments in a "target" match.

Induced connection loss - the involuntary severing of a player's connection,
usually in circumstances similar to the induced lag above. It has been used
effectively in certain cases to operate on a "target" only when he is losing a
match, thus making him appear to cheat.

"Server crashes" - similar to induced connection loss, this stimulus has the
ability to erase recently played matches, and can thus be a substantial source
of frustration, particularly when cleverly combined with previous direct
intervention leading to a miraculous match win.

Noise* - use of the shout function, often by researchers (all of whom fulfill
a role as registered players), to sow discontent, create controversy, or
display generally annoying behavior. Recent improvements in this area include
the playing of a variety of verbal games, such as trivia and oodles.

Harassment* - use of the shout, tell, and kibitz functions, often by
researchers, to direct specific abusive stimuli at "targets". Very effective.

*The research team has found that it needs very little active intervention in
these two areas - the test subjects have proven very adequate and inventive in
providing such stimuli on their own.

Confusion - a variety of stimuli, including the frequent posting to of complicated game position and strategy discussions,
utilizing obscure and often irrational arguments designed to bewilder those
seeking to understand their FIBS experience. Additionally, researchers
frequently plant suggestions that the FIBS experience is "unfair' for a variety
of reasons, and follow-up with vigorous argument on both sides of each issue,
thus enhancing general paranoia and discontent.

Preliminary Results:

While this experiment remains on-going (indeed, the clinical consequences will
employ an army of psychiatrists, therapists, and mental health workers for
decades), preliminary results have been tabulated, as follows:

"Target" Group - 87% of the 2134 "target" group subjects, some 1857
individuals, manifested dysfunctional behavior that can be directly related to
the FIBS experience. Of this group, 65%, or 1207 individuals, were categorized
as severely affected. While only 14%, or 260, have been institutionalized to
date, that figure can only grow with time. Of more clinical concern are those
individuals who, while severely affected, have developed coping mechanisms
which assist them in avoiding institutionalization, but who remain menaces to
society - ticking bombs, as it were. Follow-up covert on-site observation is
indicated in almost all "target" group subjects, both for research and public
safety reasons.

Control Group - 79% of the control group, or 551 individuals, manifested
FIBS-related dysfunction. Interestingly, 88% were categorized as severe, a much
higher percentage than the "target" group. The researchers are re-examining
their experimental design, and are concentrating initial efforts on the
abnormal psychology of the average backgammon player.

Further Research:

This experiment has generated a plethora of opportunities for further research,
including a substantial number of clinical case studies (see "The Strange Case
of R., Journal of Clinical Psychology, August, 1995), application of findings
to other gaming and non-gaming environments, refinement of covert observation
methodologies, and others too numerous to mention in this abstract, but covered
fully in the complete publication. Funding interest for additional research
from various governments and private concerns is expected to be substantial
following full publication of results.

Unfortunately, full publication is expected to reveal the nature of this
experiment to both the public, and of more concern, its subjects. Consequently,
for the safety of the research team, this phase of the experiment will have to
be concluded, and the apparatus, including the FIBS server, shut down. The
research team will assume new identities and relocate, in order to continue its
long-term, in-depth covert observation of the entire 2845 participants in this
study. Follow-up results will be published periodically.

Misc Fun stuff.... Quote
07-03-2009 , 09:41 PM
started to read, but then got over it

edit: read most of it.. the "results" seem kinda trivial? people got really tilted when frustrating things happened?

Last edited by djk123; 07-03-2009 at 09:47 PM.
Misc Fun stuff.... Quote
07-04-2009 , 03:18 AM
FFS man tl;dr
Misc Fun stuff.... Quote
07-04-2009 , 02:47 PM
Pretty funny.
Misc Fun stuff.... Quote
